
Sitting in the stillness of time, with the incessant hum and buzz of a million bugs as my beat, I bob my head to nature’s morning song. Humid air courses through my nostrils and I breathe DEEP. I exhale and give thanks for another year of LIFE. It’s my BIRTHDAY!

My mother died just shy of her 40th birthday. Because of that, somehow I’ve come to think that ever year I live past that age is an extra special gift. 
On this humid August morning I give pause for reflection. 

Who am I?

What am I doing?

Where am I going?

Am I where I want to be?

Am I doing what brings me joy?

Am I living an intentional life?

Am I making a difference?

What could I be doing differently?

Do those closest to me know I love them? Do they feel that love communicated regularly?

Am I living today to leave a legacy worthy talking about when I’m gone?

While it may not be your birthday, I invite you to reflect on these questions. It’s great to take personal inventory and assess if you’re satisfied with your current living. If you aren’t, I implore you to be of good courage and make a bold move to live fully. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result. Let’s not be insane. We’re far too brilliant for that. I invite you friends to EMBRACE THE NOW MOMENT, TO HONOR THE TEMPLE & TO OBEY GOD, for this is truly the way to do life with purpose on purpose. 
So today friends:

Be Uniquely YOU

Be Beautiful

Be Purposeful

Be Alive

The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His face on you and give you peace.

As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth

2 replies
  1. Candace
    Candace says:

    Happy late birthday, my sweet friend! I love that picture of you smiling so beautifully. You are glowing. That is a fantastic idea to take a personal inventory every year. What important questions you’ve listed here. Thanks so much for the inspiration, Tyra. I’m definitely going to try this out.


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