
Today You Must Know

No Greater Love


The instant I awoke my heart was flooded with emotion.


“There’s no greater love than my love for you dear.”  


Those were to sweet gentle words Jesus spoke to my heart.  Those words arrested me on the spot and I had to just sit with them.  As I proceeded to begin with my Thanksgiving morning routine, those words wouldn’t let me go.  In my head I continued to try to think about my food preparations but those words still held me in their grip.


“There’s no greater love than my love for you dear.”


As I drafted in my mind the wrap up to my 20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving, the words continued to resonate, floating around in my head and in my heart.  My mind wanted to craft an eloquent conclusion to the countdown about giving thanks but the magnitude of His simple statement to me “There’s no greater love than my love for you dear” still had me in it’s clutches.


Oh friends I am overwhelmed by the sheer weight of His glory.  So right now I give thanks that the Father in His infinite wisdom set about creating this world, placing us all in it, and ever so carefully orchestrated EVERY event of our lives down to the One Plank, the smallest measurement of time.


He loves us so much.  I cannot fully express the depth of my gratitude for the Father’s love for me.  And He demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Daily He demonstrates His love for you and I.  Don’t you see it?


You woke up this morning
You have someone who loves you
You have something to eat
You have been protect from hurt, harm and danger
You have joy
You have peace
You have LIFE


My friends this is good news.  Today, bask in the warm embrace of Jesus’ love for you.  Be assured, He does love you.  He assures us in John 15 that as the Father loved Him, He loves us.  Receive His love today then be a conduit of that love, allowing it to flow THROUGH you so that you are a channel for love flow.  All those that come into contact with you will feel the love flow from you through them.




Inundated…in His love


There’s no greater love.




20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving

Day 20 The Love of Thanksgiving


As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. John 15:9

Know beyond on a shadow of a doubt that the Lord loves you.  And out of His limitless love for you, He will do what’s best for you.  Sometimes what’s best for you doesn’t always look good, feel good or seem good but its for your good.


Receive His boundless love for you today.  Embrace it. Bask in it. Relish it.  Know it. Believe it. Receive it.


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Buckwheat Granola

Raw Buckwheat Granola (Raw, Gluten Free, Vegan)


I love granola but it is expensive and depending on the brand, can be unnecessarily high in fat and sugar. To increase the nutritional value and cut the fat and sugar, make this good for you granola. This granola is also gluten-free. High in fiber, manganese and magnesium, this granola does a body good.



1½ cups dry raw buckwheat (not toasted which is Kasha)

½ cup almonds, chopped

½ cup sunflower seeds

½ cup pumpkin seeds

¼ cup shredded coconut

1 tsp cinnamon

2 tbsp maple syrup

¼ cup dried cranberries (optional)



Soak the buckwheat for one whole day changing the water at least twice. After one day drain the buckwheat. Preheat oven 200 degrees. Place buckwheat on baking sheet and dry (bake) for 30 minutes. Take buckwheat out and combine with remaining ingredients and dry for an additional 20 minutes.

granola and fruit


Lentil Millet Loaf

Lentil Millet Loaf (GF, Vegan, Vegetarian)

Having a vegetarian or vegan over for Thanksgiving?   Make this classic vegan friendly dish.


Thinking of lentil loaf immediately brings to mind two things: a classic vegetarian dish and my sweet friend Kimberly to whom I was bonded forever when I made this for her during a time of bereavement. Kimberly this updated version is especially for you.


2 cups cooked lentils

1 cup cooked millet

2 tbsp olive oil

1 large onion diced

3 cloves garlic minced

1 rib celery diced

2 medium carrots peeled and diced

10 fresh sage leaves chiffonade

¼ tsp thyme

1 ½ tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

1 tbsp ground chia seeds

3 tbsp water

1/3 cup raw cashews

Lentil loaf mix

Preheat oven 350. Toast over low heat in a dry pan the cashew until lightly brown. Let cool. Grind in a coffee grinder and set aside. Take ground chia, add water and whisk until thick. Set aside. In the same pan heat olive oil over medium heat and sauté onion, garlic, celery and carrots for about 7 minutes until softened. In a large bowl combine lentils, millet, sautéed veggies, chia mixture, cashews and remaining seasonings and mix well. Pour into greased loaf pan and bake for 1 hour. Let rest for 10 minutes before cutting.

lentil loaf 2


10 Ways To Beat The Holiday Blues

While the holidays are a time for celebrating, rejoicing and merriment, for many it is one of the most oppressive, anxious and depressing times of the year. With relational and financial pressure, the weight can become unbearable. Which is why I want to offer you 10 ways to beat the holiday blues. While many of the events surrounding your holiday season may not change, you can control your reactions to them. Today, purpose in your heart to embrace these 10 tips and watch as your peace abounds over the next few weeks.


