
Engaged In Spiritual Battle

I am weary. I am weak. I am worn. But I stand.


Having done all to stand, I still stand. It seems as if I’ve been in an ongoing spiritual battle. Perhaps the battle has been underway for a very long time. Perhaps I’m just coming to the realization of what’s been going on. I thank the Lord that He has given me greater sensitivity, “eye to see” and “ears to hear” what He is doing in the earth. The rate at which he’s been revealing has been accelerated and I stand in awe that He longs to show me great and mighty things. Though being a recipient of these revealed mysteries has not been without a fight.


At every turn it seems as if plans have been thwarted, dreams have been obliterated, and relationships fractured. But God…I stand on his word and I stand on His promise that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. They may form, and they may even try to take root, but they will not prosper.


My General, my Commander is Jehovah Sabaoth, The Lord of Hosts. He is the head and has all sovereignty in heaven and on earth. And He goes before me in battle. Radiant in all His glory He leads us into battle.


Who is the King of glory?

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies—

he is the King of glory.

Psalm 24:10


What He’s shown me is He is simply looking for you! Yes you. His eyes are looking on the earth for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. Friend as we worship, we fall in line, right behind Jehovah Sabaoth. He is flanked by angels and believers of times past. His army is ever growing. And while it appears that the enemy has an even larger army with more powerful weaponry, He wants you to open your spiritual eyes so that you can SEE.


So he answered, “Do not fear,

for those who are with us are

more than those who are with

them.” And Elisha prayed, and

said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes

that he may see.” Then the Lord

opened the eyes of the young man,

and he saw. And behold, the mountain

was full of horses and chariots of fire

all around Elisha.

2 Kings 6:16-17


And how do you open your spiritual eyes to see this reality, His reality? Through worship.


Thank you God for opening my eyes to see so that I do not have to fear. Friend, neither do you have to fear. Just be strong and courageous.


In the midst of battle last week, I called a friend to pray. Having other strong believers to unite with in prayer is crucial. And while we were connected physically on the phone, we were both filled with an immense awareness of the mighty moves that were taking place as our spirits connected. My friend told me to “Stand and Watch. Stand and Watch”. And just today, another friend, without prior knowledge of last week’s conversation sent me precisely the word applicable to my current situation. Which also happened to be a RIGHT ON TIME word for a different friend with whom I had been praying just earlier in the day. You see, this is how God operates. We are all spirits and when we worship him in spirit and in truth, His truth resonates through the body of believers and we see the TRUE CHURCH! A united body of believers not only connected within a physical church but whose spirit are available and united to carry out kingdom activity in the spirit realm.


Standing, watching, fully engaged in battle. Shoulders almost unable to bear the weight, calf muscles feel like they’re on fire but I stand.


Now then, stand still and watch

this great thing the LORD

is going to do right before your eyes.

1 Samuel 12:16


But you will not even need to fight.

Take your positions; then stand still

and watch the LORD’s victory. He is

with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem.

Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out

against them tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!”

2 Chronicles 20:17


While I stand having done all to stand, I am still weary. Donning each piece of my spiritual armor is taxing.   The armor is extremely heavy. I feel like my spiritual legs resemble my natural legs after doing 50 straight squats. I’m sweaty and quite frankly maybe even a little smelly but…




I’ve been listening to Chris Tomlin’s “Whom Shall I Fear” for weeks now. You can read more about that and what to do when under attack by clicking here. It is because of my worship that I’m still standing. It is because of my worship that I can SEE Jehovah Sabaoth right before my eyes. It is because of my worship that I can patiently wait.


And while I stand and wait and worship, God is faithful to continue ministering to me. He gave me a new song this week that continues to minister hope and love and peace.

When you are open, God can and will use different medium to minister his grace and truth to your spirit. It may be a song, a line of scripture, a word from a Pastor, or even a blog post. And for me right now the message continues to be to stand and my song, Jonathan Butler’s “I Stand On Your Word”, confirms it.


So friend, I invite you to join me in prayer. We must be ever so sensitive as to what is happening in the spirit realm so we can move and act accordingly. While I am engaged in spiritual battle, I stand. In standing we are not just passively waiting, our spiritual muscles are engaged and we worship.


