
“Eeww, what’s that brown stuff?” my 4 year old asked as I placed a heaping spoon of viscous goodness in the blender.

This brown stuff, nearly black in color and a little pungent is none other than Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses.


Molasses is something we may think of as a strange thing from a bygone era. Sure it is in gingersnap cookies and gingerbread but is anybody really using it these days? And what is it really?


Molasses is the byproduct that’s left over from converting sugar cane into sugar. While the end result, table sugar gives you no nutritional value, its byproduct molasses is chock full of goodness.


To me, molasses is a superfood that doesn’t get nearly enough recognition. It’s like crude…Black Gold, Texas Tea. Just 2 tablespoons contains half of your daily intake of iron and nearly half your daily intake of calcium along with other minerals and vitamins such as B6, magnesium and potassium.


I began taking blackstrap molasses several years ago during a pregnancy. The doctor said I was anemic and I knew I didn’t want to take a supplement that could cause constipation so I went on the hunt for natural remedies. I came upon the wonderful benefits of molasses and began taking 2 tablespoons a day either in a smoothie or directly off of a spoon.


And you know what? My iron levels returned to normal.


It’s a safe sweetener for diabetics as it has a low glycemic index and does not cause sugar spikes. It is also a natural stool softener.


So head over to your natural food store and pick up some blackstrap molasses, the new Black Gold today. And before you know it, you may be inspired to whip up a batch of gingerbread, molasses cookies, baked beans, and molasses bread, all because of your newfound love of molasses.  I just made a batch of gingerbread scones, made vegan by replacing the butter with coconut oil and the egg with a flax egg.

molasses jar

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

9 Replies to “Blackstrap Molasses, The New Black Gold”

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  2. That is a great tip, I wish I had that with my pregnancies but I am definitely going to start now.

    1. Yup Denita never too late to start.

  3. I’m thankful for the reminder as well! I have some but never thought to put it in smoothies…thx!

    1. Angela,

      The taste is strong in the smoothie so start slow. In certain drinks I don’t want it to overpower the taste of other ingredients so I went to taking it straight off the spoon. Some people mix it with a little warm water and drink it like tea.

  4. I remember you mentioned this to me a while back. I need to find a way to get it into our routine. Thx so much!

    1. Sounds like a great homeschool lesson for health on reading food labels, hunting for sugar, why you limit their sugar intake and how sugar gets from the cane to the table and you can tie in the cultural aspect and the crew can sit with daddy and gnaw on some fresh cane. Invite me over if you do the lesson 🙂

  5. I can always trust you to keep me up on the healthiest and most nutritious foods! This was very educational.
    Two questiosn: where do we buy this “black gold” and what is a flax egg??? Do you just make it from flaxseed and water?

    1. Thandi,

      My friend it is my pleasure to share. When I come into the knowledge of truth I know it is not only for me and my household but to bless others. The molasses can be purchased at the regular grocery but it will probably be overpriced. You can score some less expensive at your local natural food store (in the DMV Mom’s Market, Glut Food Co-op and even the Amish Market). The flax egg is 1 tbsp ground flax + 3 tbsp warm water. Whisk until gelatinous.

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