 1. Give Thanks

Today is day 18 of the 20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving. We can beat the holiday blues by entering His presence.


In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. Psalm 16:11

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving. When we come before Him with thanksgiving, our joy is full. When we come into His presence, He is waiting to make the great exchange. He wants to give us beauty for ashes, joy for pain and a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. When we make that exchange we are lighter and free to abound in joy. How do we make the exchange so that our joy will be full? We cast our cares on Him. Just yesterday, I was having some difficulty and was on the verge of saying, “Lord , I can’t do this”. Right then He whispered to me “Just call my name”. And that’s what I did. And we made the exchange. No blues, just joy.


All that is suggested here so that you BEAT the holiday blues and emerge the victor!


2. Celebrate & Honor

Are you grieving a loved one who has recently passed away? Do you still feel the huge void left by the passing of the family member who just made the holidays all the more special?   Give yourself permission to feel what you feel. I learned a powerful lesson from one of my dear friends as she was grieving the loss of her uncle. While there is a commonly held grieving process, no one can dictate how another moves through that process and we have to lovingly give people space to grieve. We have to create environments safe for people to express their grief. They should feel comfortable letting others know what they’re feeling.


What can you do? Look at old photos of your loved one and share stories about their exploits. Tell the children a funny story about them. My own mother passed away when I was 18. One of my fondest memories was a Christmas she was living in a rooming house. My mom, my sister and I were in this one tiny room. But when we awoke on Christmas morning we were all together. We listened to old music, ate good food, opened a few presents and it was one of my best Christmases ever. And I specifically remember her playing one of her favorite songs “Sideshow” by Blue Magic. Now playing that song is part of my holiday tradition as a way to remember and celebrate my mother’s life.


3. Prepare But Don’t Overdo It

You have been blessed to be a blessing. To whom will you extend hospitality this holiday season? While you want to make your guests feel comfortable, save yourself some stress and don’t overdo the preparations. Even if your parent that is coming to visit is a perfectionist and will cringe because you’ve got a stain on your ceiling from a water leak months ago. Is now the time to go to Home Depot and get the supplies to tackle that project in the midst of preparing to feed the 30 guests you are expecting? I would venture to say everyone will appreciate the fellowship, food and fun and will talk about the good time for years to come but no one will be talking about the stain (except maybe Mama but since you know that’s how she is…LET IT GO).


4. Pace Yourself

Are you running a sprint or a marathon? In fact, are you even in a race? So that’s the rush? What’s the hurry? Slow down already. Check your calendar. Do you NEED to attend every event you’ve listed on there? Do you have to cook a dish and bring it to every home you will visit? Perhaps you can pick up something on the way. Or maybe you don’t have to bring anything at all. That particular house always has more than enough food there anyway, don’t they?


5. Stick To A Budget

Financial woes can certainly give you the blues. But you will remain steadfast and stick to your budget. It is so easy to pick up an extra this or that while waiting in the checkout line at Wal-mart. But those little this’ and that’s can add up. Have discipline and self-control to stick to a list and stick to a budget. Bring cash only as a means to help you stay on budget.


6. Guard Your Mind

From the day after Halloween, the Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year’s onslaught begins. We are bombarded with images to see, songs to hear and fat and calorie laden food to eat. We have to be vigilant to guard what we see, taste, touch, smell and hear.


7. Martha Stewart (not now, maybe later)

A wise friend, at whose knees I literally sat shared a nugget of wisdom years ago that has stuck with me. She said, when cooking a large holiday meal, don’t make too many new dishes. Her suggestion was to make 1 new thing and save experimenting on new dishes when you have more time and less pressure. That is so wise. For Thanksgiving I’ll be cooking nearly 10 different items. Do I really need to complicate it by make 3 things for which I keep needing to refer to the recipe? That sound like a recipe for disaster.



