
How to Hear From God

Whales can communicate with each other from distances of up to 2 miles apart. And how? Sound is transmitted better where molecules are closer together, such is the case in water.


Oh that we would find ourselves immersed in rivers of Living Water, that we would hear from and communicate with the Lord. That the molecules of our souls would be so close together that nothing would impede our communication with Him. 


Perhaps you are saying YES, I want to know how to hear from God but do you have an ear to hear?


Communicating with God requires that we hear from Him. And to hear from Him we must lend an ear. At least 7 times in the Gospels Jesus says, “He that has ears let Him hear.” Jesus took aside a man that was deaf, put His fingers in the man’s ears and said to him, “Be Opened!’ and the man’s ears were opened (Mark 7:31-37).


Suffice it to say the Lord wants us to hear. And from these instances we can ascertain that the Lord is not only drawing our attention to the ability of our ears to hear but more so that we will TAKE ACTION on what has been heard. Yes we know that we have two ears on the sides of our head, but do we have ears to hear what the spirit is saying? 


It is not enough for sound waves to enter the outer ear, to travel through the auditory canal, then on to the eardrum, through the cochlea, up the auditory nerve and to the temporal lobe. Once that information HITS the brain, it compels a response. And the same is true with God. When He is speaking to you, His words have to travel through your mind, weave their way through your will, and navigate your emotions so that they can reach your spirit. He is trying to reach your inner most being He wants to do something! 


But depending on where you are emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually, that can be rocky terrain through which the Lord has to traverse to reach your spirit. 


So how do we position ourselves to have ears to hear?


  • We have to dial down the internal and external chatter

  • We have to clear out some of the mental mess

  • We have to avoid eating food that clogs up our ability to think and to hear

  • We have to guard our ear gates and eye gates


We must incline our ears. 


And let us not only hear with our ears but also with our hearts.


Incline your ear to wisdom and your heart to understanding Proverbs 2:2


Why does He need to have our ear?


He has need of us. He wants to remind us that we were fearfully and wonderfully made. He wants to assure us of His everlasting love for us. He wants to remind us of His word. He wants us to remember how we defeat our adversary. He wants to give us the next imperative for our kingdom assignment. He has plenty that He needs to share. And we get to reap rewards for listening.


There is blessing for the one who has an ear to hear.


Hearing increases discernment.
Hearing increases faith.
Those who hear bear fruit.
A sheep who knows the Shepherd’s voice is kept safe.
Hearing Him and responding in obedience is an act of love.


But he said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:28


Do you have ears to hear?


What barriers are in the way of your hearing? What will you do to make room to hear from Him?


LIVING FULLY is a holistic approach involving the mind, body and spirit. And we can nurture the spirit through prayer, meditation, bible study, and more but even greater than that we can commune with God through our listening and our obedience.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


How To Avoid Getting Sick

In the name of Valentine’s Day we do it

In the name of Super Bowl Sunday we do it

In the name of Easter we do it

In the name of family traditions we do it

We eat ourselves sick.


Clever marketing and the manipulation of our taste buds have us coming back to the junk that makes us sick time and time again. The more we consume detrimental foods, the more prone we are to catching disease and the more sick we become.


So how do we avoid getting sick? We must stay away from foods that degenerate our health.


How can you have an immune system that’s healthy enough to fight off disease when all you’ve fed your body is trash masquerading as food? Surely Doritos, Poptarts, Cereal, and BBQ chicken and macaroni and cheese are not the building blocks for making your immune system strong and healthy?


I know, I know, it tastes good. So what? Is it good for you? Is it promoting strength, health, energy and vitality? Or is it breeding obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease?


Recently, my husband and I stopped in the store to pick up one thing. As soon as we hit the door we were bombarded by garbage. 


12 foot long display of Valentine candy. Just steps away from that a towering Super Bowl display laden with chips, dips and soda. Then we proceeded to walk past an end cap that was also full of sugar. I said to my husband, “I bet each end cap is full of sugar”. So I went to verify my hypothesis and indeed it proved true. 


And this is why heart disease is the #1 killer on the planet.


And this is why diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity run rampant in my community. 




He has an answer.


He said the leaves on the trees are for the healing of the nations (Revelation 22:2). 


“But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear” Matthew 13:16


You can avoid getting sick when you have eyes to see. The next time you go grocery shopping search out LIVING FOODS. Let the scales fall from your eyes so that you can SEE all the cookies, cakes, chips, sodas, candy, packaged foods for what they really are, HEART DISEASE IN DISGUISE. Don’t be fooled by the costume of packaging. 




Eat LIVING food like this. This is similar to what my lunch looks like daily. You can find this recipe and more HERE


Hear what I am saying and receive the truth in love.


