
How To Avoid Getting Sick

In the name of Valentine’s Day we do it

In the name of Super Bowl Sunday we do it

In the name of Easter we do it

In the name of family traditions we do it

We eat ourselves sick.


Clever marketing and the manipulation of our taste buds have us coming back to the junk that makes us sick time and time again. The more we consume detrimental foods, the more prone we are to catching disease and the more sick we become.


So how do we avoid getting sick? We must stay away from foods that degenerate our health.


How can you have an immune system that’s healthy enough to fight off disease when all you’ve fed your body is trash masquerading as food? Surely Doritos, Poptarts, Cereal, and BBQ chicken and macaroni and cheese are not the building blocks for making your immune system strong and healthy?


I know, I know, it tastes good. So what? Is it good for you? Is it promoting strength, health, energy and vitality? Or is it breeding obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease?


Recently, my husband and I stopped in the store to pick up one thing. As soon as we hit the door we were bombarded by garbage. 


12 foot long display of Valentine candy. Just steps away from that a towering Super Bowl display laden with chips, dips and soda. Then we proceeded to walk past an end cap that was also full of sugar. I said to my husband, “I bet each end cap is full of sugar”. So I went to verify my hypothesis and indeed it proved true. 


And this is why heart disease is the #1 killer on the planet.


And this is why diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity run rampant in my community. 




He has an answer.


He said the leaves on the trees are for the healing of the nations (Revelation 22:2). 


“But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear” Matthew 13:16


You can avoid getting sick when you have eyes to see. The next time you go grocery shopping search out LIVING FOODS. Let the scales fall from your eyes so that you can SEE all the cookies, cakes, chips, sodas, candy, packaged foods for what they really are, HEART DISEASE IN DISGUISE. Don’t be fooled by the costume of packaging. 




Eat LIVING food like this. This is similar to what my lunch looks like daily. You can find this recipe and more HERE


Hear what I am saying and receive the truth in love.


When you have seen and have heard, you KNOW the truth and the truth makes you free. 



You can be free from sickness

You can be free from disease



And when you are set free you can choose to WALK in freedom.


February is American Heart Month. Love yourself and love your heart by avoiding those things which are making you prone to get sick. Say NO to heart disease by not purchasing the trash and by eating more fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, beans, legumes and moderate whole grains. Say YES to your heart health by going for a walk. 


Declare that you shall be in good health and prosper even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2).


Thank God that you CAN do all things because He gives you strength (Philippians 4:13).  


You are worth it and sickness does not have to be your portion!


As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

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