
I want my heart to burn with firey passion for the Lord. I want to know him more intimately day by day. I want the heat of the Spirit to be an ever-burning flame within me.


And they said to one another, “Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32


While that’s truly my heart’s desire, life has a way of extinguishing the fire. Life has a way of choking the flames causing the fire to be snuffed out. But He does not want us to stifle Him and the work He’s trying to do in and through our lives.


Do you remember being ON FIRE when you got saved? Do you recall the intimacy you had with Him when facing one of life’s greatest difficulties? [bctt tweet=”Then you look up one day and you’ve Mother-May-I baby stepped your way away from the heat of His presence.”]


How do we keep the fire burning?


Just a few weeks ago I was sitting in on my son’s Cub Scout meeting and wouldn’t you know they were talking about fires. They discussed building a fire in a safe place, having a starter, kindling, tinder and logs. I was amazed at the boys’ knowledge of how to start a fire and the different things they could use for starters (anyone ever heard of using steel wool and a battery to start a fire?).


The principles of getting the fire started seemed simple enough. But how would they keep a fire burning? The main element needed to keep a fire burning is oxygen. The fire needs room to breathe and additionally requires replenishment of wood.


In the beginning, the Lord breathed the breath of LIFE in Adam. In Job, the breath of the Almighty continued to give life as His breath was in our nostrils. We are recipients of scripture that is breathed out for teaching, correction and training. And Jesus himself breathes on us saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit”. So invite Him to breathe on you. Allow His breath to oxygenate your fire.


We continue to feed the fire as necessary with wood, solid teaching and sound doctrine. In addition to reading our Word daily, it is critical to continually feed our spirit throughout the day. Listening to sermons, worship music and bible studies are good wood to keep the flames roaring. In addition to being sensitive to His promptings and responding as needed.


We’ve been appointed kings and priests. And part of the priestly role is to keep the fire on the altar burning continually (Leviticus12-13). Just as eternal flames burn at memorials for MLK and JFK, YOU are to be an eternal burning flame for Christ. And keeping the flame burning is not just for me for today. Like passing on the lit Olympic torch, I pray to do a clean hand off to my children so my future generations will continue to declare Jesus is Lord. We WILL pass on the fire. For the Lord does not want us to be cold or even lukewarm. He wants us to keep our desire for Him vibrant and fiery hot.


I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.

Revelation 3:15-16


Not only does the heat of the flame keep you burning brightly for Him, but ash left behind from the burning wood, is useful for continued nourishment. For centuries ash has been used as fertilizer, being rich in essential minerals and nutrients for plant growth. So be that flourishing tree, planted by rivers of living waters, fertilized by the ash from the fire burning within.


In his book Secrets of the Secret Place, Bob Sorge says in eternity, we’ll burn somewhere.


Will we choose to burn with unabashed passion and desire for our Lord? Or will we burn in an everlasting dark torturous hell? I long to be a holy flame, ablaze all my days, for His glory.


If you are a Believer, you’ve been baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Luke 3:16). But as stated earlier, the issues of life can try to extinguish your fire. If that’s you and your embers are but a faint glow, go back and read my first two posts in this series, FIRE FALL and FEEL THE BURN.


Let us pray…Elohim, God of all creation, we praise you. You oh Lord, are the Spirit and the flame that burns brightly within us. It is you living in us that radiates as a LIGHT for all to see. Continually stoke the fire and fan the flames that we may burn as a never-ending example of your love and power. Like moths to a flame, may others be drawn to us, ultimately being drawn to You. Let us always be prepared to share the hope and Zoë that compels us to continue following you, The Way, The Truth and The Life. Amen.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup, Titus 2sdays, Grace & Truth


Photo Credit

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

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7 Replies to “Keep the Fire Burning”

  1. I miss the fiery passion I had when I first became a Christian. Your words have hit home with and inspired me today, Tyra. I have that book, Secrets of the Secret Place, sitting on my shelf. Maybe this is my sign to finally read it :). Thank you for this encouragement on so many levels today, my friend.

  2. Visiting from the #RaRaLinkUp today!
    Great reminder to keep the fire burning!
    I read in my devo this morning a challenge to speak boldly of Jesus to everyone I talk to today. An easy “yes” on the inside…a no-brainier, really…but a hard throught to live out! Wish me luck in my challenge today!
    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Megs,
      Did u run into anyone yet with whom U could share the Good News? I find it’s as easy as making eye contact and satin what a beautiful day God has given us. Or if someone smiles at my child, any chance I get is an opportunity to point back to the ONE who gave it all. Blessings friend pls let me know how the day turned out.

  3. Definitely choosing the burning passion over burning in hell.
    Beautiful words and thought provoking.

    1. Lux,
      The thought of that is quite jarring sit it? But that’s what it boils down to. I pray we continually sit at his feet and feel the heat of his presence as we gaze into his fiery eyes. Mmm, just thinking about it floods me with warmth. Be blessed and thanks for stopping by.

  4. I loved this. I have those same burning feelings to know Him MORE!

    1. Debbie,
      Keeping the flame lit is an intentional and purposeful act. The Lord will certainly honor our effort to connect & commune with Him. Let’s keep pressing into Him. Thanks for stopping by.

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