
4 Things We Must Know To Stay Aligned

You keep being pulled to the left so you keep pulling to the right to compensate. The inside is all worn down but the outer edges looks okay so you shrug your shoulders and brush it off. Then you hit a little bump and it sends you clear into a head on disaster.


If only you had gotten an alignment.


The purpose of a wheel alignment is to ensure your vehicle’s travel is truly straight, without pulling to one side or the other. The alignment will keep your travel safe, your wheels from uneven wear, your gas burning efficiently and your ride smooth.


Isn’t that like life? Our spiritual lives can get out of alignment.


I’ve been there. I’ve had times when I was just going through the motions; my prayers were rote, my worship was weak and my praise dry. I can remember as a babe in Christ my spiritual mom telling me that she was in a dry place with God. I COULD NOT fathom what she was talking about. I was on fire for God, shouting from the rafters to anyone who would listen. I couldn’t imagine not being intimately connected and actively engaged with Him. Well…I found out. And it wasn’t an all at once thing. It was the slow ebbing, the slow leaking and you look up one day and the relationship is flat.


4 Things We Must Know to Stay Aligned


  1. The Signs


When your wheels need to be aligned, your steering wheel may be crooked, your car may be pulling to one side or the other, or you may see uneven wear on your tires. We also have signs when we are in need of spiritual alignment. We may feel disconnected to God. We may have fallen into practicing repetitive motions that lack true love and desire to spend time with Him. We may feel like we don’t “need” to pray. Have you skipped days of devotional time? Have you tuned God out? Are your ears dull to hearing His voice? Have you missed a few bible studies or ministry meetings?



  1. How Did I Get Here


Your vehicle can get out of alignment by hitting potholes and bumps in the road, taking corners too fast and the force of gravity from regular driving. Likewise our spiritual lives come upon some potholes. Did a devastating blow cause you to question God’s love, care and concern for you? Did something happen to someone you love and you question his ability to protect? Did your moving too fast to make your own decisions without consulting Him pull you away? Did the everyday little issues of life, working overtime, social media, activity in other social organizations, a new relationship pull your attention away?


  1. Get Aligned


Well, there’s good news! You can come in for an alignment. When you bring your car to the shop for an alignment, before they even proceed to align the wheels, they perform a thorough inspection of the front-end parts (control arm, tire rods and more). The technician uses high tech equipment to square the car’s wheels and axles. You can bring your spiritual life into alignment by asking God to inspect your heart. Cry out to Him.


Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24


He is sure to answer, as He’s always been right there beside you, watching and waiting even if you can’t see or feel Him near.


“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Joshua 1:5


Not only is He right there, He loves you and seek to be with you.


“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.” Jeremiah 31:3



  1. Staying Aligned


Just like we have regularly scheduled maintenance for our cars, our relationship with God requires regular maintenance. But like with our cars, we sometimes only bring them in when there’s evidence of a problem. Oh, my steering wheel is way too the left, let me bring it in. In our spiritual lives, we may be discouraged, disgruntled and in despair. You can bring yourself to the throne of grace where you can obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


How often are you taking with God? Not just taking TO God but WITH God? It should be a daily, ongoing dialogue not a once a day monologue. How often to do you seek Him in His word? How often do you enter His presence with thanksgiving and His courts with praise? And here I’m not even talking about being physically in church but His presence in your heart? Even if you are frustrated, mad, sad, confused, hurt, annoyed, irritated, cynical, jaded…whatever you are feeling just come to Him. He’s waiting with open arms.


“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” John 6:35


Not only have I had to get alignments on my car, I’ve has to get alignments on my spine. After suffering from migraines for over 20 years, I’ve finally been set free. God used the hands of my chiropractor the help facilitate my healing. Chiropractic care was one of my last ditch efforts to rid myself of migraines. I had tried everything: food modification, stress management, breathing techniques, cold compresses, massage therapy, beta blockers, Imitrex, Aspirin, Aleve, Excedrin Migraine, Maxalt, Midrin, Zomig and on and on! All to no avail. But a sweet friend of mine who has witness my bouts with migraines and has even had to take me to the ER for them, was sitting in her chiropractor’s office and immediately called me and said you have to come here. That was 3 years ago and I can count the number of migraines I’ve had since then. My vertebrae get out of alignment and cause irritation, swelling and eventually migraines.   My chiropractor manipulates my vertebrae so they align properly. When out of alignment, my nerves are out of whack and lead to migraines, which can cripple me for days. It impacts my ability to serve my family and my ministry.


