The antiseptic smell. The incessant beeping of monitors. The constant flurry of scrubs moving back and forth and back and forth. Being in a hospital is quite…
Free To Be {A Spoken Word Poem} Authentic. Real. Transparent. What’s apparent is that we can’t recognize real. Buried in Sheol like the “Los 33”. Trapped…
Ok, so off the break let me say this upfront, I am no personal trainer, fitness buff, fitness expert, muscle head or exercise fanatic. I’m just a person who seeks…
Fashion. Music. Food. Books. People. We can claim to have a favorite. But times changes. Big hair was in. It was my favorite style then but now it’s gone.…
To be caught red-handed is to be caught with the evidence for all to see. It’s origins date back to 15th century Scotland, where it was used when describing a…
5-6 days a week. That’s how often I workout. I plan and prepare healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner for myself. It takes more effort at my age and after having…
7 more days. Really?! Seven more school days until the completion of the 2014-2015 school year. Of my 5 children, 3 are in school. Our school year has been greatly…
Ok, sometimes, actually most times I think I’m just a bit too serious. My life necessitates it; lots to do for lots of people. This requires me to have laser…
Intel’s fastest PC processing chip does about 3.5 GHz. Perhaps my brain was clocking 8 GHz. Thoughts about managing people, projects, homework, housework, spiritual warfare, tenants, ministry events, oh not…