End Of Year Reflections
A year’s worth of life experience. A year of highs and lows. A year of loving and learning. A year of sowing and reaping. For many years now I’ve wrapped…
For the fourth straight year in a row, U.S. life expectancy has yet again declined.
How is it that the one of the wealthiest nations on the planet has the poorest health? How is it in a world with access to money, food, and medical care that poor health is on the rise and life expectancy is on the decline?
#teamquarantiny or #teamquaranthick ? I don’t know which camp you fall into during this season but be reminded that they body IS the temple of the Holy Spirit
Coconut chickpea curry, the spices make the dish fragrant and the coconut milk makes it luscious and creamy. This is sure to be a family crowd pleaser.