
5 Ways to Reduce Stress

“Relax! You’re wearing your shoulders for earrings.” This amusing quip was relayed to be by a friend. And she is absolutely correct. Some days I feel I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders so to counterbalance the weight I hunch my shoulders. Needless to say my trapezius are well defined.


But I have taken her words to heart and have implemented the following strategies to manage stress; for indeed the Lord encouraged us to cast our cares on Him because He cares for us. Please pause with me as you carefully consider these 5 ways to reduce stress.






This type of breathing slows the heart rate and reduces stress. As you breathe deeply, consciously move down your body relaxing your eyebrows, shoulders, and limbs all the way to your toes. Feel your muscles relaxing as you supply your entire body with much needed oxygen.

pence pond geese

Breathe so deeply that you feel your ribs expand. You will feel the difference. I think so many of us have gotten used to breathing shallowly, short puffs in and out that deep breathing is foreign.


Now do it with me.


Deeply inhale through the nostrils until you feel your ribs expand. Hold a few seconds, and then release your breath slowly out of your mouth. Now do it again. With each inhalation thank God for the breath of life and with each exhalation release whatever is causing you stress. Visualize it leaving you. Mmm. I did that with you and I’m already feeling more relaxed.


The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4





What peace awaits right before your eyes? Stop and take a look. As I type this I’m listening to the bird symphony being conducting right outside my window.

All love, joy, peace and beauty can it be found in this moment. A child’s smile, an encouraging word shared with a co-worker, buds on the trees, the sweet tart taste of a green apple; our daily lives an inundated with beauty but we must slow down enough to appreciate it. For more on embracing the now moment, click here.


Be still, and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10a





When you exercise, you release endorphins that improve your mood. Studies have also shown that you get the added benefits of better sleep, released tension and improved self-esteem when you exercise so get some exercise in today. Even if you don’t regularly exercise, start where you are. A 10-minute walk up your street and back practice that deep breathing technique and you WILL feel better.




You know some of things already that stress you, so cut them off at the pass. If rushing in the morning causes stress, see what you can do the night before to facilitate a smoother morning. At night you can partially prepare breakfast, pack lunch(es), pack bags, tidy up fill up on gas. All these little things contribute greatly to reducing your morning stress.


Some stressors are out of your control. Someone cuts you off when driving or you’re the victim of identity theft. While you cannot control that, you can choose to respond versus react. Reacting is giving way to your emotions and impulses and letting them drive your behavior. When you react you are generally operating out of fear. Responding is when you pause before taking action. You take a deep breath then DECIDE how to best move forward given the information you are confronted with.





Life can be so serious. Life can be so intense. But please, give yourself permission to LIVE! I’ve had to come to terms with this over the last few years. From my rising to my setting, I am serving people. The mental, physical and emotional demands on me are great. To meet those demands, I would sacrifice doing things that bought me pleasure. Then when I finally would do something pleasurable, I would feel guilty because of it. I had to ask God to help me with that. And He told me I had carried out this self-imposed suffering. I was torturing myself. Through prayer, He helped me free myself and I can now do something pleasurable without the guilt. While my schedule does not permit me to engage in the things I deem pleasurable very often (i.e. I’d love to be on the beach everyday) I have committed to doing things I enjoy. So what do I like other than the beach? Typing these posts while sitting in a coffee shop, exercising in a group or class, browsing in a bookstore, having dinner with a friend.


How about you commit to doing something this week simply because it brings you pleasure?


A study by the American Psychological Association reports that only 37% of us feel we’re effectively managing our stress, so that leaves more than half of the population then debilitated by the issues of life. And many common methods of distressing are ineffective and tend to make you feel worse afterward like:




~Watching TV

~Surfing the Internet


These usually leave you not only with the initial stress but now bring added guilt. So instead of doing those, join me in breathing deeply, embracing the now moment, exercising, being proactive and having fun and let’s cause of stress to dissipate.


For more on managing stress, visit the following links:

Know You, Manage Your Emotions 

Tips for Less Stress

Stress Free Steps



Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with friends at Life Giving Linkup & Purposeful Faith


Kale: The Mean Green

“I want to be seen green

Wouldn’t be caught dead, red

‘Cause if you are seen green

It means you got mean bread.”


