Would You Dare?

"I triple dog dare ya!"   A saying children would make to taunt you, to incite you to take the dare.  Well as a child I didn't take the dare…
16 May, 2017

Is God Really Able?

There are days when you just know that you know GOD IS ABLE.   You know those days when money is plentiful, your job is secure, the cupboards are overflowing,…
23 Dec, 2016

It Is Finished

Hey Family just stopping in to tell you how much I’ve missed you. I treasure the sacred space we share here on the blog. Just know that even in my…
14 Nov, 2016


Sitting in the stillness of time, with the incessant hum and buzz of a million bugs as my beat, I bob my head to nature's morning song. Humid air courses…
15 Aug, 2016