When you have seen and have heard, you KNOW the truth and the truth makes you free. 



You can be free from sickness

You can be free from disease



And when you are set free you can choose to WALK in freedom.


February is American Heart Month. Love yourself and love your heart by avoiding those things which are making you prone to get sick. Say NO to heart disease by not purchasing the trash and by eating more fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, beans, legumes and moderate whole grains. Say YES to your heart health by going for a walk. 


Declare that you shall be in good health and prosper even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2).


Thank God that you CAN do all things because He gives you strength (Philippians 4:13).  


You are worth it and sickness does not have to be your portion!


As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


You Shall Wear A Crown

It would be an understatement to say that 2020 was rough but not to worry because you are the one who shall wear a crown.


Even in the midst of civil unrest, political turmoil, global pandemic and seemingly endless death God remained faithful. Many experienced His grace and favor. People reaped a harvest of time as many “busy” activities suddenly came to an end. Many reaped a harvest of health as they took the time to plan their meals, cook at home and since there was nowhere to go they took their neighborhoods getting plenty of exercise. Many saw a harvest in their finances as the Lord allowed them to recoup some of the money that would have been spent on travel, eating out and making unnecessary purchases. 


And there is a promise for the year ahead. God is crowning you with goodness.


You shall wear a crown.



You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance. Psalm 65:11



God will continue in this vein by crowning this year with bountiful harvest, causing even the hard paths to overflow. And not only is He crowning your year beloved, He is crowning YOU!


You shall Wear a crown.



Picture with me for a moment the Lord placing a royal diadem upon your head. He has selected the most precious, flawless gems and placed them in a crown of gold. He takes this crown and slowly approaches you. As you humbly bow, He places the diadem upon your head. And while the crown is heavy, He gently places His hand on your chin, lifting your head. As your head rises up and you meet His gaze, your spirit is strengthened all the more and the “weight” of the crown pales in comparison to the weight of His glory. 



You shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. Isaiah 62:3



Let me pronounce this prophetic decree over you and your household. 


You are the righteous of God. God dwells with you and you with Him. As His chosen beloved Child, you are an heir to the throne of grace. You have received His inheritance as your reward. Your year is crowned with a bountiful harvest. Overflow is your portion. Because of your obedience the blessing of the Lord overtakes you. You walk in radiant health. Your relationships are deep and fruitful. Your God ordained business ventures are blessed. Your household is blessed. You are blessed when you come and bless when you go. Goodness and mercy follow you all your days. You are crowned with goodness, glory, grace and honor. Love encircles your head. Your thoughts are true and praiseworthy as you are crowned with the mind of Christ. God’s wisdom is the nuggets and gems that ring your head. You are seated at His right hand. His right hand leads you, guides you and protects you as you walk in paths of righteousness for His namesake. Your year is marked with evidence of God’s faithfulness toward you. In Jesus Christ name I pray, Amen!


As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


A Back to School Promise You Can Bank On

This fall isn’t like last fall.


Back to school pictures are a little different.


Kitchens and spare bedrooms have been converted into classrooms.


School has started but few have gone back into the school classroom.


Indeed the start of the 2020-21 school year is different. 



Amid the different one thing remains. One thing is sure and one thing that is true. The ONE who is unchanging is right here in the midst of it with us. The ONE who does not change (Malachi 3:6) is ever faithful by our side. And He’s given us a back to school promise we can bank on.


And I don’t know about you but I need a promise I can hold on to. This promise is going to carry me through internet service interruptions. This promise is going to get me through children complaining about their siblings talking too loudly when they’ve taken themselves off mute. This promise is going to carry my early elementary child through all the loops, hoops and screen switches he’s expected to master at such a young age. This promise is going to give me needed reassurance for homeschooling a high schooler. And this promise is going to ensure that myself, my husband and my 6 children all dwell together in unity (Psalm 133:1) as we navigate this new way of learning.


And I’m banking that this promise will come through for you too.


No matter how you feel about this school year.


Whether your child is attending school virtually, traditionally homeschooled, returning full time to the classroom or hybrid. 


For the single mom who has conference call after conference call yet your 3rd grader needs help with the new way of regrouping.


For the essential worker who is trying to explain to her father how to log into class since grandparents will be called upon to help manage distance learning.


For the older siblings watching the younger ones while attempting to get their own work done because mom and dad have to get to work. 


To the teacher who has 3 children of her own at home.


Here’s a Word in season that you can fiercely cling to:



All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13



Friends, above all, He is their Teacher. The Holy Spirit is a teacher. The Father, who loves His children faithfully instructs them. Jesus, Rabboni is their teacher. And as such, He’s got this!