So goes a line from a song from one of my favorite movies, The Wiz. I feel like I’m seeing green. Most mornings can find me starting the day with a green drink.


While kale is now all the rage, I’ve always loved it. As a child I loved it cook southern style, preferring it over collards. In my teens and early twenties I liked it sautéed with onion in olive oil. Then about 13 years ago I discovered raw kale salad and that was a wrap! I eat some type of salad every day for lunch and kale is in heavy rotation.


kale salad chickpeas


And what’s not to love about kale? It’s chock full of goodness. Here’s what you’ll get in a one cup serving:


  • Iron

  • Vitamin K

  • Calcium

  • 134 % of your daily value of Vitamin C

  • 133% of your daily value of Vitamin A

  • Fiber


From a side dish of sautéed kale, to kale chips, to smoothies, kale is an all-purpose fridge staple. My favorite type of kale for salads is lacinato aka Tuscan aka dino because it is very tender. You can find my recipe for kale chips by clicking here.


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So, for the love of kale, whip up this kale smoothie. Your body will be more in love with you for it.


Kale Smoothie


1 large rib of kale, destemmed

¼ cup cucumber

½ cup blueberries

½ cup pineapple

2-4 cubes of ice

½ cup water


Blend in high-speed blender until smooth. I hope you’re seeing green too as you eat up plenty of Kale: The Mean Green.


kale smoothie


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


A Father’s Love

Riding bikes together from Roxbury to Harvard Square and back.

Whatchamacallits, Smartfood Popcorn and Sicilian pizza.

Deep conversation, identifying strengths, creating opportunities and unending support. These are just some of the ways my earthly father invested in me and showed me his love.


This Easter weekend I reflected on the ultimate sacrifice of God’s love for us in sending His Son to die for our sins. My heart was filled with gratitude to be on the receiving end of this love. Yet I know I’ve only begun to scratch the surface on understanding and accepting the immensity of The Father’s love for me. The magnitude of it is such that I can’t wrap my head around it.


See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

1 John 3:1


When I think about my relationship with my earthly father, it brings a smile to my face. My father is one of my best friends. He is fun loving, brilliant and reassuring. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loves me.

Daddy's girl


I also see a great example of fatherhood in my husband. He teaches our children history and practical life lessons. While I tend to be very structured with the children, he creates room in the routines to have fun with the children the “Daddy Way”. Beyond a shadow of a doubt I know he loves his children.


A Father's Love


And while these two examples exemplify Fatherhood, there exists an even more complete portrait a father’s love.


In a far-off land the Lord will manifest himself to them. He will say to them, ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love. That is why I have continued to be faithful to you.’ Jeremiah 31:3


We are loved by The Father who:


~Covers you so you are not ashamed
~Forgives your disobedience
~Loves you enough to correct you
~Staying in contact with you
~Rejoices when you return home
~Surrenders His absolute best for your benefit


And these are but small glimpses of the depth of The Father’s love for us. It is His desire to saturate us in His love but we have to prepare ourselves to receive it. Our images and perceptions of God directly impact our ability to receive His love.


Do you perceive Him as a loving, doting father?


Do you perceive him as a harsh disciplinarian?


Your perceptions of The Father can box in His love for you. We can put human limitations on a Father whose love is immeasurable and everlasting. I pray that we eradicate any limitations, barriers or hindrances that stand in the way of us experiencing the width, depth, breadth and height of The Father’s love for us. I pray that our hearts are open to receive the fullness of His love for us.


In his book Love Beyond Reason John Ortberg says, “Attention is so valuable we don’t just give it, we pay attention. This is how God loves us. He pays attention to us.”


The Word declares that your Heavenly Father pays you attention in that He:


~Thinks you’re the apple of His eye
~Loves you with an everlasting love
~Is a father to the fatherless
~Knows what you have need of even before you ask
~Has compassion for you
~Calls you His child


This is but peek at the totality of A Father’s Love, The Father’s Love. Oh friends be assured of His complete, utter, absolute love for you and receive it today. Join me in prayer…


Abba Father, most loving gracious God what a joy it is to stand in your presence. You are so full of love and light. Your glory saturates the atmosphere and fills this place and fills me. Lord I ask that you create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me. Whatever barriers stand in the way of me receiving the fullness of your love for me, I ask you to remove them. Lord, I thank you that you bless and keep me, that you make your face shine upon me, you are gracious to me, you lift the light of your countenance upon me and you give me your peace. Abba manifest your love for me in a real and tangible way. Amen.