8. Embrace The Now Moment

If you’ve visited this blog before, you may have noticed that I talk about this often. That’s because I see its power at work in my life everyday. Slowing down and focusing my awareness on what exists before me this very moment enables me to embrace what is true. I can then relish and celebrate this space, in this moment, at this time. The past is gone, the future has yet to occur but this very moment is blessed.   I am breathing. I am safe. I am surrounded by people who love me. I am loved.



9. Do Something Just for You

Ok. This is a hard one for me. It is only in the last year that I have embraced it without feelings of guilt. And its not simply “oh I need me time. I need time to myself”. Sometimes I need just a few minutes of quiet so I can catalog all the many thoughts flying through my brain. Sometimes I need just a few minutes of silence from the beautiful cacophony of my 5 children’s chatter. And the converse it also true. If you need to be around others so you aren’t consumed with feelings of loneliness, then connect with someone.



10. Be Flexible

Here again is one I’ve had to learn as it doesn’t come naturally to me. Naturally I am a linear thinker, one track mind. I’m headed in my direction and if anyone is moving the opposite direction and gets in my way…well. But I’ve learned to surrender my plans and to be flexible for whatever changes or modifications need to be made. You know what I learned in being flexible? Life is more fun. I can now embrace spontaneity (well just a little).


I would have wanted to add another. But since I like to look of 10 things instead of 11, please meet me right back here tomorrow because I am eager…I almost cannot contain myself…eager to talk about honoring our temples during this season. This could definitely be another holiday stressor so we want to proactively ensure we maintain our health in the midst of cakes, cookies, ham, turkey, gravy, chocolate, egg nog and on and on and on…


Having a Vegetarian or a Vegan over for Thanksgiving? Make sure to stay tuned for a recipe just for them.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Stress Free

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Give Me 5 Days and I’ll Give You a Stress Free Week

Who said you have to be inundated with stress this holiday season? We’re on day 17 of a 20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving. On this journey we are reducing stress and embracing thanksliving by being intentional about where we focus our time, energy and efforts.  Thanksliving embodies the true spirit of what Thanksgiving is supposed to be about; not just food and the impending Black Friday but instead GIVING THANKS.

If you missed any of the days on the countdown, catch up by clicking here.

Continuing on this journey with me for the next 5 days  will duly equip you to look your frenemy stress in the face, say no thank you and proceed to bask in your week of thanks-LIVING. And we LIVE when we love. So for the next 5 days, let’s eradicate stress by choosing to love God, love our neighbor and love ourselves. We will embrace life now by beholding the beauty, majesty and splendor of the now moment and by honoring the temple.

You don’t want to miss a single post this week. So let our journey of Thanksliving continue.

autumn flowers

5 Sanity Savers for a Stress Free Week


  1. Give Thanks

Day 17 The Gift Of Thanksgiving


As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving Colossians 2:6-7. The gift of Jesus was extended to you.  Prayerfully you received the gift with your hands extended and with gratitude.  When you receive a gift, the hope is that you keep it and use it, not for it to be regifted. Likewise, when you receive Jesus, you are expect to do as the scripture above says and walk in Him.  You don’t take what He tells you to do and discard it like the regift, but you apply His word to your life so that you are fortified and established on all sides.  And when you do this, you WILL abound in it with thanksgiving.


Everything suggested in this post


  1. Protect Your Quiet Time

    Any manner of things is sure to crop up this week to try and rob you of your quiet time with God.  Extra running of errands, preparing your home for guests, travel, extra time spent in the kitchen, all of these distractions can aid in taking your eye off God.  Make Him your 1st appointment of the day, especially this week when activity can be a little more frenetic.


  1. Know When To Say NO

    Do you really need to prepare 100 cupcakes for the school?  Do you really have to visit 3 different homes on Thanksgiving day?   Protect your time and maximize on your energy and efforts by focusing on that which is essential.  Ok, I hear you.  Yup you.  You think everything is essential. Not all of you but that one person that I see cringing right now.  The task may need to be completed but does it have to be by you?  God told me several years ago, “I will grace you to do what I’ve called you to do.  If you pick up anything else, you’re on your own”.  I keep that in mind when I decide how to use my time.