When we are out of alignment with God, it hampers our ability to effectively do the work He’s tasked to our hands. We can be crippled for days on end. This is yet another example of why it is crucial for regular maintenance. Our relationship with God is a living, breathing one that needs to be fed, watered and fertilized. When off track, we can course correct and get an alignment or adjustment by simply crying out to him and we can then stay aligned by maintaining constant contact with Him.

By the way, if you are indeed in need of a wheel alignment and you live in the DMV, please check out my cousin Terry Brown, owner of Certified Alignments (click here for more info). High quality, reliable, fast, efficient service with a smile is what you’ll receive when patronizing his shop.


Do you need an alignment? Join me in prayer.


Oh God I thank you that you beckon me to come. I thank you that you stand with your arms open wide ready to receive me. Here I am God. You said you’d never leave nor forsake me. I need to see you. I need to feel you near. You promised in your word that those who come would never thirst nor be hungry. Well God I’m thirsty and hungry so please feed me. God I need you now. Search my heart. Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Photo credit


Do You Love Me?

Principles for Daily Living Pt 3

Do you love me?


That’s what every heart longs to know. We are wired with a need for love. As believers we’ve been called to love, to love God and love one another.


“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?” Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. ‘This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:36-40


We began the week reflecting on principles for daily living. If you missed Part 1 or Part 2, click the links to catch up on those. In part 1 we examined our relationship with God, part 2 our relationship with ourselves and here in part 3, we’ll look at our relationship with others.


The Believer has been COMMANDED to love one another. So here are a few principles to help guide us in being in healthy, vibrant loving relationships with others.

sibling love

Love Like Jesus

Christ loves us with an agape love. Agape love is a love that expects nothing in return. It is a self-sacrificing love. It is a love that gives and gives and gives some more. It is a love that does not hinge on the actions of the receiver. It is an unconditional love.


You see, in my natural, agape is not me. My love is conditional. When my son immediately obeys, oh how my heart soars. I can pat his shoulder, be chatty with him, and make direct eye contact with him. But if he doesn’t immediately obey, depending on my current spiritual and emotional state…well let’s just say its conditional love. Since my expectations of obedience weren’t met I might withhold an affirming touch, I might be short with my responses, I might be harsh, or I might either give the stare down or avoid eye contact all together. I’m not proud of this. But the power of the Spirit in me is assisting me in having more wins than losses in this area. I’m a work in progress.


And Jesus has helped me through this process by showing me His people through His eyes. He’s shown me what ‘kind love’ and ‘not rude love’ looks like.

heart door

The heading of this chapter in my bible is called the Greatest Gift

 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;  does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8



Unforgiveness is bondage. Holding unto something that someone did to you is toxic to your physical, spiritual, emotional and mental well being. I had a family member for whom I harbored hatred and unforgiveness for many years. When I thought about this woman I would physically become agitated and my emotions would rage. I was hurt, confused and frustrated with how I had been treated by her. I was not her only victim either and I wanted justice for everyone in our family that she wounded. Then one day, even before I was saved, God whispered to me, “And hating her is helping you how?” That got me to thinking. Then slowly He revealed to me that she had done the best she could given her own issues and background. I then purposed in my heart to forgive her. What a huge relief it was for me. Even though I did not have a long dialogue with her about all of my feelings, the change had taken place in my heart. Less than a year later, she passed away. I am so grateful I was afforded the opportunity to rectify that in my own heart and with her personally.


And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. “ Mark 11:25


Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34



I am a servant. My husband doesn’t care much for that choice of word but I’m cool with it. I don’t see it as having negative connotations. I do not liken it to being subservient. I count it an honor to be able and willing to serve those who I am called to serve. If you ask one of the Kingsland Kids “What’s something your mom always says?” They are quite possibly going to answer, “Serve others before you serve yourself”. Now this is not to negate yesterday’s word on self-care. Self-care and self-love are required in order to effectively serve others. Once you’ve filled your spiritual tank, you are adequately fueled to pour back out. God gave me a MAJOR revelation in this area a few years back and it’s become a way of live for me. I was praying after the birth of my 3rd baby. I was asking the Lord for a supernatural measure of grace. He led me to 2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

Mmm. I thought that was a great promise from Him indeed. Then He whispered to me…”Something will be required of you”. So I follow that scripture up a little bit and here’s what it said But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 6-7


I’ve seen Him grant grace upon grace when I selflessly give.