Receive His love today.


In the song I Receive, Israel Houghton sings,


“Behold all things have been made new

My past has gone, my shame removed

You gave Your Son Your love for me

Now at the cross I am made free

I receive Your love, I receive Your love for me

I receive Your love, I know I am accepted”


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with friends at Purposeful Faith Monday’s Musings Fellowship Fridays Dance With Jesus Grace and Truth


It’s A Good Friday

What would you willing die for?


What you die for a cause you believe in?
Would you die for your children?
Would you die for your spouse?
Would you die for a friend?
Would you die for a co-worker?
How about dying for the person who abandoned you?
What about the person who physically violated you?
Are you willing to die for the one who betrayed you?


My heart cries thank you to The One who said YES and died for me. My heart is flooded with gratitude for the good and selfless act that has freed me to have life and have it more abundantly.


My heart’s meditation today is this chorus from Walter Hawkins’ song Marvelous,


“You gave that I might live.

You gave that I might be set free.

Exchanged Your life for mine,

What a marvelous thing You’ve done.”


It’s a Good Friday indeed. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I invite you to take some time today and join me in spirit as we reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for us. May you be saturated in the depth of His love for you. Because of His good and loving deed, good{ness} and mercy are now following you all the days of your life as you dwell in His house forever.


If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, I invite you to learn more about the depth of love Jesus has for you. I invite you to memorize this scripture and ask God to open your heart to its truth.


For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Photo Credit


Happy to connect with friends @ Five Minute Friday


What Do You Crave?

Crave. Desire. Long For.

Dependency. Habit. Addiction.


Oh friends, can I be brutally honest with you today? I LOVE coffee! I do, I do indeed. The experience is inextricably woven into my day. Immediately upon waking I say still in my bed and worship to whatever song is in my head. Nearly every morning I wake up with a worship song on my heart. I sing the song in my head, I think about the lyrics and how they relate to me, and I worship God for how amazing He is. After that I proceed to grab my devotional book, journal, pen and phone (which I need for my bible app) and make my way downstairs. I place my books on the loveseat and proceed directly to my kitchen. Oh yes, the joy in making a fresh cup of coffee. I love everything about the ceremony of it; grabbing my jar, removing the lid and catch a whiff of that bold, enticing aroma. Next, measuring out just the right amount. Then taking the pot and filling it with the exact amount of water I need to make 2 cups, one for me and one for the hubs. Slowly pour the water in. Close the lid, power on and wait. As the water heats, it steams and pops in my Cuisinart. The machine has an auto feature which I’ve never used because I’m a creature of habit who loves the ceremony of making coffee so I couldn’t deny myself the routine of carrying out the task by filling it at night.


Inextricably woven into my daily life, I’ve got to have that cup.


From Gevalia to Starbucks to organic fair-trade, I love everything about coffee. I prefer dark roasts for their almost burn flavor. The fruity, chocolatey notes, the smokiness, the aroma, the slight bitter toasty taste of the beans. And the smell….Even typing this is a challenge as it makes me want to run and make a cup. Even on the About Me page on my website, I give a shout out to my friend, Cup o’ Joe.


Can I just skip having a cup in the morning? No. And that’s what let’s me know there’s an issue here, my attachment to it. The creamy dreamy goodness of a sweet warming cup is so comforting. But God whispers, “Come to me for comfort. Comfort is not found in that cup.” Oh, but I do find comfort and joy in each sip. But I’ve been here before. I had to end my attachment another beloved (click here to read more on that story).


I need that cup.


The ONLY time I will not have a cup of coffee is if it’s what I’ve surrendered on a fast, otherwise it’s my daily companion. It’s become something that I not only want but also something I feel I need because I can’t seem to want to start my day without it. I’m naturally an energetic person, so I didn’t thing it was about the caffeine. I do put 2 teaspoons of sweetener in it. So it is the sweet I crave?


