A Fear Fighting START

It was 5:13am and I already felt defeated. My sweet baby was waking up yet again for another feeding.


I’m never going get enough sleep.


I’m never going to be an author and a speaker because I can’t get enough sleep to even work on the vision.


How will I ever manage to live the dream God has given me if I can’t even manage the little affairs of the home?


How will I ever serve a thousand when I can’t even get through one basket of laundry?


Never mind then just forget the whole thing!


You see fear has a way of doing that. Fear has a way of convincing you that your God dream is too big and your abilities too small. Fear has a way of putting 3D glasses on you and playing the reel as failure after failures comes whizzing past your face. And fear attempts to preserve itself at all costs.


Fear will have you convinced there are NO other options.


Fear is determined to win.


But TRUTH arises.


When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. John 16:13a


As TRUTH stood tall in me, I couldn’t help but to square my shoulders. Moments ago they had been hanging low. My posture was more Hunchback of Notre Dame than Daughter of the Most High God.  But today is my start. Kelly Balarie, in her new book, Fear Fighting says, “We don’t need to tell ourselves stop because the Spirit says Start.”


So what’s my “Start?”


Today I start with a YES.


I say yes to the Spirit.


I say yes to me.


The Spirit says, “Start believing in yourself. Because you believe in Me, you can believe in you. I created you.”




Thank you God. I’m going to believe in me.


I give myself permission to show up just as I am.


I give myself permission to be here for me.


I give myself permission to embrace my greatness. After all, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.


I’m not going to stay in this same place when God has given me a glimpse of my greatness. I do my God a disservice when I minimizing the person He created me to be. I won’t do Him an injustice my living smaller than who He created me to be. Christ gave Himself that I might LIVE…..not that I might merely survive life.


 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20


Standing on chubby bowed legs, an 11 month old hangs securely to the side of the couch. Not far away mama stands with her arms outstretched. Mama’s face radiates love. Mama’s face reflects trust, security and confidence. Mama’s face and outstretched arms relay a powerful message to the baby; so powerful that baby willingly releases the comfort and security of clinging to the couch, to totter precariously over to mama. One measured step, after another, then another. All the while mama’s face reassuringly communicates, not only are you safe, but I believe in you. You can do it. And when baby makes it all the way to mama they both rejoice. You did it baby. I knew you could. You did it.


Jesus says the same to us. Let go of the side of the couch. I’m waiting with my arms outstretched. Press beyond your fear. Activate your faith. Come to me. You are safe. I believe in you.




[bctt tweet=”With active faith, fear doesn’t stand a chance.” username=”inspiredfully”]


So what is your START? Whatever it is, take the step. Tell me in the comments how I can pray for you.


Join the #fearfightingbook movement. Pick up your copy of Fear Fighting today!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully.


Happy to connect with friends sharing Good News Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth

12 replies
  1. Jeanne Takenaka
    Jeanne Takenaka says:

    Such great reminders, Tyra! We can’t hold onto both fear and trust. We have to choose. I’m with you. I’ll choose to trust that God will work in and through me to accomplish the dreams He’s given me.

    I’ve been working on a story for a long time. Last year my writing got derailed for a lot of reasons. I’m standing on the truth that God has called me to write. I need to be intentional and do the work, with His wisdom and help.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my place. It’s so nice to “meet” you. 🙂

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      So proud of you. And can I encourage you…PLEASE…tell your story. If you haven’t already, ask God to show you the windows of opportunity to work on it then be obedient to sit and allow the Spirit to flow from Him, through your heart and out into paper. I know from experience that he is faithful to meet you in that sacred space. I wrote a book last year in obedience to the call and he showed up every step of the way. It should be released late spring. I’ll be praying for you. Glad to join hearts with a new friend 🙂

  2. Adrien Foreman
    Adrien Foreman says:

    Loved the example of the baby holding on to the sofa and eventually letting go to get to mama’s arms. Yes, you are right, Jesus is standing with His arms open to us. Makes me search to see what am I using as my “couch”? Thanks for sharing.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Oh sweet friend I’m glad that you could take the example and translate it to examine your own life. I too was clinging to the side of the couch. But Jesus had His arms out and said “COME” so I had to let go and take a step of FAITH. Scary, YES. But our God is there encouraging us every step of the way.

  3. bethany mcilrath
    bethany mcilrath says:

    Tyra, Kelly’s point about the Spirit saying “start” was huge for me too. I’m also one who’s caught up in fear when I feel I can’t handle any of the little things, so how could I obey God in the big? But He says start. Thanks for sharing this- especially the precious illustration of your baby walking. Amen.

  4. Karen Kraska
    Karen Kraska says:

    This is so timely! The Lord is doing marvelous things and I want to shrink back into obscurity. With activated faith, I can truly be what He has for me.


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