Life Is Fleeting

The antiseptic smell.   The incessant beeping of monitors.   The constant flurry of scrubs moving back and forth and back and forth.   Being in a hospital is quite…
10 Aug, 2015

It’s My Favorite

Fashion. Music. Food. Books. People.   We can claim to have a favorite. But times changes. Big hair was in. It was my favorite style then but now it’s gone.…
03 Jul, 2015

Caught Red-Handed

To be caught red-handed is to be caught with the evidence for all to see. It’s origins date back to 15th century Scotland, where it was used when describing a…
29 Jun, 2015

Summer Slow Down

7 more days. Really?! Seven more school days until the completion of the 2014-2015 school year. Of my 5 children, 3 are in school. Our school year has been greatly…
15 Jun, 2015

How To Get Rest

Intel’s fastest PC processing chip does about 3.5 GHz. Perhaps my brain was clocking 8 GHz. Thoughts about managing people, projects, homework, housework, spiritual warfare, tenants, ministry events, oh not…
06 May, 2015