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Give one more hug
Read one more story
Wipe one more tear
Give one more ride (even though I’ve been in this car for hours)
Send one more text of encouragement
Cook one more meal for a friend in need


Then he cemented this truth later by leading me to 1 Kings 17 and examining the story of the widow at Zarephath. She was preparing to take her last bits of oil and flour to make bread for herself and her son before they died. The Prophet Elijah asked her to make the bread for him. She obediently served the man of God and her flour bin and oil jar did not run dry! There’s a reason to shout right there. When we serve, God will return to us what we’ve poured out. Serving (for the right reasons and in the areas where we’ve been called) will not leave us depleted.


help each other


My husband has helped me learn a very valuable life lesson; there is more than one way to complete a task. I used to believe only my way was right. I used to believe there was only ONE route to the destination. Can we accept that there is more one way to do a thing? Can we accept and value other’s thoughts, opinions and ideas? Can we accept that each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made to be different, act different and think different? Love accepts people for who they are where they are.

T&T hearts

Surrender Your Rights

“My husband offended me. I have a RIGHT to be mad!” “This jerk just cut me off on the road. I have a RIGHT to aggressively drive closely behind him” (while spewing expletives). “I’ve worked hard all day and I’m exhausted. I have a RIGHT to go to sleep at 9 pm” (while my sick baby wants to be held).


Guess what? No! You don’t have a right. If you are a follower of Christ, when you said yes to Him, you said no to your self-seeking self-serving desires. You surrendered your rights.


Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. Luke 9:23


The above scriptures from 1 Corinthians tell us that loves does not seek its own. In believing you have a RIGHT, you are seeking your own. But the scripture is clear, love does not seek its own.


Extend Grace

Above we see that God can make ALL grace abound toward us. Will we be cul-de-sacs of grace and let it come to a dead end or will we be conduits of grace and let it flow to THEN through us. When my daughter was 6 she left me a note that I still have and it says “Thank you Mommy for giving me grace. I messed up but you gave me grace. Thank you. I won’t do it again. I love you Mommy.” Now what the “IT” was that she did, I cannot remember. But she understood, even at age 6 that grace was not only available but given to her and she received it and repented. And how can we extend grace? We can do some of the above: give unconditional love, forgive, serve, accept, and surrender. Additionally we can admit when we’ve made a mistake, say I’m sorry, use gentle kind words, soften our expressions and body language, and show mercy.


I wouldn’t have guessed that this would be the longest of the three posts in this series. I would have thought I’d have more to say about the guiding principles for relationship with God. But what God spoke to me at this very moment is, “I love you. I simply do. Now go and love my people. “



As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with friends @ #livefree Thursday


Principles for Daily Living Pt 1

Sometimes resolutions are made and forgotten. Sometimes they’re discarded altogether after a few days. A few years ago, after years of unsuccessfully executing my resolutions I decided to give them up. I have purposed in my heart to live a life based on principles and to steer me along I adopt one word that frames my year. You can read more about that by clicking here. And it’s not so much that I adopt the one word as the word chooses me and I accept.


The one word is lived out through my principles. My principles are my fundamental truths that influence my actions. And living out these principles has seen its share of evolution. I am grateful today that the TRUTH has settled in my heart and I no longer view my principles as items to be ticked off a checklist. Yeah, I used to be like the Pharisee. There was a time I actually thought to be a ‘good’ Christian woman I had to literally ‘be’ the Proverbs 31 Woman. I actually made a list of the things I could do to ‘accomplish’ each of the attributes she possessed. Yup, I actually did that. I thought that was what was expected of me until I came into the truth and oh how liberating it was.


For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,  not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9


Let’s keep this in proper perspective. My relationship is with God and not with the principles. By living a life surrendered to Him, He leads me in the way and His power at work in me enables me to live out the principles. So here are a few of my foundational principles for daily living as it relates to my relationship with the Father.



