
The ONE Thing Your Child Needs Today

Okay, if you’re a parent, your child is going to seemingly need a ZILLION things from you today.

The baby needs milk, 10 diaper changes and plenty of hugs.


Your seven year old needs you to build legos with him.


Your tween needs your words of affirmation.


Your high-schooler needs money for college applications.

And the list goes on and on and on.

But wait?!

What if all that could be boiled down to ONE thing? What if all our children’s needs could be reduce to the least common factor? How could life be simplified like a fourth grade math equation in one swift motion? By reducing all of our children’s needs into the ONE needful thing, parenting could get a little easier right?….. continue reading

Come on over to Love Grace Style where I am hanging out with the sweet Michelle Elise to continue reading so you can discover and DO that one thing your child needs today.

Happy to connect with these friends sharing the good news Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith

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  1. […] is truly the one thing that release all the other things you want for your child (CLICK HERE for more on the power of praying for your […]

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