What do you crave?


“God made us capable of craving so we’d have an unquenchable desire for more of Him, and Him alone. Nothing changes until we make the choice to redirect our misguided cravings to the only one capable of satisfying them.”

Lysa TerKeurst, Made to Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God, Not Food


Whatever it is that has me dependent of that cup to start my day has to stop. I realized it was a problem when I started to creep up from just one cup a day. For so long I had disciplined myself to JUST the one cup. I love it so much I would like more but I’d exercised restraint. Until that one cup became a cup and a splash, then a cup and a 1/3. I would make a tiny cup in the wee hours of the morning and sip on that while doing my devotions then make my usual to go cup that I drink while driving the children to school.


So in light of Wellness Wednesday I’m sharing with you my commitment to break this habit. With my food I’ve make a conscious decision to consume foods that add to, not detract from my health. Coffee crops are one of the most heavily sprayed crops and the cream and sweetener, though turbinado are not adding to my health.


And coffee is one of those things that appear to be both good and bad for you. It’s like a back and forth argument.


~The Caffeine in coffee will leach your body of vital nutrients

~But it has antioxidants helping kill those free radicals

~But it’s addictive

~Yet is has magnesium and chromium


And on and on and on.


In general, I’m not a fan of substitutes. I don’t eat meat and am not a fan of meat substitutes. When I stopped eating ice cream about a year ago, I knew no substitute could ever come close to full fat super premium ice cream so I didn’t look for an ice cream replacement (though I do LOVE banana “ice-cream” it’s not a replacement). So in trying these, I knew going in that it would never be coffee because coffee is well…coffee.


Nonetheless, because of my attachment to coffee, I needed something to help me bridge the gap while I work toward releasing its hold on me. So here’s a peak at what I’m currently testing.


Dandy Blend

Dandy blend is an instant herbal beverage that can be considered a coffee substitute. This non-acidic, 100% caffeine free drink is made from dandelion, chicory, barley and rye. It tastes pretty good. It reminds me of the Cambric tea (hot milk with a little tea and sugar) my grandmother used to make for me as a child.

Dandy Blend




Teeccino is another herbal coffee alternative. They have several in their line but the one I’m currently trying is the Java since I was looking for something dark and sweet. This one is made from Organic Carob, Organic Barley, Chicory, Organic Chicory, Almonds, Organic Dates, Natural Coffee Flavor, Organic Figs Contains: Almonds. Carob is an interesting flavor reminiscent of chocolate but with a strange taste. Teeccino is grounds so it gives me the ability to still have my coffee ceremony.


Between the two I can’t say which I prefer. I like the taste of Dandy Blend and the ceremony of Teeccino. Both are missing the heavy mouth feel of actual coffee. At some point when I have brought my love affair with coffee into its proper alignment, I think I’ll do one scoop of coffee with one scoop of Teeccino. And there will be times when I will drink a nice strong cup again but for now I’ve got to step back while I work through this attachment issue.


It’s been almost two weeks since I began walking away from my addiction. There I said it. My dependency will be called what it is, an addiction. You may be thinking, but what’s wrong with having a cup of coffee a day? Well, when your attachment to anything is such that you can’t do without it, you ought to examine it further. Just because something is permissible doesn’t mean it’s good for you.


All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify.

1 Corinthians 10:23


I invite you to examine anything in your life that you crave, long for or desire. Has that longing become a habit? Do you go out of your way to get that thing? Does your day or life feel incomplete without it? If yes, I’d say it requires further examination to ensure you have a healthy relationship with that thing.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Your Best Yes

Imagine the toughest mental and physical exercise you’ve ever endured…


Think about 6 or 7 people carry a log that weighs nearly 200lbs. They carry this log together for nearly two hours while performing a variety of feats including carrying it overhead, sit-ups, running through sand and water and they do all these activities non-stop. This test of physical and mental endurance is part of the Navy Seal’s Hell Week training. Said to be the toughest training out of all of the U.S. Military, on average only a quarter of the candidates make it through the week. For those that make it through, the training is something they can look back on and have the confidence and push to go the distance in combat.


