Feed Your Spirit

There’s lots of attention these days on eating clean, eating right, eating healthy, whole foods, real foods and the like. That is but a small part of TOTAL nourishment. A…
01 Jul, 2015

Caught Red-Handed

To be caught red-handed is to be caught with the evidence for all to see. It’s origins date back to 15th century Scotland, where it was used when describing a…
29 Jun, 2015

What Dreams May Come

What Dreams May Come….   A movie featuring one of my favorite actors, Robin Williams. It’s also one of my favorite genres of film, fantasy. Sci-fi, post-apocalyptic, man I just…
26 Jun, 2015

Stinking Thinking

“Get rid of your stinking thinking”, is a popular saying from by Pastor John K. Jenkins, the Senior Pastor at the First Baptist Church of Glenarden.   What a true…
24 Jun, 2015

Summer Slow Down

7 more days. Really?! Seven more school days until the completion of the 2014-2015 school year. Of my 5 children, 3 are in school. Our school year has been greatly…
15 Jun, 2015

Chipotle {At Home}

Simple Menu + Humble Ingredients = Success   Chipotle has managed to take a few simple items and strike gold. Everyone loves Chipotle. From children to seniors, burritos bowls to…
12 Jun, 2015

Raw Chocolate Truffles

One of my all-time favorite desserts is the Lindt Lindor Truffle.   You can read more about my love affair with those here. They are luscious, creamy dreamy little bites of…
05 Jun, 2015