As the hymnal goes “There’s no other way than to trust and obey”. I believe if we love God, we are compelled to obey what He tells us to do. Is obedience easy? NO. Do I always want to obey? NO. But I know that He knows what’s best. And out of my love for God, I want to obey. My obedience is a form of worship.



When we obey God is it a natural progression that we would then follow him. Time and again Jesus admonished his hearers “Follow Me”. We want to blaze our own trail. We want to create our own path. God said he would make a road in the wilderness. I think it would be easier to take the route already mapped out for me. Do you agree?



This is a work in progress for me. God has been so faithful to me. Yet doubt can sometimes creep up when I am faced with the unknown. Do I have faith that He will protect my children from danger? Do I have faith that He will heal me: mind, body, spirit? Do I have faith?



I just have to talk to God. If I didn’t, I would really lose my mind. Prayer enables me to clear my head and to hear from the Lord. I’ve learned over the years that prayer is not a monologue but a dialogue with God. He’s waiting. Won’t you chat with Him today? Nothing fancy, no need for flowery language or rote repetition but sincere two-way dialogue.



The Word

His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. God speaks to me most often through His word then He sandwiches the revelation through a confirming word from a person and/or an act of nature. Man I just love how the Father speaks to me. The Word gives me guidance, clarity, perspective, encouragement, chastening, and more.


These are just a few of the principles I live by that influence my relationship with God. These principles help keep me anchored so that I’m not left to my own devices making decisions based on how I feel at the moment.


What principles influence your relationship with God?


Tomorrow I’ll share what principles influence my relationship with self.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!



You Were Made To Be Courageous

Resolution \ˌre-zə-ˈlü-shən\

The act or process of resolving: the act of answering, the act of determining.


With the New Year upon us, people often use this time as a springboard to adopt new beliefs, habits, or behavior. We see an increase in gym memberships, church attendance and a decrease in drinking, smoking and the like. But…mid-February many of the resolutions that began strong on January 1st have stalled. There may be vestiges of activity or forgotten altogether.


So instead of making New Year’s resolutions that will fade away in a matter of weeks, I invite you to join me in resolving to live a life based on principles. A principle is a belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and influences your actions. Starting tomorrow, I’ll share some of the principles that guide my daily living. In living out my principles I have adopted one word for the year that serves as the rails on which my principles glide. My #oneword365 for 2015 is COURAGE.

courage scrabble

Last year my word was RELEASE. When this word chased me down at the end of 2013, I didn’t understand it, I didn’t want it and I couldn’t see how it was going to be applicable in my life. But it proved to be the perfect word for I was truly granted release. Release from shackles that I didn’t even know I was wearing, released from childhood hurts, releasing myself to give me permission to ENJOY life and not live this self-imposed martyrdom.


Now that I am FREE, I feel I’m going to need COURAGE for the next leg of the journey. It’s going to take courage for me to:

 ~Be willing to take risks

~Look fear in the face and not be the one to back down

~Purposefully parent my children in love yet administer correction with grace

~Know when to speak up and when to be silent

~Expand my business


I was made to be courageous.


“Just keep on trying, and trying and trying. You’re a lion. In your own way be a lion”. So go the lyrics to a song from my absolute favorite movie soundtrack The Wiz. In the movie Diana Ross as Dorothy coaxes the Lion into remembering who he his; he is a lion, standing proud and strong, the bravest of them all.


Like Lion in The Wiz, I was made to be courageous.


In being released, I turned my walk into a run and my run into a soar. And it’s certainly going to take courage to look around as I glide at new heights. When I look down from this new vantage point it may be intimidating.


Over the weekend, I had an opportunity to take a ride on the Capital Wheel; a ferris wheel over 180-feet tall. When I entered my little cabin, I was slightly apprehensive but was walking in my newfound courage. As I chatted with my friend, the wheel began to turn. So engaged was I in the conversation, that I didn’t realize we had made it to the top of the circle. It was only then did I look up and out the window to see how high up we were. Fear tried to creep in as the magnitude of the height became real to me. So while the new vantage point was intimidating, I stood on courage and enjoyed the ride. And after the 1st rotation, it wasn’t scary at all. In fact, it was kind of monotonous. Score 1 for Team Courage!

capital wheel 1

I was made to be courageous.


Time and again scripture admonishes us to have courage.