Yesterday at church, Psalmist Stephen Hurd and the choir sang,


“You are holy

Lord you’re holy

Hands uplifted we say yes

As we worship you in spirit

And in truth Lord we say yes.”


Do we FULLY say yes though? We eagerly say yes that we want His favor. We eagerly say yes to receive His blessings. We say yes to prosperity. But do we say yes when acquiring His favor, blessings and prosperity comes with the price of Navy Seal like training of taking up the rugged cross daily and following Him?


Do we say yes when He asks us to be more disciplined in our spending?


Do we say yes when He gently reminds us to choose well and honor the temple with our eating?


Do we say yes when He asks us to have restraint with our words when speaking to someone?
Do we say yes when He asks us to seek Him early and we hit the snooze button?



Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. Luke 9:23



To become a Navy Seal requires intense training. Likewise being a disciple of Christ is intense on the job training. While Seal train is just 5 ½ days, God is training you minute by minute. And to properly condition you the weather the disciple’s journey of life, all He needs from you is your complete YES. Give Him your best Yes. When He has your yes, you are duly equipped us to take up your rugged, heavy log, the cross, daily and follow Him.


The Lord needs but one answer from you…YES. He needs your yes to FULLY surrender ALL to Him.


~A blind man said Yes to Jesus and could see.


~A woman with an issue of blood said yes to Jesus and was made whole.


~A chief tax collector said yes to Jesus and was saved.


~A man said yes to Jesus and was forgiven.


~A parent said yes to Jesus and his child was healed.


~I said yes to Jesus and was set free.


There’s a popular song that says, “When Jesus Say Yes Nobody Can Say No”. What about when you say yes? What modern day miracle waits on the other side of your yes? He’s looking for those whose hearts are fully surrendered.


For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9a


Yesterday I heard Bishop Bobby Perry of The Kingdom Church say, “The best praise you can give God is a surrendered life.”


What little something(s) have you been holding back from God? Will you surrender ALL and say yes to Him today?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Photo Credit

Happy to connect with friends at Purposeful Faith Equipping Godly Women Dance With Jesus


Pre-Workout Pick Me Up

I was exercising one day and I was just dragging.  I felt like I couldn’t get my wind.  I never got pumped.  Argh, I barely made it through my workout.  And why was that?  I hadn’t properly fueled my tank before the workout.  To ensure that doesn’t happen again, here is something I can make ahead of time and take to ensure I am running on high octane fuel. Let’s burn baby!


Rich in natural Nitrates, Betaine, Vitamin C, Potassium, Manganese, Beta-Carotene, Vitamins A & B, Iron, Calcium and more, this juice has been proven to increase your ability to exercise longer. In studies (click here for study details), beetroot juice enhanced athletes’ endurance. So drink up and get ready to go the distance!


Pre-Workout Pick Me Up

Beet Carrot Apple Ginger

 ½ beet scrubbed

3 large carrots scrubbed

1 green apple

½ in nob of ginger scrubbed

(If using organic produce here no need to peel anything)


Juice the vegetable by placing in your juicer. Drink 30 minutes to an hour before your workout.


pre-workout pick me up


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Stronger: What Doesn’t Kill You

Stronger: What Doesn’t Kill You


“Get into that muscle.” “Get there! Get there”, admonishes Nevie, personal trainer and owner of FLMD Fitness Studio.


Indeed, what doesn’t kill you…makes you stronger, so they say. While I’m still trying to figure out exactly who ‘they’ are, and my muscles still feel the effects of that workout, I do know that I feel stronger both mentally and physically.


Mental Strength


Wellness is not isolated to the mind or to the body. We are created mind, body and spirit and the three are inextricably linked. What we do to one area impacts the others. If we neglect one area, we neglect the others as well.


“Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.”  

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24


And research is catching up with what the scriptures have already shown. We know that as a man thinketh, so is he. There is research suggesting that even thinking about exercise will make you stronger. We’ve heard the old adage, mind over matter. Well, your mind directly affects matter. To read more on that click here.


Right now I’m visualizing myself doing crunches. Yes, summer abs here I come (insert smile).


