God’s Glory

From the Dictionary of Theology:

In the Old Testament the word for “glory” is the Hebrew word   כָּבֹוד “kabowd” which carries the idea of heaviness and weight.  In the New Testament the Greek word is δόξα “doxa” which carries the idea of opinion, judgment, estimate, splendor, brightness, etc. It is used to speak of great honor, praise, value, wonder, and splendor. Glory is spoken of in reference to people and God.  Glory is given by God and also is a manifestation of God’s greatness and presence that is awesome to behold.


But to really define glory virtually impossible. It’s the sum of WHO God is, WHAT He is and WHAT He does. How can that all be summed up in a neat one-sentence definition?


Weigh of Glory


Personally, I’ve come to know God’s glory to be the external, present, manifestation of His presence in my life and all around me. For me, it is sensing, seeing and feeling his character and attributes manifested spiritually and physically. God’s glory is the FULL sum of who He is and what He does. When basking in His glory I am completely consumed, feeling as if my heart may nearly burst from being FULL of His love and His light. 


God’s glory is The Lord of the Universe putting Himself on display for us to see and experience. And everywhere we look and in everything we do, His glory is evident, if we have eyes to see.


The heavens declare the glory of God;

And the firmament shows His handiwork.

Psalm 19:1


Jesus himself is the express image of God’s glory. He is the sum of God’s character, attributes and actions all wrapped up in human form.


And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory,

the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:14


As Jesus is the express image of God’s glory, our lives should reflect His glory. As true disciples and followers of Christ we ought to be a tangible representation of His truth, love and grace in all the earth. As He takes us from glory to glory, we in turn ought to give Him more glory. Our demonstrations of praise, worship and love for mankind give Him glory.


Declare His glory among the nations,

His wonders among all peoples.

1 Chronicles 16:24




Oh God that we would have eyes to see and ears to hear; to immerse ourselves in the weight of your glory. For it to completely envelope us like a cloak of fog in the UK.

Then the cloud covered the tabernacle of meeting,

and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.

Exodus 40:34





Oh Lord that we your people would bask in your glory, that we would be so completely saturated by it. That we would absorb its life sustaining nutrients and that we would then reflect its brilliance.

Arise, shine; For your light has come!

And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

Isaiah 60:1


Basking in Glory


Join me in basking in His glory.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

4 replies
  1. Tai East
    Tai East says:

    Tyra, your words here truly resonated within my heart and spirit. “Personally, I’ve come to know God’s glory to be the external, present, manifestation of His presence in my life and all around me. For me, it is sensing, seeing and feeling his character and attributes manifested spiritually and physically. God’s glory is the FULL sum of who He is and what He does. When basking in His glory I am completely consumed, feeling as if my heart may nearly burst from being FULL of His love and His light.” <— Your description here is perfection as these are my exact thoughts and feelings. So blessed and so grateful to visit with you this morning! Thank you so much for sharing this! Peace and many blessings to you, Love! 🙂

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Tai, friend always a pleasure to connect with you in the spirit. This was a hard post to write because how can one really sum up glory? I’m happy to hear my meager attempt resonated with your spirit. Lately I am having to rely more and more on the grace only found in this space; under the weight of His glory. May u continue to be completely submerged.

  2. Mrs. Marlon
    Mrs. Marlon says:

    Tyra! Tyra! Tyra! This morning I literally ran down the stairs, trying my best not to wake my family because I was longing to bask in HIS GLORY! I had been in a place, that I would like to call “SELF”…aimlessly going through my day…confused about so many thing (literally)..and devoid of the continuous JOY I am use to having when I am “SURRENDERED”. On several occasions God sent beams of light my way (songs of inspiration, words of encouragement) to crack the “darkened path”…and finally it was these words my son kept saying yesterday “from everlasting to everlasting”…that took root in my thirsty soul…God often says to me, “Marlon, I love you with an EVERLASTING LOVE!” Even with little sleep last night, I jumped up out of my bed at our(me & God’s) appointed time and ran to be in HIS PRESENCE and to BASK IN HIS GLORY!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Hallelujah! Sweet friend I’ve been in the “self” place you describe. In fact, early last week I was almost wallowing in wanting my way and having a temper tantrum with the Lord. But He gently reminded me, similar to you, I prune you because I love you. I’ve asked him to shed light on the dark recesses of my heart and though His light permeating that darkness pierces and stings, I will bask in the weight of His glory. Blessing to you for running to meet Him in the secret place.


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