
12 Biblical Daily Affirmations That Will Ignite Your Life

It has often been said that the mind is a battlefield. Millions of thoughts storm and rage through our minds in a single hour alone. And if we are not purposeful, negative thoughts can run rampant in their quest to win the battle in our minds. But we can win the war in the mind by meditating on and speaking God’s truth. This is the power of affirmations. And just recently I was in a battle in the mind. Thank God for my bestie who quickly came to the rescue and reminded me of who I am in Christ. She went on to encourage me to get back to my affirmations. 


Affirmations are powerful, generally brief phrases that affirm who you are, who you want to be and what you want to have. Affirmations are used to keep your mind focused on truth, to combat negative defeating thoughts and to promote success. But let’s be clear. There is a difference between regular affirmations and biblical affirmations. 


We live in a world today where lines are blurred. We see and hear a lot of chatter about positive psychology, manifesting, mindfulness and the law of attraction. And while those practices may yield good feelings about yourself and your abilities and what you feel the universe will bring to you, they greatly hinge on self and what the self can accomplish. 


Yet as a Believer in Christ I know that my strength comes from God. I know that it is His power at work in me that enables me to accomplish anything. I know that it is because of His love, His favor, His grace and His mercy that I am blessed. And it is in partnering with HIM through my obedience that He bountifully blessed me. 


So where does that leave the Believer when it comes to calling forth who we want to be and what we want to have? How do we avoid sliding on the slippery slope of me centered positive psychology and stay rooted in the truth of what God says?


We do this by declaring God’s word. Our affirmations should be directly from His word because it is God’s Word that goes forward to accomplish what He intends (Isaiah 55:11). The bible is also clear in telling us the power of speaking life, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Proverbs 18:21


I don’t know about you, but I want my thinking and my speaking to align with what God says about me. If that’s you too, I invite you to join me in declaring these 12 Biblical Daily Affirmations that will ignite your life. And so that you can keep them near and recite them daily, I’ve created this FREE printable for you. So print it out, speak His word and be encouraged.


Click HERE for your free printable


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Must Have Clean Beauty Products for Women

It may come as a surprise that the U.S. beauty industry isn’t highly regulated. This means personal care products are more likely to contain potentially harmful ingredients. While Europe has banned or restricted over 1300 chemicals from being used in personal care products, the U.S. has only banned 11. With only 11 banned, we are being exposed to toxins every time we wash our faces, put on mascara or swipe on deodorant. That’s why it’s critical that we choose clean beauty products.


Click HERE to head on over to iBelieve to read my most recent article so you can see these must have clean beauty products for women.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been inspired to live fully!


Exercise Your Authority

Maybe it began for you as a child on the playground. Many have been the object of taunting and harassment from a childhood bully. Just because the bully was bigger, louder, or seemingly more powerful, that doesn’t mean they had the AUTHORITY to mistreated you. Whether it was your childhood nemesis, an overreaching law enforcement officer or someone else who attempted to use their power to abuse you, YOU have a right to exercise your authority.

Authority is the delegated right to rule, govern, decide, judge or act.

Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.  He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Luke 9:1-2

You are Christ’s modern day disciple. Today you have power by way of the Holy Spirit at work in you. Authority has been delegated to you by the Lord Jesus. You been deputized to act on behalf of the kingdom. Here are 4 things you can do to operate in your authority. 

  1. Take Your Rightful Place

    We were given dominion in the beginning. And though Adam sinned, the finished work of Jesus restores us to our rightful place of dominion. Now you are seated far above all principalities and powers. It is from this position as a kingdom citizen that you have a right to operate on the King’s behalf. And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins…Even when we were dead in sins, (God) hath quickened us together with Christ…And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:1,5,6).

  2. Speak The Word of God

    God’s Word has power! From the beginning, the Word was. Angels harken to perform the word. The word goes forth to accomplish God’s will. His word is exalted above all so SPEAK His word.

  1. Obey God

    Lack of obedience can cause you to cede your authority. God demands our full and complete obedience. Anything less than is disobedience. Stand in your full authority by simply doing what God tells you to do. Blessing, protection, and provision belong to those who obey.