Deuteronomy 31:6

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”


And one of my favorite scriptures,


Joshua 1:7

Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.


A final thought…


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson


Celebrating my 2014 Release and intrigued about how COURAGE will present itself in 2015.


I was made to be courageous.

You were made to be courageous.


What goals, plans or words have you chosen to live out in 2015? Let me hear from you.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Life Fully!


Black Eyed Pea and Collard Stew


Originating in Africa many many years ago, cow peas, or as we call them in the U.S. black eyed peas have been eaten as a symbol of luck and prosperity.  That tradition continued in America with peoples of African descent. When combined with collard greens, you are doubly blessed.  The black eyed peas are said to represent coins and the collard greens dollars.  Though I’m not into doing things for good luck, I’m just compelled to whip up a batch of this stew.

This recipe was inspired by my friend, Dr. Celeste Owens.  True to Tyra style, I had to make it my own by adding smoky depth, some interesting spices and altering the base to create a stew that is warm and satisfying.  Pair with brown rice or quinoa and cornbread for a hearty vegan meal.

Black Eyed Pea and Collard Stew

1 bunch collard greens washed, deveined and chopped

1 green bell pepper deseeded and diced

2 cups cooked black eyed peas*

4 tbsp avocado Oil

1 large onion diced

4 large cloves garlic minced

1 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

2 tsp chili powder

½ tsp smoked paprika

½ tsp berbere

1/2 tsp sea salt

1 chipotle pepper in adobo *

2 cups vegetable broth

1 14 oz can diced tomatoes

Blend in blender tomatoes, garlic and chipotle pepper until smooth.   Heat avocado oil over medium heat in a large pot.  Add onions and green pepper and sauté for 5-7 minutes.  Add tomato mixture and all spices and simmer for 5 minutes. Add broth and collards and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. Add black eyed peas and cook for an additional 10 minutes until flavors combine. This dish is sure to find it’s way into your regular lineup.

*Cooking your black-eyed peas from scratch is easy peasy. Say goodbye to using canned beans (which can be too high in sodium and too mushy) and say hello too cooking dried beans quick and easy without soaking. My friend Tiffany of it’s me, lady g, shows you how to get it done in a snap HERE.

*If you are sensitive to SPICY add just half a chipotle pepper and a tiny pinch of the red pepper flake. Taste then feel free to add more to your liking. This dish does have a little heat!

black eyed pea and collard stew 1

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Get Rid Of It

I’m moving full steam ahead to run into 2015 with right thinking and right believing. To ensure that my spirit, mind and BODY are in alignment, I’m going to start 2015 resetting my body by doing a 3-day cleanse; I’m going to rid of it.  The ‘it’ being toxins and junk from my body.


I have several friends that have purposed to honor their temples in various ways for the upcoming year. One friend is becoming a vegetarian, one is doing a 10 day cleanse and another is going raw for the year.


The benefits of a cleanse are numerous:


Eliminate Toxins

Balance Hormones

Break Bad Habits

Retrain The Palette

The reset is your jumpstart. After the cleanse though you must stay the course. Imagine yourself…it’s a perfect summer day. As you move about, the soundtrack that plays in your mind is Will Smith’s Summertime. The sun is shining and you take your car to get detailed; vacuumed, hand-washed, clean in and out and smelling good. Then you take your clean ride off-roading, getting it all muddy and filthy. Would you do that?


The same can be said then about muddying up your body. After you reset and do a cleanse, do you want to go eat a bag of Cheetos which contains items the body can’t readily recognize and/or process? Get rid of it.


For my cleanse, I will start each morning with green tea. I will then have a smoothie for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I will treat myself to 2 snacks a day i.e. kale chips, nuts or seeds. I’ll be making some of my favorite smoothies including my Apple Pie Smoothie. I’ll generally add chia seeds and coconut water to up the nutrient quotient and add almond or sun butter for protein. After the 3-day cleanse, I’ll continue to eat light, lean and clean by consuming mostly raw foods for the next 7 days.

raspberry smoothie

berry cucumber


berry smoothie

Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.”

Genesis 1:29


Consuming raw food by way of smoothies gives your body access to optimal levels of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Consuming as such can contribute to improved immunity, increased energy and improved digestion.