Physical Strength


A few years ago I got P90X. It was a very popular exercise routine of many DVD’s including: yoga, cardio, kempo, plyometrics and more. When I first started doing those DVD’s they were a killer. I couldn’t get through most of them without stopping. Fast forward several years. This week I put on one of the DVD’s. I was doing this thing for 30 minutes and thought to myself, “Did I just waste 30 minutes here?” My heart rate wasn’t up. That workout didn’t even scratch the surface on the warm up that I do in my exercise class. And in between going to workout classes I exercise at home doing H.I.I.T. or Tabata workouts that challenge me but those DVD’s…well.


This type of conditioning is definitely making my body stronger. I have pushed myself beyond what I ever imagined I’m capable of doing. When the trainer says “Get There”, she’s pushing us to GO BEYOND what we think in our heads we are capable of. It is then that we are digging into the muscles and affecting change. Now in my mind, that’s the point at which I truly want to give up. But if I give up then, I’d be cutting myself short of reaching my full potential. That is not isolated to exercise alone.


Have you cut yourself off from achieving the next level of performance when you were standing right at the brink of your breakthrough?


Spiritual Strength


…let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1


In order for us to be able to ‘set aside weight’ we have to be strong enough to do so. In order to run with endurance we have to be conditioned to go the distance. We gain spiritual strength, stamina and endurance by exercising spiritual muscle.   And just how do we strengthen spiritually?


~Word Workout

Feast daily on the Word. And it doesn’t have to be lengthy passages of scripture. Sometimes when I’m reading the Word, a single word can stand out and that will be my meditation throughout the day. I have to hide the word in my heart because something is certain to arise and I will need to have a ready word.



Faith is a muscle. What happens when our muscles aren’t used? We can get atrophy. While the working of our faith doesn’t always feel good, I urge you like the trainer urged me, “Get There”. Your faith may be worked, stretched, and torn. This is how muscle it built. Feel the burn baby and praise Him!


Continue to go the distance. Right when you think you can’t do another rep, handle another setback, deal with another issue, press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling and get there! Stronger…Yes, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.


If you live in the DMV and need some encouragement in helping you get there, check out Certified Personal Trainer Nevina Gray owner of FLMD Fitness.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Lean In

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook is the author of a book entitled Lean In. Lean In has become a movement designed to help women pursue and achieve their ambitions. It’s mission is focused on what women CAN do versus what they can’t.


With all my strength and might I’ve pursued what I can do.

~Be Super Mommy

~Submitted Wife

~Obedient Disciple

~Attentive, Available Friend

~Serving, Honorable Daughter


I’ve come to grips with the reality that without Jesus at the center, I can’t do a thing. In all my getting and doing, I’d be at wits end when operating in my own strength. But praise to el-Roi, the God who sees; who sees our hearts, our efforts, and our attempts then gently leads or redirects saying, ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit’.


In the last week and a half, I have had so much on my mind. After a series of rejections coupled with spiritual, mental and emotional healing (you can read more of that by clicking here and here), I was left drained and overwhelmed. I was literally feeling hard pressed on every side. I cried out to God singing:


When my heart is overwhelmed

I pray Lord lead me to the rock

Lead me to the rock that’s higher than I

O Lord

Yes when my heart is overwhelmed

I’m asking lead to the rock

Lead me to the rock that’s higher than I

O Lord


When the weight of this whole world

Tries to slay me

A strong tower from the enemy

You will be for me


So I need to find this place

Yes the special secret place

I’m assured of Your embrace

The place I call my sanctuary

There You are


Lead me to the rock

Lead me to the rock


You are my firm foundation

My salvation my solid rock

Lead Me To The Rock

Stephen Hurd


While feeling boxed in, my simple meditation of “lead me to the rock” was enough. He heard me and responded saying, “Come to me. I am the Strong Tower.” And because I was so weary, once I got to the strong tower, all I could do was Lean In.


When you are in a tight space, uncomfortable space, unfamiliar space, seek Him. With your whole heart, cry out to Him.


In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried to my God: He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him, even into His ears. Psalm 18:6


He will surely answer.