Eternal God, Most Gracious and Holy Father, you alone are the only wise God. It is to you we look for direction. You are all knowing and all powerful. And right in the midst of holding the universe together, you are concerned about us. You see us, you know us and you love us and for that we just say thank you. We thank you for purifying our hearts and making us new. Jehovah Sabaoth, the enemy has been relentless in his attacks against us but we thank you that you’ve given your angels charge over us and they bear us up. We thank you that you deliver us from the evil one’s snare. By the authority given to us we cancel every plot or scheme devised to bring us harm. We cast the imps of division, strife, rebellion, fear, anxiety, depression, and confusion back into the pit of hell. You O God are our refuge; our fortress and a very present help in the time of trouble. Out of your immense love for us, you will deliver us, honor us and satisfy us with long life and for that we say thank you. With the fruit of our lips we say thank you. We lift holy hands and say thank you. You are worthy to be praised! Amen.


Still Standing!


Inspired Fully


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Delighted to connect with others encouraging the Body of Christ @ Purposeful FaithLife Giving Linkup, Grace and Truth , Dance With Jesus

16 replies
  1. Susan
    Susan says:

    Another song that really speaks to my heart during the battle is “Worn” by Tenth Avenue North:
    I’m Tired I’m worn
    My heart is heavy
    From the work it takes
    To keep on breathing
    I’ve made mistakes
    I’ve let my hope fail
    My soul feels crushed
    By the weight of this world

    And I know that you can give me rest
    So I cry out with all that I have left

    Let me see redemption win
    Let me know the struggle ends
    That you can mend a heart
    That’s frail and torn
    I wanna know a song can rise
    From the ashes of a broken life
    And all that’s dead inside can be reborn
    Cause I’m worn


    Standing with you sister!

  2. Ruthie Gray
    Ruthie Gray says:

    I’m so thankful to have the God of Angel Armies always by my side! Whom shall I fear? If God be for us, who can be against us?
    I read that story of Elisha in my daily Scripture reading this week – I love that story. God knows what we are facing and He is at the ready with his angel armies to equip us to battle!
    Thank you for this powerful word today, the Scripture shared and your experiences of the past week. I’m your neighbor on Grace and Truth!

  3. Kamea Hope
    Kamea Hope says:

    Sweet Tyra,

    These are powerful truths. I am experiencing a similar reality. As I draw close to God, and walk in faithfulness to the things He calls me to do, and rest in His love for me – the enemy is threatened, and the battle intensifies. Thank you for sharing this. I think that many Christians have such a lack of awareness of this very real battle that rages. We are promised victory, yes, but knowing you are in the fight is essential to this victory.

    Blessings and hugs,

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Sweet friend I bless Him that we can see this reality. The enemy HATES the Jesus in us and as a result seek to destroy us….but GOD!!! We truly have the God of Angel Armies on our side. I have seen and tangibly felt His covering and protection. I’m happy to join ranks with sisters like you who know how to engage in battle. We put on our armor, worship, then watch and see the salvation of the Lord.

  4. Tai East
    Tai East says:

    Wow! Great post, Tyra! What a beautiful and powerful truth you’ve spoken here! Know that I am praying in agreement with you, Dear! Infinite blessings to you, Love! 🙂

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Thank you. Throughout the battle I have literally been able to feel the prayer covering so I’m most grateful for your intercession. May God surround you as with a shield while to engage in battle on behalf of others. THIS is what the body of Christ looks like when we operate as one sound unit, no schism, moving the Kingdom agenda forward.

  5. ~Karrilee~
    ~Karrilee~ says:

    This is beautiful and powerful truth, right here! We stand together… holding each others’ shaky arms and broken hearts… side by side… with One Lord and One God as our Defender, Deliverer, Savior, Friend – and we lean in and worship… it’s one of our most powerful weapons! Stopping by from Kelly’s link up – and I am so glad that I did!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Your words resonate with my spirit. I’m standing having done all to stand. So grateful for the sisters that link are with me and for those that carry my armor when it gets too heavy to bear. And I’m glad you be divinely connected to you for a time such as this. For me, even visiting a blog is a divine, God appointed encounter.

  6. Brandi Jefferson-Motley
    Brandi Jefferson-Motley says:

    My sister, I have not officially “clocked in” today yet, as I am still resting and letting the Holy Spirit work for me. Yesterday was a day unlike any other. All I could think about throughout the day and into the evening was engaging in spiritual battle. And as I laid in my bed this morning that was the first thing that I thought about. So when my alarm went off and I saw your blog post in my Inbox and the topic of it, I knew that it was exactly what I needed to read. I am standing, my spiritual senses and muscles are engaged and I am worshiping and praising the name of Our Lord and Savior each step of the way. I love how “I Stand On Your Word” by Jonathan Butler is your new song, because Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong United is my new song and continues to minister to me.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Spirits connecting and carrying out kingdom work as we stand, watch and SEE the salvation of the Lord! And I’m overjoyed for our spirits to be connected for the journey. For now and evermore.


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