
7 Books That Changed My Life in 2018…and I think they’ll change yours too!

Did you start out the year with a long list of books you planned to read? Of those you read, did they cause a change in your beliefs, attitudes and behavior?

I’m an avid reader. As a little girl, reading was my way of escape from a tumultuous childhood. And my love for books has remained. From professional to spiritual development with a little fiction thrown in, I can go through stacks and stacks (albeit my real life responsibilities keep me from losing myself in the land of books). I probably read a minimum of 30 books any given year.


Below is a list of 7 books that changed my life in 2018 and I think they’ll change yours too! There’s reading to arm you spiritually, to strengthen you physically, personally and professionally and even some fiction that will leave you thinking.


[bctt tweet=”A good book will challenge what you believe, will cause you to think deeply and will stay with you long after you’ve put it down.” username=”inspiredfully”] These seven did just that for me. So here they are in no particular order.


The Dream of You by Jo Saxton

Who are you? Without the hurt, guilt and shame who are you really? In The Dream of You, Jo takes us on a journey of uncovering who we were when we were created in the image of God. When I read this book I felt like Jo knew me personally and was telling my story. If you need clarity and affirmation on identity, this book is a must read for you.


Possessing The Gates Of The Enemy by Cindy Jacobs

I would venture to say most Believers engage in some type of prayer. From, “Help!” to prayer for the sick, many of us are praying. But are we praying strategically? Are we praying prayers that have the ear of God and dispatch angels to move on our behalf? In Possessing The Gates of the Enemy, Cindy Jacobs sets forth strategic plans for prayer. This book is a must have for those who’ve been called to the ministry of intercession and still a great read for all Believers who want to strengthen their prayer lives.


Praying The Names of God by Ann Spangler

So I read this book in 2018, 2017, 2016 and you get the point. It’s a resource I pull off my bookcase often. I’ve read several books on the names of God but Praying The Names of God by Ann Spangler is my absolute favorite on the subject. It’s actually a devotional with 5 days examination dedicated to each name. She shows where the name is first found in scripture and leads the reader in closer examination on how it can be applicable to our lives and more. By reading this book I’ve drawn closer to God through understanding more of His nature and character. When I think I want to call my own shots, I’ve learned to call on Adonai, Lord & Master. When I feel like the enemy is encroaching upon me, I’ve learned to call on Jehovah Sabaoth, The Lord of Hosts. Whoo, I’m getting excited just thinking about His names and this book. You’ve gotta add this one!


The One Thing by Gary Keller

You know that saying, jack of all trades and master of none? Well this book reminds me of that. I don’t want to be the jack of all trades, or jack of all tasks. I want to hone in on the ONE THING God has called me to focus my efforts on in this season. And this book just confirmed what the Lord had already been telling me. I was asking God for ideas, strategies and divine download of plans for my business. And God said, “Just do that ONE thing I already told you to do”. Well that ONE THING is in the works and will be released, finally, in February. If you are the type that thinks multitasking is effective, this book will challenge your beliefs. If you are looking to improve productivity, gain clarity or get better focused this is the book for you.


The 49th Mystic by Ted Dekker

Man, man, man! You ever read a book that holds you so tightly in its grip that you’re still thinking about it weeks after reading it? Well that’s what Dekker’s The 49th Mystic (and its sequel) did to me. Though this is a fiction read, Dekker infuses it with biblical truth but in a non preachy way. A few of the themes the book addresses are God’s love for man, man’s blindness, identity and the indwelling of Christ. I’m definitely going to re-read these in 2019 because they are so rich and meaty I’m still unpacking them and know a second read will uncover even more truth. If you want to treat yourself to some fiction reading but still want it to be stimulating, pick this up.


Purposeful Parenting by Me

Yes, my own book. Every time I read my own pages I am convicted, encouraged and empowered to keep running this parenting race. This book is all about examining what’s in our own hearts so that we can free ourselves in order to give children the love they need and deserve. So many things cloud our ability to parent in love; our own hurts, fears, and insecurities. But when we surrender these things over to God, we are then able to be conduits of God’s agape love. Filled with the promises of God, personal stories and practical applications, this book is a must have for parents, grandparents, educators and any person who is an influencer in the life of a child. Get a copy for you and one for a friend.


Alkaline Vegan Mommy’s Nutritional Guide to Health and Healing by Deondra Greene

So I finally took the plunge into eating the alkaline way. I’ve considered myself a clean eater for years but in 2018 God was calling me higher. You may already know that the Standard American Diet (SAD), is just that, sad. It is loaded with acidic foods that cause mucus, inflammation and are detrimental to the body. And that is certainly NOT God’s will for our lives as He wants us to be in health and prosper even as our souls prosper.

