She’s Making Moves

[av_textblock size='' font_color='' color='' av-medium-font-size='' av-small-font-size='' av-mini-font-size='' av_uid='av-k3a3lfe3' id='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''] Sister Friend I SEE YOU! You're making moves. On your job, in your home, and in your community. Mom…
22 Nov, 2019

Are You Praying The Wrong Prayer? Your 3 Step Fix To Pray Right

And when you do so, you expect God to move. After all, He IS the God who answers prayers. You’ve asked God to heal your marriage, to help you raise your children, to heal your body, to keep you in your right mind. And the very mouth that uttered those prayers, is the same mouth that can render those prayer null and void.

04 Jul, 2019

Nothing Is Insurmountable

You ever stand before a mountain and think, “God help! This is insurmountable.” You know, the mountains of: A health challenge A wayward child A stack of bills A perceived…
24 Jun, 2019

Strategies for Conquering 3 D’s of the devil

The devil uses the D’s of discouragement, dissuasion and distraction to break us. But my God knows a thing or two about D’s also. He is the God of deliverance, decisiveness, dexterity, diligence, defense, detail, distinction, and dunamis (power). With His Spirit empowering you, the Father loving you and Jesus’ blood covering you, you are duly equipped to conquer the D’s of the devil.

04 Jun, 2019