Man is composed of three parts: Spirit, Soul {mind, will, emotions} and Body.

The spirit is real and active and occupies space in our physical bodies.

Should we not then, create an environment suitable for our hosting our spirit?

When a woman is pregnant and carrying a baby, isn’t it wise for her to create conditions suitable in which the baby can thrive? Some of those conditions will happen automatically like increased blood in the body but others the mother has a direct impact on like: eating nutritious foods for optimal minerals and vitamins, getting adequate exercise and rest and avoiding things which are harmful to the developing baby.

The same can be said for our temple where the Holy Spirit dwells. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 tells us “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

As such, it is imperative that we honor the temple by eating the good of the land, getting adequate exercise and practicing the art rest.

I have to be intentional about caring for my temple.  In caring for my husband, five young children and the women I minister to, the time and energy for self-care could easily fall by the wayside.  To be diligent in caring for my temple, I have implemented a few strategies that have proven successful.

~I nourish my body by eating a green smoothie almost every day for breakfast.  I eat a raw salad for lunch then a sensible, well-balanced, low-calorie, nutrient dense dinner.

~I exercise 3-5 times a week.  I’m no fitness buff but I want my heart strong and my body quick and agile to keep up with my children.  I have 3 sons.  Need I say more?

~I practice to art of rest.  Rest includes sleep, moments of quiet and stillness throughout the day, quiet meditation on God’s word, and the like.

In order for you to carry out your purpose, you have to do that through your body so it is crucial that your physical body functions in optimal condition.

What will you do today to honor you temple?


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  1. […] the body of Christ right now. I trust that the Lord has been whispering, nudging, prodding you to honor your temple. I implore you to harden not your heart and obey his […]

  2. […] my pursuit to honor my temple through proper nourishment, I’ve found a rhythm that works well for me; a green […]

  3. […] conditioned to go the distance, which requires exercise. And all of the above can only happen if I honor my temple and fuel my body with the proper nutrients by eating fresh, whole […]

  4. […] way that I honor God with my body is by honoring my temple through proper nourishment, rest and […]

  5. […] holidays. How can you ensure that you don’t fall into that group? Simply follow the tips below. Honor yourself by honoring your body. Everything you consume either contributes to or detracts from your […]

  6. […] the holidays are upon us and I think it’s the perfect time to examine our health, honor our temples and be purposeful about making decision that NOURISH LIFE. Everything we eat either […]

  7. […] Wellness Wednesday here on the blog and it is my goal to inspire you to honor your temple through proper nourishment, rest and exercise. This truth is one of the three pillars […]

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