  2. Stand

    Stand against the kingdom of darkness. Put on your full armor and stand resolute trusting God. Resist the devil, giving him no foothold. Plead the blood of Jesus. Speak the name of Jesus. And stand and see the salvation of the Lord.

You are no longer the little kid on the playground. You will no longer allow the enemy to belittle and harass you. You will stand in your position as a kingdom citizen and exercise your God given authority. You will legislate over the affairs of your family. You will govern in the sphere of influence God’s appointed you to. You will rule over your flesh. You will act on God’s behalf to advance His kingdom.
It is our turn and our time to continue the work of carrying out the Great Commission. It is our time to do GREATER WORKS as Jesus said. We must DO the work of Him who called and sent us. We must build His kingdom. His kingdom come His will be done on earth as is in Heaven. Exercise your authority!
As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

The Devil’s Playground

I’ve heard it said that an idle mind is the devil’s playground. The enemy certainly has a way of taking our thoughts from the see-saw to the swings to the slidingboard and back again. Hence we must walk circumspect and be mindful of how we use our time. Time is a precious commodity that we cannot afford to waste. God is very clear that we ought to walk as wise and make the best use of our time.


Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15-16


And the same goes for our children. This summer let’s ensure they are spending time nurturing the mind, body & spirit. Coming off several years of living through a pandemic, isolation has impacted teens in a variety of ways. From increased social anxiety to depression, teens have had to navigate through a host of mental and emotional health concerns…. Now head on over to iBelieve to continue reading by clicking HERE


Man’s Search For Significance

Growing up I heard it said that a parent’s job is to provide food, clothing and shelter.  And while it is true that at our most basic level we do need food, water and shelter, for us to be COMPLETE, fulfilled persons, our needs stretch far beyond that.


We have a need to be seen.


We have a need to be known.


We have a need to be loved.


We have a need for identity and significance.


No matter what you received growing up, be comforted in knowing that Abba, God Your Father loves you WHOLLY. In Him you have sonship. This means that you belong. You are not an orphan. If you’ve given your life to Christ, you are an heir and that means you are entitled to receive all the rich blessings that the Father seeks to bestow upon His children.


“His father said to him, ‘Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours.” Luke 15:31


Your Abba is compassionate. You can lean on Him for comfort and assurance.


Your Abba is a provider. You can rely on Him to meet your physical needs.


Your Abba is present and attentive. You can count on Him to see you.


Today friend, be assured that you are seen, you are known, and you are loved!


You matter. You are significant!


“The father interrupted and said,  ‘Son, you’re home now!’ Turning to his servants, the father said, ‘Quick, bring me the best robe, my very own robe, and I will place it on his shoulders. Bring the ring, the seal of sonship,  and I will put it on his finger. And bring out the best shoes  you can find for my son. Let’s prepare a great feast  and celebrate. For my beloved son was once dead, but now he’s alive! Once he was lost, but now he is found!’ And everyone celebrated with overflowing joy.” Luke 15:22-24


As always, it is my prayer that you have been Inspired To Live Fully!


Is God Really Good All The Time?

Without missing a beat you can complete this well known call and response…

“God is good, all the time”


Without even thinking it through your mind automatically filled in the blank… And all the time, God is good!

But does your heart respond in kind? Does your heart really BELIEVE that God is good ALL the time?

It is not easy to believe that God is good all the time when you see images of war.

It is not easy to believe that God is good all the time when your bank account feels the impact of inflation.

It is not easy to believe that God is good all the time when you’ve received a medical diagnosis.

I too have had to grapple with the idea of God being good all the time. At the tender age of 18, I had my first big encounter with doubting God’s goodness. Why would God allow my mother to die, leaving my sister and me motherless? Head on over to iBelieve HERE to see how I reconciled my feelings with the truth of who God is. Indeed He IS good…. all the time.


Attitude of Gratitude

Tears streaming down my face threatened to blur my vision as I made the long drive home. I had just spent the day with my college freshman. We ran errands and topped it off with lunch. Our time was replete with laughs, insightful musings and spilling the tea which I’m sure was censored to make it palatable for mom to digest.


