What To Do When You Need A Move of God

I marvel over the myriad of ways God speaks.

Through a person, through a gentle summer breeze, even through a pack of gum that catches your eye at the checkout in the grocery, God uses the simplest of things to communicate with us.

On this particular day, for me it was a song. As the choir belted out these lyrics, I sang right along with them,

“We are here for You

Come and do what You do,

We set our hearts on You

Come and do what You do

‘Cause we need a move,

We need a move.”

Yes God, we need a move, I thought to myself. And I started to pray.

Make a move God. A big move. A bold move. A mighty move. A book of Acts, Day of Pentecost type of move. Holy Spirit move!

I need a move. I need a move. I needa move. I NEEDA MOVE!

Right then the Holy Spirit arrested me on the spot and said, “Tyra you are right, You NEEDA MOVE. YOU NEED TA MOVE. YOU NEED TO MOVE.

Did y’all catch that?

You want to see a move of God but He wants to see a move from you.

We cry, we beg, we pray, we lament, beseeching the Lord to perform great miracles, signs and wonders but are we willing to MOVE?

We are encouraged by the testimonies of biblical figures who made great moves.

God told Abram to leave his country, his people and his father’s house to go to a land he would show him. And Abram went as the Lord instructed him and became the father of a great nation.

The man at the pool of Bethesda had been afflicted for 38  years! Jesus commanded him to rise, take up his bed AND walk. We obey those moves and was made whole.

Four lepers stood at the entrance of the gate contemplating their next move. They could stay at the gate and die or risk heading into the enemy’s camp where death could just as easily meet them. But they made a decision. They moved! They headed right into the enemy’s camp only to find it abandoned and they spoils were at their fingertips.

How about you? Do you need to get unstuck? Have you been mulling over something God said for too long? Have you allowed analysis paralysis to hold you hostage? Are you still “praying’ about it? Come on now and make a move already!

Here’s how you do it.

  1. Repent. Let God know that you are sorry for allowing ______ to keep you from moving. Rebuke that thing that held you in place.
  2. Decide. Purpose in your mind that you WILL move.
  3. Step in Faith. Make the move. Make the call. Submit the proposal. Do that thing you’ve been promising yourself you were going to do for YOU.
  4. Flow. Moving has a rhythm. Get in sync with heaven by spending time with God and hearing from Him. Once you take those first few steps, you may begin to recognize or feel God’s flow. The unction may come around the same time of day or God may give you instructions to follow at certain pattern. Flow with it.

Yes, we need a move from you God, so we are willing to do our part and MOVE!

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

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