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Since you’ll be eliminating toxins from within, you can also eliminate toxins through your largest organ, the skin. Move it out and get rid of it.


Dry Brushing

Your skin excretes 1/3 of the toxins from your body. Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system, which helps remove toxins from the body. To read more on dry brushing click here.


Detox Bath

An Epson Salt detox bath helps draw out toxins, reduce inflammation, helps muscle & nerve function and more. Whip up 1 cup of Epsom salt, ½ cup baking soda and a few drops of essential oils and enjoy.


So who’s with me? While you may not go as radical as my friend doing raw 365, you can do SOMETHING. Purpose in your head and heart to make daily food choices, that positively impact your health.


For additional encouragement please visit the recipe link of my website for tasty, healthy meal ideas.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Get Your Mind Right

In preparation for moving forward in your destiny, you’ve got to GET YOUR MIND RIGHT. Not just you, me too. I’m on my way to my destiny, my victory; I’m on my way. I will not allow anything to hinder my forward progress, including my own stinking thinking. In order for me to run, not walk the race that’s been set before me, I have to cultivate a thought life that is consistently in alignment with the truth.


So before we go setting resolutions, making plans, and strategizing our 2015, let’s purpose in our hearts to weed then cultivate the landscape of our minds because what you think is what will become of your life.


For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

Psalm 23:7


In order for us to fulfill the call of God on our lives, we must have right thinking. Getting our minds right and focusing on truth brings us into alignment with His perfect will for our lives. Getting our minds right means that we cast down untruths that attempt to usurp the truth of God’s word concerning us.


Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:5


We will put on the mind of Christ, weed out the lies and speak truth over our families, our communities, and ourselves.


How do you get your mind right?


You put on the mind of Christ and get your mind right by declaring what God says. The mind is prone to thinking toxic, unhealthy thoughts. We may spend much of our thought life rehashing what happened in the past, who did us wrong, what mistakes we made, who we may or may not have offended and on and on. Or we may spend much of our thought life projecting into the future speculating about what could possibly happen if…We can curb some of that thinking by focusing instead on embracing what we do have which is this present moment. For more on embracing the now moment, click here.


We renew the mind by taking our focus off what has happened, could happen or our own beliefs on the matter and instead focus on what God says about the matter.


And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Romans 12:2


We renew the mind by meditating on truth.


Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8


There have been times where my thinking has not been in alignment with the truth of God’s word. I’ve had instances when I’ve been driving that I’ve visualized myself getting into a car accident. I can play the whole story out in my head, replete with screams, broken glass, injuries and more. But putting on the mind of Christ, I am training myself to meditate on the truth. So I picture myself reeling in that toxic thought and I then commence to replace it with the truth that says, “He has given His angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways.” With time and practice I’ve been able to completely eradicate some of my old toxic thoughts.


Like a garden, the mind is fertile ground. How thoughts are fed and what they are fed directly contributes to their growth or demise.


On my daily drives up and down my street, I admire one of my neighbor’s landscaping. His grass is meticulously cut, hedges precisely trimmed and plants and other greenery strategically appointed with not a weed in sight. I watch him as he hauls out several mowers, a wheel barrel, trimmers and more to artfully and carefully sculpt and maintain his well tended landscaping. He is out there often, seems like several days a week seeing to his well-crafted handiwork.

landscaping 1


“A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind. James Allen, As a Man Thinketh


Bonsai tree 1

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Bonsai tree 2

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And the same level of care and attention needs to be paid to the thoughts running free in our heads. Get your mind right. Like my neighbor, we need to tend our minds, carefully weeding out, cutting toxic negative thoughts and strategically planting the truth of God’s word so that our minds are precisely arranged with truth. When we do not sow truth, the toxic environment (the weeds) will grow and can eventually try to choke out the truth, robbing truth of essential nutrients. That can then lead to other physical, mental and behavioral issues.   Neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf suggests 75-98% of physical, mental and behavioral illness comes from one’s thought life.


So my friend, GET YOUR MIND RIGHT by putting on the helmet of salvation, girding ourselves with truth, lacing up our feet with the gospel of peace and running the race that’s been set before us.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Ancient of Days {A Spoken Word Poem}

On this, the day we recognize the birth of The Savior of the World, let us remember that He is:

~The One Who Was

~The One Who Is

~The One Who Is To Come


Eternity Beach



I pray this Christmas you are filled with the hope that your future is merry and bright. He who was, is and is to come, the One who has known you from the foundation of the earth, loves you with an everlasting love.