As the tears continued to flow, I began singing these words by Hezekiah Walker,


“I am

Grateful for the things

That you have done

Yes, I’m grateful for the victories you’ve won

I could go on and on and on

About your works

Because I’m grateful, grateful, so grateful

Just to praise you Lord

Flowing from my heart

Are the issues of my heart

It’s Gratefulness”


You see, when I was a freshman in college I did not have a chance to run errands with my mom.

I did not have a chance to have lunch with my mom.

I did not have a chance to spill the tea on all that was going on with my friends and me.

Because early into my freshman year in college a pulmonary embolism snatched my mother from me.


As I sat across from my girl at lunch, staring into her face as she regaled me with stories, all I could think was THANK YOU JESUS!


Thank you God for redeeming the time.

Thank you God for restoring my heart.

Thank you God for choosing me to be a mom.

Thank you God for your faithfulness.


Gratefulness, flowing from my heart.


My mother was ripped from my life at a very tender age. But God has bought me full circle. He has given me beauty for ashes, joy for pain and a garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. 


No matter what you feel you’ve been robbed of. 

No matter what you feel you’ve been denied.

No matter what you feel has been stolen from you.


Remember that God is a restorer and a redeemer who gives FULL recompense. 


So today give thanks. Tell God how grateful you are. Have gratitude for the victories as well as for the hardships. Studies have shown that gratitude reduces stress, reduces depression and increases resilience among other things so have an attitude of gratitude and be grateful.


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136:1

Flowing from my heart are the issues of my heart. It’s Gratefulness! 


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!



Start Where You Are

Your health is in YOUR hands. So at some point, friends, you have to decide. You have to decide that you love yourself enough to care for your temple. You have to decide that you are worth it. You have to decide that you won’t accept sickness and disease.  And once you make that decision you’ve got to act on it. And it doesn’t have to be super complicated. You can simply start where you are.




This is the second in a 5 part series on Getting Healthy, Staying Healthy. If you missed part 1, “Do I Need To Get Healthy?”, you can find it HERE.


So here’s your formula for starting where you are.



What has God already told you to STOP doing? Did He say stop eating candy? Did you say stop going through the drive through for fast food? The most simple place you can start is with what He already told you to stop. 



What do you need to know? You need an accurate assessment of your current health. When was the last time you had a full physical? When was the last time you had the full battery of blood work? Do you have a copy of the lab report? Know where you are. Ask your doctor plenty of questions. 


Know which foods trigger you. What causes you bloating? What causes you swelling? What causes you irritability? What makes your mouth itch? Identify those items and AVOID them. Why are you eating things that you know make you feel bad? You are not a slave to your taste buds. They should not have that degree of control over your life. Know which life situations trigger you so you can avoid them or erect boundaries so that you can protect your mental and emotional well-being. 



What has God already told you to START doing? Did He say drink more water? Did He say go for a walk daily? Did He day commit to your devotional time? Obey and be consistent in the things He’s already told you.


This isn’t super deep nor is it super spiritual but it is practical and it is effective. So do it.




Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be. Job 8:7


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Do I Need To Get Healthy?

While the health & wellness industry is a multi-trillion dollar industry we are sicker and fatter than ever before. In the last 2 years, life expectancy in the U.S. declined while obesity skyrocketed. 


So we can see that putting all our hope in quick fixes, pills or trends is not the answer (Baby them waist beads are cute and the waist trainer has you snatched while you’re wearing it but those are not long term solutions). We’ve been purchasing more wellness drinks, scheduling more self-care time, taking more supplements and going keto & alkaline yet we are still suffering.


Here’s one thing I know. Gimmicks are not going to work. Diets alone aren’t going to work. Joining a gym alone is not going to fix it. We must take a holistic approach to our overall wellness by nurturing the mind, body & spirit. These 3 areas are inextricably linked so our healing and our wellness must take a multi-pronged approach.


Why do I need to get healthy you ask?


~So you can enjoy the fullness of life. Your ability to enjoy life is severely hampered when you are not in good health.

~So you can take full advantage of all that you’ve worked hard for. If you work, work, work but are sick, sick, sick, you’re unable to fully reap the rewards of your labor.

~So you can take delight in new experiences. If you don’t have good health, you’re less apt to want to try new things, to go places or take on new adventures.

