Go Deeper

I finally broke the pattern in my dreams. I used to have a pattern in my dreams where I would consistently be late for or miss something entirely. From missing…
07 Aug, 2015

Tapping Into The Source

Their survival depended on it. They needed to access fresh water. This tool would give them access.   The Spile   Like Katniss Everdeen and her crew from The 75th…
04 Aug, 2015

Rivers Of Living Water

What an incredible parallel, a simple two atoms of hydrogen combined with one atom of oxygen, creates the very thing that is necessary to sustain life.   WATER   Water…
03 Aug, 2015

Live In The Moment

Yesterday my family and I spent the day in a small, quaint town. While there we walked the streets, window-shopped, admired old brick buildings, and read on the town’s engagement…
06 Jul, 2015

Feed Your Spirit

There’s lots of attention these days on eating clean, eating right, eating healthy, whole foods, real foods and the like. That is but a small part of TOTAL nourishment. A…
01 Jul, 2015

What Dreams May Come

What Dreams May Come….   A movie featuring one of my favorite actors, Robin Williams. It’s also one of my favorite genres of film, fantasy. Sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, man I just…
26 Jun, 2015

Stinking Thinking

“Get rid of your stinking thinking”, is a popular saying from by Pastor John K. Jenkins, the Senior Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden.   What a true…
24 Jun, 2015