
Divine Connections

With much excitement and cheer she waved pom poms in my face. “You’ll want to take these!”, she exclaimed. I was thinking, “Really lady?! It doesn’t take all that”. I was attending an event at work and she was one of the headliners for the event. Well, as to not cause commotion, I accepted the pom poms and took a seat.



The pom pom waving lady holding my 1st born


Fast forward several years and I joined a team with this same pom pom waving lady. I too became the pom pom waving lady. Mrs. Delia went on to become my spiritual mom, wise older sister and friend. Mrs. Delia as many affectionately call her, LIVES the gospel in a way that is inviting and attractive.



Yup, I became the pom pom waving lady several years later


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16


It was through her lifestyle and example that I wanted to know more about Christ. The Lord had strategically been wooing me to himself and her availability helped seal the deal. It was through her example that I saw that Christians weren’t all a bunch of hypocrites. I was from her that I saw Christians could still laugh, have fun and enjoy life and without being stodgy, stiff and boring. It was through her that I saw Christians forgive. It was through her that I saw high standards of decency lived out such that brash, rogue co-workers had to respect her. It was through her example that I learned what a submitted wife looked like.


But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect 1 Peter 3:15


And it was with her, as we walked the halls of Bank of America headed to lunch that I gave my life to Christ 13 years ago.


You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard. Acts 22:15


God is a Master Weaver. He inextricably makes divine connections, warping and wefting together our life experiences. This is the way He works to move the Kingdom forward. This #ThankfulThursday I want to thank the Lord for Mrs. Delia; for her long suffering when I was rebellious and stubborn, for her making the gospel simple and plain, for duly equipping me with the Word helping me select a bible and giving me my 1st concordance and for loving me with the love of Christ.


Through her wise counsel and love, she stoked and fanned those faintly lit embers and today they burn brightly for Jesus. I love you Mrs. Delia and thank God for your obedience.


Who has God used to help you on the path to discipleship?

With whom have you shared the Good News?

What about your personal witness is compelling and attractive?

Have you made yourself available to be used by God?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

2 replies
  1. Cordelia Hodges
    Cordelia Hodges says:

    I sit here with tears of gratitude flowing down my face. I thank God for the woman you have become and praise Him for allowing you to pour into so many. May God continue to bless you as YOU let your light shine.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Oh sweet friend it is I, that is full of gratitude for the countless hours, laughs, tears and life we’ve shared. Your gift of love is a gift that keeps on giving as I will duplicate what I witnessed in you to spread the love of Christ as far, deep and wide as He’ll carry me.


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