What Do You Hunger and Thirst For?






We are consumption machines. And our consumption isn’t merely limited to food. Relationships, media, nearly anything can be used to whet out appetites.


But what do you hunger and thirst for?


While it is comforting to find fulfillment in people and things, divulging in those things alone still leaves me longing. Because truth me told, after a while people can get on my nerves and people can let me down if I misplace my expectations. And things…well, they too lose their luster after a while. The once shiny isn’t so glossy anymore.


It is only in Christ and in His Word that my hunger and thirst are satisfied. To feed my innermost mental, spiritual and emotional needs I have to feast on His word.

[bctt tweet=”God’s Word is LOVE and it is LIFE.” username=”inspiredfully”]


And in doing life, situations can be hard. Feelings like abandonment, rejection and disappointment can seemingly be prevailing forces. This is precisely why we have to hungrily digest that Word and hide it in our hearts.


[bctt tweet=”When doubt and discouragement come knocking, saturate yourself in TRUTH.” username=”inspiredfully”]


My reliance of the Word is an absolute necessity which is why I was delighted when fellow blogger, Nylse of LifeNotes invited me to be part of her Women of the Word Series. CLICK HERE to find out HOW I dig into the Word. Yup, join us now over at Nylse’s place and you’ll hear how I first got into the word, my study methods and more…


LifeNotes: Women of the Word


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News: Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community, Grace & Truth

4 replies
  1. Miriam
    Miriam says:

    In addition to feeding spiritual, mental and emotional needs, the Word of God also feeds physical needs as many people find solace in it when hungering due to fasting or lack of food.

    • Tyra
      Tyra says:

      Yes, yes Miriam. As i have a lifestyle of intermittent fasting, I can attest that feast on God’s word satisfies my physical needs. As my thoughts seemingly draw to food over and over again when I’m fasting, I redirect them back to the word and find that I am actually not hungry in the stomach as His word satiates my appetite.


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