  1. Pay It Forward

    Be intentional about listening for the Spirit’s promptings to bless another. Doing for others is equally if not more of a blessing to the giver than to the receiver.  Keep your giving in alignment by being open and listening to God.  He will prompt you on what to give and when.


  1. Embrace The Now Moment

    Slow down. Use your senses to connect with what is happening now.  See the last of the autumn leaves on the trees. When you are in the grocery store, slow down and look at the bounty of produce.  See the array of colors.  Perhaps the grocery store is offering some sample.  Taste and savor the flavors.  Give someone a tight embrace.  Listen to a child laugh.  Smell the intoxicating aroma of some goodies baking.


1 Easy Recipe for a Stress Free Week

Click here for a tasty, easy slow cooker recipe for your Thanksgiving dinner


I look forward to connecting with you again tomorrow as we examine how to beat the holiday blues.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!

Give Thanks 2014

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Crockpot Sweet Potatoes & Apples

Updated Candied Yams

Not only is this recipe easy, it will save you a ton of fat and sugar commonly found in most southern style candied yams.  Throw this in your slow cooker and it’s one less dish you need to think about as it takes care of itself. These slow cooker sweet potatoes are sure to please.



2 lbs sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into slices

3 granny smith apples peeled, cored and sliced

3 TBSP Earth Balance melted (or your preferred butter/spread)

1/2 cup orange juice

½ cup water

zest of 1 orange

2 TBSP cornstarch

2 tsp pure vanilla extract

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

1/3 cup 100% pure maple syrup



Spray Crockpot with cooking spray.  Lay sweet potatoes and apples in the slow cooker.  In a mixing bowl, whisk together orange juice, water, cornstarch, zest, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and maple syrup.  Pour over sweet potatoes and apples and place lid on.  Cook on low for 4-6 hours or high for 2-3 hours, until fork tender.

Sweet Potato

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!

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10 Simple Swaps

GMO, Organic, High Fructose Corn Syrup oh my. Information on healthy eating can be daunting and overwhelming. The onslaught can be paralyzing; forcing you to throw your hands up in resignation and continue to do what’s comfortable and familiar.


Well, the holidays are upon us and I think it’s the perfect time to examine our health, honor our temples and be purposeful about making decision that NOURISH LIFE. Everything we eat either improves or detracts from our health. So to get you started (or to keep you motivated) here are 10 Simple Swaps for Nourishing Life. Since you are probably going to take several trips to the grocery store between now and Thanksgiving, just print this out and take it with you.

 10 Simple Swaps*


1. Vegetable Oil/Canola Oil

Olive Oil

Grapeseed Oil

Coconut Oil

Rice Bran Oil


2. White Sugar

100% Maple Syrup

100% Organic Honey

Rapadura & Turbinado are natural, organic unrefined sugars


 3. Iodized Salt

Sea Salt

Himalayan Salt


 4. Salad Dressing

Annie’s Naturals

Homemade is the best. Chances are you have most of the ingredients at home. Your basic dressing will generally have a balance of oil, acid (i.e. balsamic vinegar), sweet (honey).


 5. Seasoning Salt


Virtuous Living Spices I can personally vouch for this line of spices which I use frequently in my kitchen. These products are responsibly sourced, gluten-free, Kosher and non-GMO. And the owner is a sweetie too!


6. White Rice

Organic Brown Rice




7. White Bread

100% Whole Grain Bread

Sprouted Bread (Ezekiel is a popular brand and sold in most conventional grocery stores)


 8. Dairy (Overall limit intake of dairy. Will expound on this in a future post)

Milk: Almond with no Carrageenan

Cheese: Organic. Non-dairy cheese

Yogurt: Plain Greek, Coconut Milk Yogurt


 9. Soda/Fruit Drinks/Juice

Make your own infused water: citrus (orange, lemon, lime), raspberry lime, mint lime, pineapple mint


 10. Canned Vegetables

Frozen vegetables

Fresh produce from local farmer’s market

Fresh produce from ‘pick-your-own’ farm or CSA (community supported agriculture)


*The 1st item listed is more commonly known and readily available in most conventional grocery stores. Subsequent items may be found in conventional grocery or may require a trip to your natural food store.


