
Do You Ever Really KNOW A Person?

“Even if you were the only one entered in a ____________contest, you would come in second”. More than one husband said beauty, thinking their wives would concur. Come on guys, did you really expect these ladies to say they’re ugly? So much for knowing each other very well because they ALL got that one wrong.


That question was posed on The Newlywed Game, a popular, long-running game show that pits newly married couples against each other see how well the spouses really know each other.


Do you ever really know a person? I am so glad that God knows me better than anyone ever could.


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5


He knew the exact moment and manner into which you and I would join his masterful creation know as existence.


Today as I washed and styled my hair, quite a few strands came out in my comb and I watched several float to the floor. As I looked at these hairs, I sat for a moment in awe thinking, “Wow God, you see me right now and you even see these hairs. And not only do you see me but you KNOW me.” Even though I tried, I couldn’t wrap my head around the magnitude of it. For more about being SEEN and CHOSEN by God, click here.


Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:7


Not only does he know me, he knows my thoughts beforehand. I often share with people the simple yet miraculous thing God has done for me. When I am confronted with a situation, God open my visual perception of the situation. The window of opportunity in which I can respond widens. It’s like I come outside of myself and get a few extra seconds to assess the situation. I believe, “God freezes the frame” for me. I think I’ve been afforded this vantage point because he sees my thoughts afar off and provides me with an increased opportunity to choose.


You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. Psalm 139:2


Not only does he know my thoughts, but also he shares with me his thoughts.


For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11


And it gets better. Not only does he know my thoughts and share with me his thoughts, he also takes notice and pays attention. He’s intimately involved in the affairs of my life.


What is man that you take notice of him, or the son of man that you pay attention to him? Psalm 8:4


My husband knows me pretty well. Even though he knows me, he doesn’t always act in accordance with that knowledge. For example, he ought to know that acts of service is my love language. I’ve told him time and time again. Yet, he buys me things. Early in our marriage this was a BIG issue. Even in the last few years, it’s been somewhat of an issue still (I am learning to give him space to bless me in a way that makes him feel good). But time and time again I’ve told him, you should know me by now. PLEASE don’t buy me anything. If you want to do something for me, just ask and I’ll let you know. You can start by unloading the dishwasher and folding that load of laundry. NOPE. He hands me a bag with what he’s purchased. I’m learning to say thank you with a smile.


I’d like to say I know my children very well. I consider myself a student of my children. I spend lots of time observing them. I know their tendencies, personalities and little quirks. Even though I generally know what they’re going to do beforehand, I sometimes get frustrated when I see certain behaviors. But really, it came as no surprise because I know how they are.


But God. Oh how grateful I am that KNOWING what he does, he loves me still.


In fact, he knows me so well that we are on a 1st name basis. He is Yahweh, Elohim, el-Roi, el-Shaddai, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Rapha, Emmanuel, The Alpha and Omega. And he knows my name is Tyra. One day as I was driving I was worshipping to a song by Yolanda Adams called That Name. As I approached my exit off the highway, I heard his voice clearly speak, “Tyra, I Know Your Name”. I was a babe in Christ at the time and that encounter shook me so deeply. In fact, I nearly went into the trees as I was coming off the exit in a sharp turn. I was filled with such an overwhelming sense of love. I was seen and known by the creator of the universe. Out of the people that were, are and will be he knows me!


Even in knowing I would: stumble, fall, err, judge, covet, hate, harbor bitterness, hold grudges and more he chose me, knows me and loves me still.


Not only does he know me, he acts in accordance with what he knows about me and what he knows is best for me.


He knows I’ll step out of bounds so he erects guardrails

He knows I’ll get hurt so he provides the balm

He knows all my mess and loves me still

He knows everything about me and calls me friend


And he knows all about you too. And in that knowing, he loves you with an everlasting love.


Won’t you pray with me…Lord; you are high and lifted up above all the earth. From your seat in the heavenlies, you gaze over all creation and see me. Not only do you see me but you know me better than anyone ever can or will. Lord I stumble but you are right there to catch me. Forgive me Father. Thank you for working to bring together your love for me and what you know about me to see me through to the future and hope you have planned for my life. Lord, let me know myself; the true me that you fearfully and wonderfully fashioned. Let me spend time getting to know others so that I can love them more completely. In Jesus’ name, amen.


All week we’ll be talking about Embracing Everlasting Love. For Part 1 on being Seen & Chosen click here. I pray you join me all week as we embrace a love so pure, a love that expects nothing in return, a love that is complete, a love that can only be found in Jesus.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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9 replies
  1. Candace
    Candace says:

    Just beautiful, Tyra! It amazes me sometimes how well God knows me and how much He still loves me, even with this knowledge :). My love language is also acts of service! My hubby has trouble remembering it too sometimes. Thank you for this wonderful reminder today, my friend!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      I tell you, I just marvel at the Father. Our humanistic thinking cannot even wrap my head fully around the depth of his love for me and even what I think I grasp is but a scratch on the surface. Then he whispered, don’t try to understand it, just receive it. Basking in his love today.

  2. Kelly Balarie
    Kelly Balarie says:

    Yes Lord, thank you that you love us so, you see us, you care. Thank you that you know every hair on Tyra’s head. Thank you that you care enough about us to know us. What an honor! Lord, bless Tyra. Bless her for her obedience, her heart and her diligence in bringing glory to your name. Amen.

  3. Julie Lefebure
    Julie Lefebure says:

    It’s a blessing to follow you at Kelly’s today. What a precious truth. He knows me… everything about me. And loves me in spite of myself! Thank you for sharing your heart and God’s Word though your words today. Bless you!


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  1. […] in front of your face that you’ll eventually discard. But every day he sees you, chooses you, knows you and calls you. Today, respond to him. He’s wooing you. His love is magnetic; it just draws you […]

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