Indeed it is God’s desire that you be in health and prosper even as your soul prospers. Jesus came that YOU may have LIFE and have it more abundantly and…
From the Dictionary of Theology: In the Old Testament the word for "glory" is the Hebrew word כָּבֹוד "kabowd" which carries the idea of heaviness and weight. In the New…
My big thinking gets roped in by pragmatism. My expectation gets corralled by practicality. My self-doubt squeezes the life out of hope. I know this about myself…
“Don’t!” “Stop!” “No!” Words uttered way too easily, way too often, especially when you’ve got a toddler around who you are really trying to protect. But what if….…
A lone man methodically hanging laundry. Unassuming yet powerful. Those around him know there is something more beneath that quiet demeanor, something special, something deeper. After a personal…
I am honored to share this space today with my sweet friend, Brittney Carlson. A worship leader at my church has a new song out called I Am (Miracle). Part…
The antiseptic smell. The incessant beeping of monitors. The constant flurry of scrubs moving back and forth and back and forth. Being in a hospital is quite…