And call upon Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. Psalm 50:15


He will be very gracious to you at the voice of your cry; when He shall hear it, He will answer you. Isaiah 30:19


So as I stood, leaning into My God, My Strong Tower, He spoke to my heart. I was going to rush to get to a meeting on time but He said, go outside and sit a while. I obeyed and sat out in the sun and breathed deeply, and was awash in His peace. I felt the warm sun on my skin, listened to several species of birds chirping and just marveled at the great and mighty power of Elohim. The day after that I was expecting company and was going to do some serious cleaning (mind you the house was already clean) before the guests arrived. Again, He urged me to come outside and sit a while to which I obeyed. And again His peace flooded me as I meditated on what was true, lovely and of good report.


I can now relate to these lyrics in a very personal way.


“Leaning on the Lord, trusting in His holy word He’s never failed me yet. Oh ooh ooh can’t turn around now. He’s never failed me yet.”


In her book, Sandberg says, “I have never met a woman, or man, who stated emphatically, “Yes, I have it all.'” Because no matter what any of us has—and how grateful we are for what we have—no one has it all.”


I don’t know what “ALL” she’s referring to but I’ll take ALL the Jesus I can get.


I’m leaning in…way in to Jesus today.


When you are feeling hard pressed on every side, what do you do?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with friends at Purposeful Faith Equipping Godly Women  Dance With Jesus


Are You Being Real?

Authentic. Unmasked. Genuine. Transparent. REAL.


Naked and unashamed.


Exposed. Letting it all hang out to be REAL.


I’ve always been very good at “Putting on Tyra”. I can turn on the smile, lilt the cadence of my voice, and be engaging and dynamic when the environment necessitates. While I am naturally an energetic, social, loving extrovert, but there are times I long to retreat into “my world” of being raise an only child with the comfort and solitude of me alone in the back of my mother’s closet reading a book.


The Lord first bought to my attention that I was play-acting and not always being real. I truly believed I was an authentic honest person but I came to see the real was not always so.


It was 9:00pm and a member of my ministry leadership team (of which I am the Director) called. Well, I hit the wall between 7-8pm. From before sunrise until 6pm I coast at 50,000 but after six I start to make the descent and between 7-8 I’ve landed and am officially DONE! You hear me, done. I have told my children, the bible says His mercies are new every morning because at some point in the night they run out and mine for tonight is done (smile). So at the time of this call, I was done but briefly considered “putting on Tyra” to receive the call. I contemplated not answering because I was just not in the mood to be chipper and bubbly. Frankly, I was exhausted and was counting the minutes to get in the bed.


In that moment, I was convicted. The Holy Spirit gently whispered to me, it is ok to JUST BE. He was telling me it is ok for people to experience the full range of you: the energetic you along with the reserved quiet you. Somehow I had come to believe that people only wanted to interaction with the on-stage Tyra. Well, we all have off-stage lives. He was encouraging me to be real. I’m happy to say I did answer the phone and accepting that call was a major step in beginning to be ok with being the real me.


That was over three years ago. And in the time that has passed, He has continued to peel back the layers encasing the fearfully wonderfully made creation His fashioned. I marvel at how I am transforming. In so many ways I thought I was the real deal in my interactions with others. But He’s shown me otherwise in letting me see:

~I share my struggles but only to a select few

~I share my testimony but the edited, clean version


If I’m going to worship Him, I must do so in spirit and in truth. And that demands that I am real, real with God, real with others and real with myself.


And a work He is doing! Last week was a tough one for me. I got another rejection letter about schooling for my son, my daughter was falsely accused of something at school, my household dynamic shifted with hubby starting a new job and I’ve been excavating deeply buried guilt, shame and regret. Needlessly to say, the issues of life will bring you face to face with the real. And I let all the REAL show as I surrendered “putting on Tyra” and had an emotional public breakthrough in my Saturday morning workout class, replete with tears and snot.


Are you being real?


Friends, give yourself permission to be open, available and receptive to experience your real. It may be a little scary, but you are bold and courageous. Relationships are hanging in the balance. Free yourself to be open to the possibilities of experiencing your real self.


Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.


Free to be Authentic. Unmasked. Genuine. Transparent. REAL.


As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Connecting with friends at Five Minute Friday