~So you can go back to doing the things that used to make you happy. Maybe you used to run but now your inflammation is so bad you just stopped. Maybe you used to dance but you don’t anymore. Maybe you used to sing but you don’t anymore. It’s time to get back to living!


But it all boils down to you deciding. There’s no other way around it. Either you’re choosing to do things that support life or you’re choosing things which promote death.


Yeah, I know we’re all going to die at some point as death is one of the only certainties we have in this life. But I’m surely not going to speed up the process of getting there.


I don’t know about you, but I intend to live a vibrant healthy life. I want to enjoy my time with my husband and children. One day I want to play with my grandchildren. I want to travel. I want to wake up daily feeling invigorated and not complaining of aches and pains as soon as my feet hit the floor. But there are many things that are ebbing away at our ability to live healthy. Lack of movement, poor nutrition, and environmental toxins are taking a massive toll on our health. So we need to address this head on. The buck stops here.


I am committed to being part of the solution, but are you?


Perhaps you made a declaration that THIS would be your year to get healthy. Well I want to partner with you in making it happen. This is the first in a 5 part series on Getting Healthy, Staying Healthy. You will be armed with the information you need to set you on the course of prosperous health. And let me go ahead now and give you the heads up, living healthy is an inside out job. So pray now to prepare yourself. And over the next few weeks, apply the information that I share and with consistency you will see and experience the fruit of LIVING FULLY!


Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 2:2


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


How To Live The Life You Desire

Living the life you desire is possible but it’s going to require something of you. 


Do you want to be healthy? Do you desire financial success? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to be free of that stronghold? All of these things are possible but will require you to make some changes.


Sometimes people fear change because they think it is going to be too hard.  But let me tell you, staying in the same rut is hard.  In fact the pain of staying the same is actually greater than the pain of change.


If you want to see something different, you have to do something different. Unfortunately, many people have gotten too comfortable with living in lack. They’ve become too accustomed to pain, trauma and living with just enough. But that doesn’t have to be your story. 


You can begin living the life you desire by evoking change in three areas.



Your heart is the wellspring of life and everything you think, say and do stems from what is in your heart. So we must do some excavation to uncover what’s in our hearts. Ask the Lord to search your heart (Psalm 139:23). Ask the Lord to clean your heart (Psalm 51:10). And be mindful to guard your heart (Proverbs 4:20-23).



The mind is truly the battlefield. You must remain vigilant to not allow thoughts to run rogue through your mind. Your enemy is very cunning and likes to sow seeds of doubt, discouragement and deception. Amidst his wiley ways, you have the ability to put on the mind of Christ. You have the power to take your thoughts captive and bring them into the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). The mind that was in Christ Jesus can also be in you (Philippians 2:5). So regulate your thoughts, renew your mind and think on things that align with the truth of God’s word.



With your heart and mind in alignment with the truth of God’s word you are ready to take action! Remember, the word of God tells us faith without works is dead (James 2:26) so you must put some effort in to reap the life you desire. God is working in you to will and to act for His purpose (Philippians 2:!3) and you can accelerate that by partnering with God and taking action. 


If you want to lose weight, take action. Eat less sugar, manage your stress, and start walking. Take action.


If you want to go back to school, take action. See which schools offer your major. Decide if you want on campus or virtual. Figure out the financing. Schedule a call with the office of student affairs. Take action.


If you want to grow spiritually, take action. Put your phone away. Wake up early. Go on a fast. Open your bible. Pray in the spirit. Listen to worship music. Spend time in nature. Cry out to God. Take action!


Friends, change is not super deep. It’s simply you making a decision that enough is enough and committing to doing things differently. 


 No more waiting for the perfect time

 No more waiting until you have it all figured out

 No more blaming other people

 No more making excuses 


Day by day you are putting off the old self and day by day God is renewing you (Ephesians 4:22-24) so walk boldly in the opportunities that each new day presents to live the life you desire.


No excuses. No delay. It’s go time! And if you need a jumpstart, support and accountability in living the life you desire, join me for the 2022 Fully Focused Fast. This fast will set you on the trajectory for living the abundant life you deserve. CLICK HERE to register today!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!