
The Power of YES





Words uttered way too easily, way too often, especially when you’ve got a toddler around who you are really trying to protect.


But what if….


Just what if I gave myself a Hall Pass to YES.


There is such control in the “NO”.


There is such power in the “NO”, though it’s really just a fraud.


Liberty is released in the “YES!”


Chain are broken with the resounding YES.


YES to giving myself permission to BE the person God created me to be.


YES to living fully in this moment, not wallowing in the past or living a fantasy of the future but FULLY present.


YES to giving my husband room to parent the Father way without interfering.


YES to nurturing my children’s unique personalities and proclivities even if theirs are different than mine.


YES to BEING MORE and not shrinking and retreating back into the safety and false security of my box.


YES to delightfully obeying Christ since I say I follow Him.


YES to moving forward even when feeling afraid.


Oh the places you’ll go when you give God your YES.


Unshackled, the power of YES is ready to flow uninhibited.


In a booming voice, with a resounding shout, I say, “YES!”


Happy to connect with other in this Five Minute Friday free write on the word YES.

Also connecting hearts with these friends sharing the Good News #DanceWithJesus, Grace & Truth



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8 replies
  1. Alyssa J Howard
    Alyssa J Howard says:

    So great! (I can totally relate to the overuse of the word “no.” I have two toddlers!) I love how you emphasized the liberty found in the saying Yes! There may be power in the word no, but there is far more power in the word yes because it brings with it an abundance of freedom!

    Thank you for your thoughts! God bless. 🙂

    Alyssa J Howard

  2. Thandi
    Thandi says:

    The follow up:
    I am literally in tears right now. This morning my comment was about letting go and letting God. This afternoon I had a major breakthrough on something that I had been struggling with for the last NINE MONTHS!!!! I could have lost my home over this nonsense BUT God. God is sooooo good and he is able to do what we cannot. We have to trust him and give it all to him. Praise him!

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      Oh friend, my eyes are welling up as I rejoice with you. Obedience yields such high dividends. To give God the room to be God and do what only he can. And I rejoicing I. Advance the next YES you’ll give the Lord.

    • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
      Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

      I’m moving outside of my comfort zone and saying YES too friend. The unknown is scary for me and deeply rooted in childhood issue of not knowing where I’ll sleep, what I’ll eat so now I NEED to know. But God. I’m facing the unknown and even daring to look forward to it. Stephen Hurd speaks this line on one of his albums. It was so good and resonated so deeply in my spirit I had to pull over when I was driving to write it down. He says “Dare to trust God in a place where you’ve never been before”. We’ll see….

      • Kelli Queen
        Kelli Queen says:

        Just read this post!!! On time for me today, September 8th. I am saying “YES”. I may be doing it scared….shaking in my boots….but I say “YES”.

        • Tyra Lane-Kingsland
          Tyra Lane-Kingsland says:

          You and me both friend. God is challenging me to dare to trust Him in places I’ve never been before and that is scary. I like to know what’s going to happen, how and when but He’s calling me out into the unknown. And not only do I want to step out, I want to do so excitedly not filled with fear and trepidation. Praying that you run with your “YES”.


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