If you have questions about any of the items listed, please comment below. And after you’ve purchased something from the list, come back and let me know.


Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!


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When You Just Don’t Want To

A hymnal? When was the last time you opened a hymnal? Well I opened one on Sunday evening and on the opposing page was the following hymn:

Trust and Obey
When we walk with the Lord in the light of his Word what a glory he sheds on our way! While we do his good will, he abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.

Trust and obey, for there’s no other way. To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.

Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies, but his smile quickly drives it away; Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh nor a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.

Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share, But our toil he doth richly repay; Not a grief nor a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blest if we trust and obey.

But we never can prove the delights of his love until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor he shows, and the joy he bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.

Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at his feet, or we will walk by his side in the way; What he says we will do, where he sends we will go,
Never fear, only trust and obey.

Seems like this obey thing follows me everywhere.

This hymn, written by John H. Sammis in 1887, was inspired by a young man who stated during testimony service at church, “I’m not quite sure. But I’m going to trust, and I’m going to obey.

As a disciple you’ve been called to OBEY God.

Not to just obey in the easy things.

Not to just obey in the comfortable things.

Not to just obey in the things you like or want to do.

But the true measure of your obedience is to OBEY in the difficult things.

To obey when you get a life threatening medical diagnosis

To obey when you’re told to give away something you treasure

To obey when asked to go into unfamiliar territory

To obey when a loved one betrays you

To obey and trust God when your spouse makes a decision you don’t agree with

To obey and trust God with your children

Did you read it in the lyrics above? NOT A DOUBT OR A FEAR…CAN ABIDE WHILE WE TRUST AND OBEY.

God is looking for your radical “YES I WILL” obedience; your delightful, lavish and immediate obedience.

Obedience is more than just taking action. It’s also the position of your heart. God wants you to obey Him not grudgingly nor of necessity but cheerfully.

In Genesis 12 we see God give Abram a directive and as soon as the Lord finishes speaking, Abram obeyed. God said GO and when He was finished talking the scriptures say, “So Abram departed” (Genesis 12:4). God is calling us to obey even if it doesn’t make sense to us.

I’ve had my share of having to obey in what didn’t make much sense to me.

Join this church. OBEY

Get involved in this ministry. OBEY

Leave a job I love. OBEY

Give how much money away? OBEY

Have as many children as the Lord says. OBEY

Submit to my husband. OBEY

Serve and serve and serve again without complaining. OBEY

And the list goes on and on. Come close. Let me let you in on a little secret. I didn’t always want to. I didn’t always feel like obeying. In fact I may have had a temper tantrum or two. But as a true disciple, I made a commitment to the Lord and took up my cross daily and followed Him. Thus I’ve purposed in my heart to obey. And I know the above lyrics to be true. Yet even today as I type this post to encourage you I need to remind myself because obeying isn’t always easy.

So what has God been calling you to do that you just don’t want to? Would you be bold enough, courageous enough to take that step of obedience today? Come on. I know you can do it. And if you’re willing, please share below so that I can join you in prayer.

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Why I Choose to Embrace Thanksliving

Who doesn’t want to reduce stress?

I would venture to say we all do.  With raising 5 young children, caring for a husband who works tirelessly to provide for our family, meeting the needs of the women I serve, and running my household, I can become overwhelmed and inundated with a bevy of things to do.  The list never seems to end.  In fact, the moment you wash all the clothes, here comes another pair of socks.

To take my eye off of all the “many things to do” and to focus on what matters most, I choose to embrace Thanksliving.  That list of things to do will always be there waiting for me but an opportunity to minister to the hearts of those whom I love may not be.  I don’t want to miss a God moment in the midst of “DOING”.  I am a HUMAN BEING not a HUMAN DOING.  It is in moments of being, of giving thanks, that my perspective is aligned with HIS eternal perspective and I see how infinitely blessed am I.

So join me in my 20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving. Seven days ago I began this journey of doing away with Thanksgiving to embrace Thanksliving (Read that post here). To catch up on prior days, please visit Inspired Life on Facebook by clicking here; and while you’re there, LIKE the page because you don’t want to miss any subsequent posts.

