“Even if you were the only one entered in a ____________contest, you would come in second”. More than one husband said beauty, thinking their wives would concur. Come on guys,…
“Eeww, what’s that brown stuff?” my 4 year old asked as I placed a heaping spoon of viscous goodness in the blender. This brown stuff, nearly black in color and…
As I stood at my window watching fat juicy snowflakes fall, I thought of the intricate detail in which they are fashioned. Their complex design emerges as they travel through…
He’s a picky eater. Oh she’ll never eat that. He doesn’t eat anything green. I’ve heard parents say it all regarding their children’s food habits. I am persuaded that…
In my pursuit to honor my temple through proper nourishment, I've found a rhythm that works well for me; a green smoothie for breakfast, a raw lunch and a low-fat,…
Omnivore. Vegetarian. Pescatarian. Raw. Vegan. Flexitarian. I’m so OVER labels. Today marks Day 10 of a 10-Day cleanse for me. Over the holidays I did a little more…