And wait! Not only will they be taught by Him, but GREAT shall be their peace. 


Take heart friend. God’s got you and He has your children. He is teaching all of us day by day. In Him there is no lack. He supplies all our needs including the educational ones. So we can safely place our trust in the surety of this promise. He will teach your children and great shall be their peace (Isaiah 54:13). Commit this verse to memory, ask, seek, knock and watch Him do it for you.


Let us pray…

Thank you Lord for the surety of your promises. You have assured me that you will teach my children and great shall be their peace. Lord help me lay aside any worry, anxiety and fear surrounding their education as I put my hope and trust in you. May my children have the wisdom, knowledge, understanding and learning of Daniel and the Hebrew Boys. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me so that I am open and receptive to be used by You. Show me how I can  best encourage my children and foster their love of learning. And let me remember that instructing them is not merely relegated to academics but I am to diligently teach them about You Father. Let them seek knowledge and have the ear of the wise. May your Word teach them, equip them, and correct them. I thank you for being the best teacher they could ever have.

In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.


What Is Soul Care & Why You Need It Now

Newscasters are telling us. Social media influencers are telling us. Our doctors are telling us.



But these days it seems as if self-care has been reduced to temporary, quick fixes. Perhaps a mani/pedi, massage, glass of wine, night with the crew will invoke happy feelings, but in and of themselves they are short lived. While spa visits and whoosah moments are a sweet reprieve from the constant chatter of the world, in and of themselves they will not satisfy your soul’s need for care. This is why we must extend beyond self-care and embrace SOUL CARE.


Your soul is your mind, your will and your emotions. And God has given you a soul as a means of connecting with the natural world. But if you are not careful, you begin to live more out of our soul than out of our spirit. You are 1st a spirit being, don’t forget that.


Why do you need to care for your soul? Our life experiences directly influence the health of our souls. And when we are subject to hurts, disappoints, other trauma we end up with soul wounds. But there is good news. God has the balm to soothe and heal our wounded souls. But that requires us to present ourselves to Him. We must surrender completely to Him. So let us look at the three areas that comprise the soul.




Day by day, moment by moment we must renew our minds. We are bombarded by so much information that infiltrates our minds and much of it is untrue. Which is why we have to constantly feed ourselves the TRUTH of God’s word.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2


With all that we are experiencing in our world today: pandemic, civil unrest, unemployment, under-employment, health crises and more, it is easy to succumb under the weight of all that pressure.
It is critical that we employ practices that support our mental health. Turning to the truth of God’s word is an effective strategy for managing our thought life. And I have created this resource to support you in calming the mind when everything around you is raging. In Solace In The Storm, my latest devotional, I unlock the promises of Psalm 46, strengthening your resolve that even in the midst of troubles, God’s peace will prevail. I pray that the mind that was in Christ Jesus is also in you (Philippians 2:5) as you keep your mind stayed on Him.




Jesus is our example for living. And He emphatically stated that He lived to DO the will of the Father (JOHN 4:34). Our will and God’s will tend to be diametrically opposed. We are naturally inclined to do what we want, when we want, how we want. But this is not God’s desire for us.

Through reading God’s word, prayer and times of solitude, God’s will, will become apparent to us. The onus is then on us to bring our will into alignment with His. And by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in you, you have divine enablement to do this.  For He works in you both to will and to do according to His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13).




God’s gift of emotions is a beautiful treasure but if mishandled becomes problematic. When we are self-centered and self-focused only we can easily allow our emotions to dictate our behavior. But when we are Christ-centered and Christ-focused, we allow the Holy Spirit at work in us to lead and He empowers us to manage our emotions through the spirit.


Your range of emotions is not a bad thing. In fact, emotions are a great tool for letting us know what we are sensing and experiencing at any given moment. Without emotions we would not know joy overflowing and abounding love. The key is to acknowledge the emotion we are feeling, to consider its source or root and to surrender it to the Lord. Your flesh and all its longing are crucified and it is Christ that lives in you (Galatians 2:20), empowering you to manage your emotions.


Even the food you eat directly impacts  your emotions. If you eat foods that are processed, full of chemicals and additives it’s going to come out in your attitude! Be sure to choose food & beverages that support your peace and well-being. Adaptogens such as reishi mushroom, rosemary and ashwagandha, support feelings of calm and well-being.


Here is a simple, nutritious way to start your day. Instead of a sugary carb loaded breakfast, pair this granola with some fruit to start your day.



When you spend time strengthening your inner man, you abide in the spirit, you walk in the spirit, and are led of the spirit. In that manner, your spirit takes precedence and enables you to master your soul.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!