 20-Day Countdown to Thanksliving

Day 7: The Service of Thanksgiving


You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.  This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. 2 Corinthians 9:11-12


Standing in a dark, rainy parking lot I unloaded my 5 children from the car. With my hands full of people, purse, laptop and workshop materials, I couldn’t even hold up an umbrella to keep from getting wet. As my sweet children proceeded to help me get everything and everyone inside, someone I know walked pass. I called her name to say hello and she immediately came over to assist. She ended up helping me further once we got inside as I need to set-up for a workshop I was delivering. Additionally, she ended up entertaining one of my children because he wasn’t comfortable without his siblings or me. I believe she had intended on attending the workshop but she surrendered her plans to allow the Lord to use her to be a blessing to me. Her availability, attentiveness and willingness to serve, gave me the opportunity to service 40 others. Her service to me was really unto God and He received it as an offering. The scripture above shows that we are blessed to be a blessing. We’ve been blessed with time, resources, abilities and more. Will we reinvest what we’ve received to be a blessing to someone else? Or will we take our blessings and keep them for our own use? I thank my sister for blessing me with her time.



Today be more attentive, aware and sensitive of what’s happening around you. Who knows if God needs to use you to make someone else’s burden just a little lighter.


Reducing Stress, Embracing Thankliving


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!


The Secret of Doing Better

So the old saying goes…”When you know better, you do better”.


Well, I don’t know if I fully concur with that statement. I would venture to say most of us “know” plenty. I don’t think we have a knowledge problem but more of an application problem. There is another saying. “Knowledge is Power”.


Well yeah, knowledge is power but only if it’s put to use. Where I live, in the Mid-Atlantic it’s starting to get cold in the evenings. Now my furnace itself is in great condition and functioning well. My natural gas supplier has sent the gas to my home. But if I don’t go to the thermostat and turn it on to begin the heating cycle I will remain cold. So what good is the power if it isn’t accessed and applied?


It’s Wellness Wednesday here on the blog and it is my goal to inspire you to honor your temple through proper nourishment, rest and exercise. This truth is one of the three pillars on which I’ve built Inspired Life. But guess what? There are times, even with the vast encyclopedias worth of knowledge I have in my head that I just don’t want to do what I know is right. Half the time I don’t want to exercise. I want to in my head, but making that happen with a 3 school age children, preschooler, a toddler, 2 loads of laundry, cooking for 8 people, and walls to wipe down, and floors to sweep and bank runs to make and on and on all in one day. Whew! You see there went my motivation to workout.


The same can be said for eating right. Well, most days I do want to eat right. But after my hands get raw and cracked from having them in water so much from all the produce I handle daily and the cooking and chopping, and cooking some more and washing and peeling, man I would really like the luxury to just throw a frozen family sized entrée in the oven. Some days I would like to just eat 4 slices of pizza. When I am in the grocery store and I look into the cart of the person behind me and hers is filled with soda, frozen dinners, chips, Lunchables, Rice-A-Roni and more, I think “Why can’t I just do like that instead of reading every food label, and picking, picking, and picking over produce and worrying about GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). ”


BUT…then I am reminded of this.


Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17


I don’t now about you, but I don’t desire to willfully disobey God. As such, since I know better, I MUST do better. And by the power that works in me, I am capable of doing better. As it relates to honoring my temple, I cannot feign ignorance to the knowledge God has made known.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


So what does it take to do better?




So I guess the secret of doing better isn’t a secret at all. It’s just a matter of being disciplined enough to make the best choice. The spirit at work in us enables us to choose well. And choosing well doesn’t necessarily mean exercising everyday or else you’ll be morbidly obese. Nor does it mean eat healthy every day or else you’ll die of heart disease, that’s being legalistic. But it does mean that I purpose I will choose well. It means I will be self-disciplined. Instead of 4 slices of pizza, maybe I’ll eat one or even a half because all I want to do is satisfy that initial hot, salty, cheesy longing. It means that occasionally my family will eat dinner from the Chinese restaurant. It means that even if I don’t feel like exercising because everything else is competing for my attention, I will give my body back 30 minutes of exercise for the 1440 minutes God has given me today.


No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11


What will you do today to be disciplined?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!