Ancient of Days

Daniel 7:9,13,22


From the beginning of time,

A ruler divine,

Creator of heaven and earth

From conception of the first birth,

The Ancient of Days.


Seated high on the throne,

With wisdom and power unknown,

All authority in hand,

Author of the master plan,

The Ancient of Days.


A great exchange

From times prearranged

From Father to Son

All glory and dominion

The Ancient of Days.


To defeat the enemy

Liberate the saints, you and me

To establish an everlasting kingdom,

Freedom and victory for me has been won

The Ancient of Days.


Eternal praise for the Ancient of Days

Mighty and wondrous

In all your ways

We cry holy, holy, holy

To your name

Glory glory, glory

To the Ancient of Days.

We cry holy, holy, holy

To your name

Glory, glory, glory

to the Ancient of Days.


© Tyra Lane-Kingsland


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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Wishing You All That’s Merry and Bright

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas


Kingsland Kids

My children keep me laughing and praying.



Tomar & Tyra


My husband keeps me smiling.


Today may you bask in His presence, enjoying all that’s merry and bright.





Thank you for becoming a part of my Inspired Life family.

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It is my prayer that you experience the totality of wellness: spirit, mind and body. I believe this can be accomplished by obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple. So give yourself the gift of wellness this Christmas and beyond. And I pray my website serves as your go to resource for support and encouragement.




I’m looking forward to experiencing an amazing 2015 with you as we continue to grow in wisdom and in stature; in favor with God and with man.


Be blessed.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!


10 Reasons to Eat This One Thing

Ch-ch-ch-chia. You remember the commercial from the 80’s advertising the pottery that grows. One would take the animal shaped terra cotta form, soak it in water, spread on the seeds, add water and watch it grow. You could buy them at stores like Rite-Aid, CVS, Ames and Woolworth, which makes this trip down memory lane even funnier because some of these stores don’t even exist today.


chia pet


Chia, which has been cultivated by the Aztecs for ages, means strength. This concentrated super food contains protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and vitamins. It has a mild flavor and can easily be added to smoothies, cereal, baked goods and savory dishes. So here are 10 reasons why you should eat this one thing.


Easily Digestible

Unlike flax seed, the body can easily process chia seeds in their whole form.



Calcium is essential for healthy bone, muscle and nerve function. While we’ve all been taught for years that you need to drink milk for calcium, here’s a great dairy free way to increase your calcium intake.



A mineral that is present in every cell of the body. It is critical in how the body uses carbs and fat. It also helps with kidney function, the heart and nerve signaling. Again we are told to get it from meat and dairy but its right here in the chia. BAM!



We hear a lot about omega-3 in the news these days. This fatty acid can help lower bad cholesterol, curb stiffness and joint pain, and promote healthy development of a growing baby among others. Omega-3 has even been seen to help curb depression. Most often we are told to get it from fish. You can certainly get it there but a sprinkle of chia in your smoothie will do just fine too.



Helps to keep blood sugar and hunger in check. Most Americans aren’t getting enough. Make sure you get enough by adding a teaspoon of chia to your oatmeal.



My 6-year old daughter was recently asking me about the skeleton and how it supports the body. Well here we see another mineral that’s key to healthy bones. It is also needed to help absorb calcium and the functioning of the thyroid gland.



When I say protein your mind might immediately think meat. Every cell in the body contains protein too. Chances are you are getting enough in your diet but here’s an easy way just in case.



While most people are probably getting enough protein, I talk to so many people who are iron deficient. Iron is essential for growth, development and cell function. Many people end up taking iron supplements, which can cause constipation. Keep your plumbing running smoothly by just adding chia to your daily routine.



Important to immune function and wound healing, zinc is also critical for smelling and tasting.



Helps maintain normal nerve and muscle function. It also helps your heart beat steady and bones stay strong


I hope you are on your way to buy your chia seeds. I get mine from the bulk bin at my local natural food store. You’ve been given 10 reasons to eat this one thing.  Taking small steps can vastly improve your overall health.  Here’s to your next small step.




Your food is your medicine.


Here’s to nourishing your temple.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully!