
Tears of joy.


Smiles a plenty.


Hearts wide open.



All found in the uninhibited exchange between sisters.




I’ve heard it said, “I don’t ‘do’ women.” What that screams is, I’ve been hurt, I’ve been wounded, I am afraid. Women are wired to be in relationship with one another. There is safety, comfort and joy found in sisterhood. From styling one another’s hair to delivering babies, from sharing the deepest secrets to holding bridezilla while she has a meltdown, women are designed to nurture one another.


[bctt tweet=”The soul is nourished when the heart is embraced in sisterhood.” username=”inspiredfully”]




I met a woman once who confided in me that she didn’t have a female in her life that she considered a trusted friend. I was deeply moved by that and my heart went out to her. Wouldn’t you know, 4 years later, we are friends. She is lively, funny, loyal and giving, a good recipe for being a great friend. Yet my sweet friend had spent time without the beauty of sisterhood.


[bctt tweet=”Soul therapy is found in the sacred space of sisterhood.” username=”inspiredfully”]


Careers, schedules, children, husbands, fears, and just daily living can have us trapped in silos. Our ability to nurture meaningful relationships becomes subject to the captivity of solitary confinement UNLESS we intentionally fill our prescription of soul therapy and demand our RELEASE.


I’ve always treasured friendship and I’ve been blessed beyond measure to do life with some amazing women. They teach me, challenge me, love me, help me, and flat out make me smile. I’ve also been hurt by a few but my heart remains open. For what is life without love? What is life without hurt? Is a life truly lived if it isn’t felt?


Recently I shared hearts, laughs and tears with a sweet friend. She literally radiates sunshine. We filled our prescription of soul therapy over a mutual love, COFFEE. You can find her talking about all things coffee over at EspressoTrips






For my birthday I was blessed to share excellent food, great conversation, hopes and dreams with two of my favorite gals.




As a homemaker, the nature of the job can have me riding solo often. Then add in being a wife and mama to 6, my time for nurturing meaningful relationships with my sisters can be hampered. So I have to be purposeful and intentional in my connections. Relationships are dear to the heart of God. I think He illustrates this so beautifully through relationships in the bible, from David and Jonathan to Jesus and the beloved disciple, that we’ve been called to do life together. And if relationships are meaningful to Him then they should be meaningful to us and we should cultivate them.


I pray you find love, encouragement, safety and acceptance in the sacred space of sisterhood. If you are carrying the hurt of having been wounded by a sister, I pray that your heart be mended,  and if necessary that you find forgiveness. I pray you open your heart once again to the possibility of true sisterhood.




What are you doing to ensure your sisterhood soul therapy?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup,Purposeful  Faith

Feature Image Photo Credit

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

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9 Replies to “Sisterhood: Soul Therapy”

  1. And May God bless our Soul Sisterhood Always! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Jenny,
      Thanks for stopping by and I pray you are blessed with vibrant sisterhood.

  2. I need more sisters in my life. It’s always been an interesting thing for me, friends/sisters. Yet, I also love the connection and depth of those relationships/friendships. I do have one friend near me that is dear and we’re on a similar life journey with young children. Recently, there was an opportunity that may have called her to move states away and I felt the loss of her face. She’s not moving (or at least not yet), but I’m reminded that I need more sisters too! 🙂

    1. Kendall,
      Oh sweetie I am praying that God brings the addition of another sister (or 2 😊). There is such love, grace and safety found in true fellowship. Also as the mother of small children it is easy to be lost in the vortex of only little people conversation (while that’s a sweet spot too I feel we are called to foster thriving relationships with people in similar walks of life). Blessing to you.

  3. Constance 9 years ago

    Thank you, Tyra! Absolutely beautiful and true post!

    1. Constance,
      I pray we can all embrace this truth and find comfort & joy in the presence of our sisters. Looking forward to seeing your smiling face soon.

  4. Such a nice surprise! Beautifully written Tyra! #sisterhood

    1. When open hearts mingle, love blossoms. I’m honored you trust me to share your sacred space by giving me a glimpse into your heart. Much love to U.

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