
How To Find Your Way

Bright Morning Star

Aster Lampros Proinos

“Quiet the little ones; gather them near your bosom. Remember now, carry only what cha need and nothing else. This ain’t gon be easy. You must listen to what I say. I’ll guide you from the front and we trustin’ the Lord ta be our rear guard. So les be movin.”

starry night

I imagine Harriet Tubman would have had a dialogue similar to this as she guided over 300 slaves on 19 different missions to their freedom. A fearless activist, she was called the “Moses” of her day. During the Civil War, she served as a nurse, scout and spy. Using the stars as her navigation guide, she risked her own life to afford others a taste of freedom.


And so it is with Jesus Christ. He gave His life so that we might have a taste of freedom. Like a good shepherd, He draws his sheep near. He calls us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. His light so shines to guide us away from the ugliness that lurks within our heart: greed, malice, envy, lust and into His abounding love, joy and peace.


There have been times I’ve been lost, aimlessly wandering around trying to find my way.  I’ve looked for worldly land marks to gauge if I’m walking in the right direction; markers like academic success, career success and popularity.  In surrendering to Christ, I now know these markers were human, worldly indicators of moving in the right direction.  Today, I KNOW that living a lifestyle of obedience is not only how I find my way but also how I stay on course.


As the Bright Morning Star, Jesus is our navigation system. No need for GPS. Just trust Jesus, for His navigational coordinates are exact and will never lead you to a dead end.


Just as the Magi looked to the star to lead them to the Savior of all mankind, I invite you to look heavenward.


Jesus says, “I Jesus have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. I am the Bright Morning Star.” Revelation 22:16


Trust Him to lead you in the way everlasting.

Points to Ponder

  1. Have you ever had the chance to gaze at a star filled sky free of city lights? When staring into the heavenlies, what were your thoughts?
  2. In what specific ways has Jesus guided you out of darkness and into the light?
  3. Why do you think Jesus calls himself the Bright Morning Star?

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

4 replies
  1. Namie
    Namie says:

    This was so beautiful! JESUS truly is the Bright & Morning Star that guides us in the midst of the darkness of the world and its temptations and our deceitful hearts/flesh which try so hard every day to lead us away! 🙂 If we keep our eyes focused on the JESUS, the Bright & Morning Star, like the magi did, we can and will never go wrong like you said! To answer your questions: (1) I love star-gazing, especially out in the country in Oklahoma and Texas!! I’m always in AWE! That’s the best way to describe my reaction: AWE! (2) Beside the initial gift of salvation, God has brought me out of all sorts of mess and mistakes I’ve made in my life! He has been faithful to hear my cry and deliver me from death by suicide and accidents and broken hearts and a wounded spirit and from every oppression the enemy has ever placed on me! (3) because as scripture says He’s the light of the world!! He came down into darkness, called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light!!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Oh sweet friend I rejoice in all that He has rescued you from then I give a big shout for the bright future He’s already mapped out for you. Like Michael Jackson in Billie Jean He illuminates each step on our journey. Be blessed.

  2. Kelly Balarie
    Kelly Balarie says:

    I really enjoyed this post. You certainly have a way with words Tyra. Christ just comes and sets us free with his light, doesn’t he? I loved celebrating this truth with you this morning. And, to answer you question, to me – his morning start highlights the way I should go through the day. I am blessed by you today. Just want you to know! Keep shining the light that is Christ within us. He sets captives free! Cheering for you.


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