God had been prompting me to adopt Dr. Sebi’s African Bio-Mineral Balance Diet. But I just didn’t want to. I didn’t want to give up my two creature comforts: coffee & popcorn. Nonetheless, I obeyed God and embarked on this journey which took me even higher. In came this book. Deondra is a professional chef and mom of 3. Her book made this journey of alkaline eating fun, easy and approachable. Do yourself a favor and honor God by honoring your temple through eating more alkaline foods. And get this book to take the guess work out of where to begin.


Drop in the comment the books that really moved you in 2018 so I can add them to my reading list.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


*There are links in this post that can be defined as “affiliate links”. This means that I may receive a small commission (at no cost to you) if you purchase something through the links provided.


How’s Your Perspective?

My homeschooler has been studying Cubism. And while it ended up being one of the most influential art styles of the 20th century, at its inception it challenged what people knew, understood and accepted about perspective.


This is much like life today.


Conventional perspective says:

I’m at peace when I have money in the bank

I’m happy if I have new clothes

I’m happy when my children obey

I’m joyful when I’m on vacation

I’m content when everything is going my way


But I say we give ourselves permission like Picasso and Braque to change our perspective.

To see through eyes of faith

To see through eyes of love

To see with eternity in mind

To see with INsight


With a new line of sight we can see:

Abundance where we perceived lack

Joy where we felt pain

Peace where we saw chaos

Sound thinking where there was anxiety


How’s your perspective?


With a SHIFT in perspective you can be confident knowing that whatever situation you find yourself in, THERE in that place you have joy, you have peace, you have contentment.


[bctt tweet=”When you purpose to SEE beyond sight, with spiritual sight you see love, abundance and fulfillment.” username=”inspiredfully”]


Isn’t this what God wants you for? He came that you may have life and have it to the full, and that is possible when we shift perspective and give thanks.


In all things give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you all. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


With a changed perspective I’m giving myself permission to laugh, permission to have fun, and permission to LIVE because with an eternal perspective I have more than enough. I am loved, I am love and I give love.


And where there is love there is life.



So how’s your perspective?


I’m praying your GODvision to see with INsight for heavenly perspective.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


10 Tips To Lose Weight, Feel Great & Level Up In Your Health

I eat clean.


I coach people on how to eat clean.


Guess What?! Even I got to the place where I need to LEVEL UP my health.


Has God been whispering anything to you about your diet?


Has He been gently urging you to Level Up in your health?


For over a year God has been calling me. He’s been calling me to go higher in Him and that called for a change in my diet. And I clearly heard the call, but I just didn’t want to do it. And truth be told, I really needed the level up in more ways than one. I was hormonal, cranky, gaining weight and my joints were aching. And I KNEW these symptoms would benefit from the leveling up but I just.didn’t.wanna.do.it!


“God why? What more do I have to give? I’ve given you all of me. I’ve already surrendered my diet. I already eat clean. I already sacrifice. Really?! What more do you want?”

This was my reply to His beckoning.


Have you ever done this? Perhaps you’re like me. You pray and ask God for a thing. Perhaps you’ve asked him to create in you a clean heart. Maybe you’ve asked Him to bless you, to prosper you, to strengthen you, to change you. And when He sets about doing the very thing YOU’VE asked for, you reject it. Sound familiar?


But let me tell you this, your blessings are attached to your obedience. So don’t be hardheaded like me. Heed His voice. You want the results right? Are you looking to lose weight? Are you looking to feel great? Are you looking to reduce inflammation? Are you looking for better sleep and more energy? Are you looking to draw nearer to God?


If so, implement these 10 Tips To Lose Weight, Feel Great & Level Up In Your Health


1. Apologize To Yourself

Apologize to yourself for the ways you’ve handled or mishandled your body. Forgive yourself for the times you’ve dishonored your temple and commit to showing yourself how much you love YOU by purposefully nourishing your body.

2. Ask & You Shall Receive

Ask God to give you the desire, obedience, and diligence to level up in your health. He said ask and you shall receive so ask Him. Ask Him to change your mindset. Ask Him to give you the desire to crave foods which honor the body. Ask Him for the will to reject trash masquerading as food.

3. Choose Well

All day we are presented with choices. Be sure to choose well! I want you to write out Deuteronomy 30:19. Place it somewhere you can see it. Memorize it. Then walk in the power of the Holy Spirit so you can choose well.

