Would You Dare?

"I triple dog dare ya!"   A saying children would make to taunt you, to incite you to take the dare.  Well as a child I didn't take the dare…
16 May, 2017

Ever Been Let Down?

His dress shirt was getting soaked through. The brown leather of the shoes growing darker too as the rain pelted harder and harder. He was supposed to be on the…
08 May, 2017

Use Your Power

I knew I struck a cord when the enemy retaliated.   All year I’ve had a tremendous burden to pray. While I’ve long since considered myself a woman of prayer,…
14 Mar, 2017

The Power of the Pen

“I don’t have any talent”.   I vividly recall saying that to my father when I was about 13. I was a decent dancer but not good enough to compete.…
20 Feb, 2017

How’s Your Prayer Life?

How’s Your Prayer Life?   I mean really….How’s your prayer life?   I recall being asked a question by my uncle-in-law before my husband and I got married. He said,…
23 Jan, 2017

A Fear Fighting START

It was 5:13am and I already felt defeated. My sweet baby was waking up yet again for another feeding.   I’m never going get enough sleep.   I'm never going to…
09 Jan, 2017