
One Simple Way to Get Healthy

For the fourth straight year in a row, U.S. life expectancy has yet again declined.

How is it that the one of the wealthiest nations on the planet has the poorest health?

How is it in a world with access to money, food, and medical care that poor health is on the rise and life expectancy is on the decline?

Despite our nation having the highest per capita spending on healthcare, Americans are more likely to die from poor health by age 65 than their counterparts in other countries.


This news grieves me and I can only imagine it grieves God. It does not have to be this way. Sickness and disease do not have to be our portion. Here’s what Jesus has to say:


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10


It is God’s desire that we walk in wholeness. He said He would not put disease on us (Exodus 15:26). But let me say this. From the Word of God we see repeatedly that His promises have conditions. His promises require our obedience. In Exodus 15:26 He said He would not put the disease on you IF:


  • You heed His voice
  • Do what is right in His sight
  • Give ear to His commandments
  • Keep His statutes


So the first step, and one simple way to get healthy is to OBEY God. That’s it. It’s just that simple really. It all begins and end with obedience.


Obedience to God will show you what’s going on with your health and why. Obedience to God will empower you to make the right lifestyle choices for health. Obedience to God will activate the Holy Spirit’s power to work in you to will and to do for God’s pleasure as opposed to your flesh (Philippians 2:13). Obedience to God will enable you to walk away from those things that detract from your health.


Now I’m not saying that process is easy but I am telling you what I know. And I KNOW that obedience is one simple way to get healthy. How do I know? I’ve been walking the journey myself for over 15 years. Daily I present myself a living sacrifice. Daily I take up my cross and follow Him. Daily I recognize that body body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. And daily He compels me to obey Him.


Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure in almost all cases can be eradicated with lifestyle changes. But it’s up to you to decide. It’s up to you to declare that you shall LIVE and not die then it’s up to you to follow through on that declaration with actions that support LIFE. We support life when we:


  • Eat the good of the earth, Genesis 1:29 foods
  • Eliminate processed foods
  • Cut the sodas, cookies, cakes and other sugar
  • Avoid the fatty fried foods
  • Get sunshine, clear air and exercise
  • Pray and meditate


In this manner you choose blessing not cursing so that you and your descendants may live (Deuteronomy 30:19).


I’ve made CHOOSING LIFE accessible to you by pulling together 30 of my favorite salad recipes. These salads and homemade dressings support your body’s ability to ward off sickness and disease while enabling you to be healthy, strong and vigorous. CLICK HERE for my book 30 Days 30 Ways to Salad Heaven.




Elohim, Mighty God you are my Creator. Thank you for forming me fearfully and wonderfully in your image. I thank you for your Spirit which dwells within me and empowers me to do your will. Lord I present my body a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to you. I thank you Lord for sending your son Jesus through whom I have life and have it to the full. Lord I repent for the times I’ve dishonored you by abusing my body with lack of nourishment, lack of rest and lack of exercise. You said you would not put disease on me if I listen to your voice, do what is right and obey you. Lord I commit to listening to you and obeying you. It is because of your mercies that I am not consumed. Thank you for your abounding grace. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!




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