4. Remove The Offenders

What things are you consuming that detract from optimal health? Remove the offenders. Don’t know what those are? Here’s a good place to start. Remove these highly acidic foods: coffee, soda, sugar, bread, chips, pastries, pasta, and soy. The consumption of acidic foods is a breeding ground for sickness and disease.

5. Fuel

Now that you’ve removed some detractors, fuel your body by consuming high alkaline foods. In my next post, I’ll share more details on alkaline eating but suffice it to say, foods that are high in alkaline support the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Some high alkaline foods are: melons, squashes, quinoa, chickpeas, walnuts, onions, cucumbers, lettuces, mushrooms, and berries.

6. Supplement

To aid your body’s natural healing processes, add herbal supplements. Just as you would research and plan for a vacation, do some research on which herbs would help the ailments you may be experiencing. A few herbs I use: verbena, valerian, burdock root, sarsparilla, elderberry, and dandelion.

7. Rest

I cannot say enough about this one. For all the good we do to eat right, the body must also have rest. And by REST I’m talking more than Netflix and Chill, I’m talking more than a trip to the nail salon or a few extra hours of sleep. When I’m talking rest, I’m talking about cessation from mental, physical and emotional activity so that your mind, body, and spirit are RESTORED.

8. Exercise

It is important to move your body. You don’t have to go all Parkour, Crossfit crazy with it but do move. A prayer walk, a gentle yoga flow or rebounding on a mini trampoline will serve well in getting your limbs moving, your heart pumping and your bodily systems flowing.

9. Do Your Best

Be gentle with yourself because this is a process. There will be old patterns of behavior that will have to be broken. There will be shifts in the heart and in the mind and some of the old belief systems were forged over years so they will not be uprooted overnight. If you struggle, keep pressing. If you fall, get back up. If you slip, grab onto something and steady yourself. Surround yourself with people who are moving in the direction you want to go. Find one person that you can learn from whose approach, style and ideas inspire you to ACT.

10. Pray

Prayer is your lifeline for all of the above. In your prayer time, you will commune with the Father. You will hear His heart. You will cry out to Him. He will answer you, reassure you and strengthen you. You will make your request known. You will intercede for others. Yes, you will pray and He will hear. And because He hears, He will answer.


And let me tell you, I did it so I know this works. In the first week, my mood was better and I was sleeping better. After the second week, the fat around my mid-section began to shrink. By the fourth week, my joint pain had significantly decreased. I’ve been without popcorn, coffee and chips. I’ve been without ice cream, rice and pasta. And frankly, outside of the coffee, I haven’t missed the rest (ohhhhh coffeeeeee :/)


[bctt tweet=”Are you willing to let go so that your hands and heart are free to receive? ” username=”inspiredfully”]


Come on then, let’s LEVEL UP!


As always, it’s my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!




School Is In Session, Are You Ready?

From the beginning of August through after Labor Day, children across America will be heading back to school. Whether public, private, homeschool or a combination of them, parents have expended MUCH energy ensuring their children are prepared (myself included).

If you’re a parent with a child headed to school chances are you’ve:

  • Researched schools, selected a school, tried to choose the teacher(s)
  • Attended some back to school event (school supply drives, back to school prayer, etc)
  • Talked to your child about the upcoming year
  • Purchased supplies, clothes, shoes, lunchbags, etc
  • Got kids hairdo’s, haircuts
  • And the list goes on……..you know the drill

School Is In Session, Are You Ready?

What exactly have you done to get YOURSELF ready?

What you have done to pour into yourself so that YOU are equipped to give your child the love, support and encouragement they’ll need this school year?

What have you done to make sure you are mentally alert, emotionally available, and spiritually strong?  And if you’ve ever dealt with homework tears, in-school bullying, or learning difficulties you KNOW it requires you to be strong to help your child weather the storms.

So for all the back to school ads, campaigns, prayer vigils, meet & greets, and picnics, I’m here thinking what about my sanity and yours.

Am I the only one beseeching God saying, “Father, I need your help. I need you to guide me as I guide them. I need you to teach me as I teach them. I need you”?

Surely I can’t be the only one who knows that unless I fiercely cling to the vine, I won’t be able to adequately support them.

I’m wagering that I’m not the only one who knows making it through the school year is going to require God to continue working in my own heart so that I can give my children what they need and deserve.

SO…….since I’m not the only one, I want YOU Back To School ready.

Just like you did your best to get them ready, I’m going to do my best to get YOU ready.

I want us to employ the single most effective strategy for back to school readiness…PRAYER.

[bctt tweet=”The ONE thing your child needs most is for you to be connected to God.” username=”inspiredfully”]

With that one connection, you serve as a conduit for God’s love, purpose, and plans to be unlocked and to flow.

Prayer is truly the one thing that release all the other things you want for your child (CLICK HERE for more on the power of praying for your child).

So that’s what we are gonna do. We are going to pray and watch. We are going to watch God perform the miraculous starting with us. We are going to see God change our own hearts so that we are delivered, healed and set free. We are going to experience God take out our stony hearts and give us hearts of flesh. We are going to witness God fill us with compassion and gentleness. We are going to bear the fruit of meekness and humility.

And here’s how we’re going to do it. For 21 days we are going to pray together. For 21 straight days you’ll meet me live and we will seek the Father’s face, we will seek His wisdom and we will hear from Him. We will pray for our children, for their friends, for their educators but more than that, we’ll spend the bulk of the 21 days praying for ourselves. The job of parenting is not for the faint of heart so we’ve got to be duly armed to carry out our assignment and I’m looking forward to partnering with you to make it happen.

We’ll be praying some points from my book PURPOSEFUL PARENTING. Do you have your copy?

We’ll meet HERE on my Facebook page so make sure you’re following.

But before we even begin our 21 days of Purposeful Prayer 4 Parents, how can I pray for you right now? Leave your requests in the comments and I count it an honor to carry them before the throne of grace.

As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to partner with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith


It’s Gonna Cost You Something

Anything worth something is gonna cost you something.

Last night I asked my husband to purchase my daughter a case for her tablet. He said he was going to purchase her a particular brand. I like this brand and it is very durable but I think they are WAY overpriced. (It’s gonna cost you something Tyra). I then suggested that we purchase a cheap, off-brand one instead. My 12 year old then chimed in saying, “You know Mommy, if you buy the cheap one, you’re just gonna have to replace it so you should just go ahead and get the good one instead of trying to go cheap.”

You know what? He’s right.

And relationships are the same way.

[bctt tweet=”If we don’t pay upfront, if we don’t make the investment, if we don’t value people, we’ll end up needing a do over.” username=”inspiredfully”]

And the do over may just cost us even more.

Yup, Relationships are gonna cost you something.

And relationships with children will cost you ALOT!

They will cost you:

and much, much more.

But the return on investment will be GREAT. For every positive word, act of service, ball game attended, smile offered, extra bedtime story, late night chat, it will be worth it.

Yes you were tired, overwhelmed, beyond tired, exhausted, exasperated even but you chose to dig deep and pay up because you deemed them worth it.

Yes, it cost you something. It costs you to examine yourself, to be honest with yourself, to change your attitude, to change your beliefs and to change your behavior. Yes, it’s costly but children are worth it and your investment will yield high dividends.

Take a listen to my interview with LCSW Mercedes Samudio of Shame Proof Parenting as we talk about Developing Healthy Parent-Child Relationships and the cost involved.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith


3 Easy Steps To SPRING Forth

Ok. I’m officially putting out an APB for Spring.

SPRING, where are you?”

I don’t know how the weather is where you are, but where I am, temperatures are unseasonably low. In fact, most days here are more than 20 degrees below average for this time of year. And for some, the weather can impact how we feel. Cold temps, cloudy days and rain can leave us feeling depleted.

Have your personal wellness goals been S-L-O-W on the take?

SLOW to eat right?

SLOW to exercise?

SLOW to daily prayer, study and meditation?

[bctt tweet=”I’ve come to declare your winter season is over, it’s time to SPRING FORTH!” username=”inspiredfully”]

God says there is a time and season for everything under the heavens and even though spring has been delayed in the natural, in the spirit it is your time to Spring Forth.

Behold, the former things have come to pass,
And new things I declare;
Before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Isaiah 42:9

Without even knowing all the details, I know God has been whispering some things to you. He’s been telling you what He wants you to do because He’s preparing you for the NEW. He just doesn’t sneak up on you. Before He does a thing, He gives you some insight. He says it right in the above scripture. And He also confirms it in the scritpure below telling you again that the new thing is going to happen, you’ll know about it and He’ll make provision for it. Isn’t that reassuring?

Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19

But we’ve got to be prepared to receive the NEW. We have to be obedient to the things He’s already told us to do. We’ve got to be diligent and disciplined so that we are equipped to MOVE with that which is SPRINGING FORTH. If we are not equipped, we can miss our opportunity. And I don’t want us to miss out on what God has for us so let’s get ready to MOVE.

Here are 3 Easy Step To SPRING Forth


TODAY, purpose that you will meditate for 3 mintues. You can do this! Steal away to a quiet place. Grab a scripture. Heck, you can even choose from the 2 I’ve listed above. Still your body. Bring awareness to your body. Starting at the top of your head then moving down each part of your body to your toes, allow yourself to relax. As you move through this, you may notice some areas that are tense. Grant yourself permission to be present in that space, permission to breath and permission to BE. Embrace that moment by being present. Pick up your scripture and say it. Think on it. Repeat it. Then listen for what God has to say to you about it.


TODAY, you can commit to honor your temple through proper nourishment. If you don’t already have it, grab your HOW TO BUILD A BETTER SALAD free printable and prepare yourself a salad for lunch or for dinner. You can do this! Incorporating one salad a day is an EXCELLENT way to nourish your body. But you want a salad that will improve your wellbeing and not detract from it so be sure to grab that printable so that you are building a salad that honors not defiles as certain dressings and toppings can compromise your efforts.


Let us worship God in spirit and in truth. He is TRUTH. So take time TODAY to worship. Whether you do that through prayer, meditation, dance or song, connect your spirit with His. Oh even the though makes my heart soar and makes me eager to finish up this post so I can RUNNNNNN into His arms and dance, dance, dance. That is exactly what my spirit is doing right now as I offer myself to God in worship. He scooped me right up and we are dancing in a HUGE ballroom! WHOOOO!!!! However it looks for you, just free yourself to worship uninhibited.

I know you can do this.

Is one of the 3 a struggle for you? Let me know in the comments so I can pray for you.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Chasing Community


How To Build A Better Salad

Iceberg. Romaine. Tomato. Cheese. Croutons. Ranch.




Why settle for the old standard salad bar salad when you can craft a masterpiece that will be tantalizing to the eyes and the taste buds? Not to mention, you want a salad that adds to not detracts from your health and a salad that’s loaded down with cheese, creamy dressing, and croutons….well.


I have a salad nearly every day for lunch. [bctt tweet=”Here’s the formula for how to build a better salad.” username=”inspiredfully”]




Choose greens that are nutrient dense. Some good options are:





~Swiss Chard

~Red Leaf Lettuce

~Brussels Sprouts


SALAD: Red Cabbage Salad With Spicy Peanut Dressing

red cabbage salad

SALAD: Farro Salad



I love the addition of hot roasted vegetables on my salad. The heat from the veggies slightly wilts the greens and takes of the cold edge making the salad the perfect temperature. Mmm, just typing about it has me eagerly looking forward to lunch. A few of my favorite veggies to add to a salad are:

~Colorful Peppers

~Cherry Tomatoes


~Green Beans

~Roasted Sweet Potato

~Roasted Butternut Squash


~Fresh Herbs



If you want to lose/maintain weight, build muscle and reduce body fat, you should eat protein with every meal. By evenly rationing protein throughout your day as opposed to a huge portion at dinner, your muscles receive a constant supply of amino acid, which supports building muscle and boosting metabolism.

~Lean meat of choice






kale salad chickpeas


Boost the taste and nutritional value of your salad by adding these extras.


~Seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, hemp, flax)


~Wild Rice


~Goat Cheese, Feta

~Fruit (fresh or dried. I love the contrast of sweet and savory in a salad)

colorful salad


Many store bought dressings are not good for you. They can contain hydrogenated soybean oil, high fructose corn syrup and in general too much fat and sugar. You’d fare better making your own dressing and chances are you may already have ingredients at home to make the dressings. Whizzing these dressings in the blender gives them a nice creamy consistency without all the saturated fat and cholesterol normally found in many store bought dressings.


Balsamic Vinaigrette

My standard go to dressing. It’s made most excellent by the addition of my all time favorite spice, Hope by Virtuous Living. Click here to order your Hope today.

½ cup high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

¼ cup balsamic vinaigrette

1 tbsp Hope

2 tsp maple syrup

1 clove garlic minced

salt & pepper to taste


Tahini Dressing

Tahini is a staple in my kitchen. From dressings to hummus to soups, I have many uses for it.

½ cup water

2 tbsp tahini

a squeeze of lemon juice

salt & pepper to taste


Braggs Dressing

2 tbsp EVOO

1 tsp Braggs liquid aminos


Spicy Peanut Dressing

Click Here


Consistently BUILD A BETTER SALAD with the printable. Click to download now!


I’d love to see what you’ve made. Take a pic of your salad and tag me.

Instagram: Inspired Life

Facebook:Inspired Life

Twitter:Inspired Life

red lettuce salad nut meat

Quinoa salad

pear salad


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!