
This Christmas

“Duhn duhn dunna-na, shake a hand, shake a hand”.


This song does it to me every time. Donny Hathaway’s version of This Christmas is a holiday staple that can be heard in most African-American homes. But this song takes me back to ONE Christmas in particular. The year was 1990. I was 16 years old and it was the first Christmas that my Mother, my sister and myself were together again.




Back together again.


After years of separation, years of pain, years of deep hurt, not only were we together but my mother was thriving. She was sustaining her sobriety, had regained full custody of my sister and was residing in a rooming house awaiting the rental of a townhome.


It was in this rooming house, in our one little 10×10 room that I had the best Christmas ever. This rooming house where we shared a kitchen and bathroom and all other common spaces, a rooming house filled with men, no other women and surely no other families but we were happy. In fact, my sister was so happy, she vomited. I can clearly remember her smile, the toothless grin full of cheer. I had just braided her hair the night before and she was oh so cute!


We had a tiny tabletop tree, soulful Christmas tunes played in the background and love permeated the atmosphere.


This Christmas.


This is the Christmas that I remember most.


These are the memories that I cherish and hold dear.


I don’t remember the gifts.


I don’t remember what we ate for dinner.


But I do remember the love that was shared.


The Christmas that followed was special too as it would be the last Christmas I’d ever have with my mother.


“And this Christmas will be a very special Christmas for me”.


It was a special one indeed.


Friends I pray that where ever today finds you that your heart will be filled with love joy, and cheer. I pray that you will be purposeful in embracing each moment, as we do not know what the future holds. Even if you are grieving, even if you are bitter, even if this year isn’t wrapping up as you envisioned, there is still reason to rejoice.


THIS moment finds you with your heart beating, with your pulse steady, with a measure of good health and with the never-ending, immeasurable love of Christ.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?

While we’ve been seeing 60-degree days here recently in the Mid-Atlantic, this is the time of year we get imaginings of Walking in a Winter Wonderland. My children are already dreaming up a White Christmas. Last winter we didn’t have a ton of snow. But one snowfall was just enough for us to build a snowman. It’s like the songs from the movie Frozen won’t leave me alone. They see snow and all I hear singing is, “Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?”


Now let me preface this by saying I don’t like snow and I don’t like to be cold. But for the babies, yes I’ll brave the cold to help you fashion a magnificent snowman. You know like the ones you see on TV. Three perfectly symmetrical balls ascending in size from top to bottom just right. In my mind this would be an easy feat.


Well I soon came to see that the process was far from easy.


In my mind we would just pack the snow into a large ball then roll that balls into the snow, gathering enough snow to the ball to make the head about the size of a basketball. We were able to gather the snow all right and somewhat pack it into a semi round shape. Now the rolling part….well that never quite worked out. Sometimes it stuck, sometimes it didn’t. We ended up with a head that looked more like Ernie from Sesame Street than the head on Frosty. Repeating that process two more times to form the body proved even more challenging. Meanwhile, my children were having a blast with this while I, the perfectionist A-Type was having an internal meltdown that it wasn’t picture perfect. We gave him eyes, a nose and a hat and the children stood back, looked on in awe and rejoiced at their masterpiece.


Oh friends, we too are being shaped, fashioned and formed into works of art. We are the Father’s masterpiece.


O people of Israel, can I not do the same to you as this potter has done?

You are like clay in My hands—I will mold you as I see fit.

Jeremiah 18:6


The Father is consistently:










All in an effort to mold us into His image. As the original designer He knows the desired outcome. [bctt tweet=”Along the way we pick up and pack on accessories that can mar or detract from our unique design.”]


Here lately He’s pinching off control, selfishness and pride to reveal the likeness created in Him of surrender, selflessness and humility.


And yet, O Lord, you are our Father.

We are the clay, and you are the potter.

We all are formed by your hand.

Isaiah 64:8


While the pressing between those MIGHTY PALMS feels like it’s squeezing the life out of me, I exhale long and deep, throw my head back and smile as I go for the ride of my life on the potter’s wheel.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with friends sharing the Good News at Purposeful Faith


Are You Ready To Receive?

I pray constantly. Upon rising in the morning, all throughout the day, before I fall asleep at night.


Praying, praying and praying some more.


Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17


Sometimes though, I’m not actively conscious of the fact that my prayers are being heard. You know, like I expect God to answer but I’m not thinking like, “Oh I KNOW at this very second He has heard and is answering”. In my head, I know God hears and answers prayer but it’s not at the forefront of my mind while I’m actually praying that He’s dispatching His reply immediately.


And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him.

1 John 5:14-15


I know that I pray in faith.


But am I ready for Him to act?


Am I ready for him to deliver the answer?


Am I ready for Him to move on my behalf?


Is my heart ready to accept?


Am I ready to partake of the answered prayer?


Am I ready to respond?


Am I ready to move as needed?


Are my hands free and open to receive the blessing?


I find that often times we pray a thing and when it is answered we are caught off guard. Perhaps we’d tailor made the manifestation of the prayer. We could see exactly how God should bring it to pass based on OUR expectations. [bctt tweet=”We’ve prayed according to His will, but when He does it His way, can we embrace it?”]


What happens then when the answered isn’t delivered how WE expected?


What happens when the long awaited Christmas gift comes wrapped in burlap instead of red paper with little santa’s on it?


You prayed.

You asked for it.

You got it.

Answered prayer.


Well now it’s here and you’re all out of sorts. You’re blaming the devil. You’re having a temper tantrum. Just all out of sorts.


You prayed.

You asked for it.

You got it.

Answered prayer.


When I first got saved almost 13 years ago I prayed, “God please deliver me from being controlling”. My need for control dominated my life. It impacted my relationships and made me quite neurotic. From the way towels were folded to managing my time down to 15 minute increments, I was just out of control with my need for control.   Well God heard and answered that prayer. Little did I know the primary method He would use was by bringing me children. With each birth (five to date) I’ve had to surrender a new level on control. Long gone are the days of perfectly folded towels in my linen closet. Long gone are the days when my time is my own.


You prayed.

You asked for it.

You got it.

Answered prayer.


I’ve prayed and asked God for more family time. My husband’s work schedule is very demanding and I just wanted time for us to all be together as a family. When the prayer was answered, I found myself wanting to retreat to a quiet corner or to proceed with the never-ending household chores and let hubby have time with the children. Hey, I see them everyday ALL day, you guys bond. But that was not what I prayed. My prayer for family time had been answered and I was trying to move in the opposite direction of it.


You prayed.

You asked for it.

You got it.

Answered prayer.


If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

John 15:7


When we pray in faith, according to His will, EXPECT that He will answer. Expect His answer to come differently than you can imagine or think. In advance, prepare your heart to receive. Today, I am positioning myself to delightfully receive His answers in the manner in which He executes them.


Are you ready to receive?


With an open mind, an open heart and open hands, receive Him today.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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Tips For Maintaining Weight Over The Holidays

Many reports suggest that people gain from 7-10 lbs during the holidays. How can you ensure that you don’t fall into that group? Simply follow the tips below. Honor yourself by honoring your body. Everything you consume either contributes to or detracts from your health. I encourage you to choose well. To help you in choosing well, here are some tips for maintaining your weight over the holidays.


First Things First

Schedule your exercise for the first part of your day so it doesn’t fall to the mercy of the extra holiday errands you’ll probably be running. Picking up food for the office party, a gift for the hostess, Christmas shopping; these extra errands can cut into your time and before you know it, the whole day is over and you haven’t exercised. Author and blogger Ann Voskamp says “Word In, Work Out, Work Your Plan” in that order.


Don’t Skip a Meal

Skipping breakfast and lunch so you can really throw down at dinner? No. Don’t self-sabotage. You need to adequately fuel your body for optimal energy and performance throughout the day.


Make it Count

If you’re consuming calories, make them count. Why waste a significant portion of your caloric intake for the day on empty beverages like alcohol, soda, cider and eggnog? I LOVE eggnog but I don’t love what it does to my body. Your average cup of eggnog has nearly 350 calories and 19 fat grams! So I have to exercise self-control and stay away from the stuff. I’ll save my calories for the small treat that I’ll allow myself to enjoy.


Portion Control

On most round dinner plates there is a ridge about 2 inches in from the edge. Your food should be contained within that inner circle. But most of us fill the plate to the very edge. To prevent overeating, we can exercise portion control by eating off of a salad plate instead.


 Be Selective

Does EVERY item present need to be on your plate? For Thanksgiving I’m going to be selective. I am indifferent when it comes to stuffing so I’m not even going to put it on my plate. Rice pilaf and mashed potatoes, well I could eat those anytime and they aren’t my favorites either so I’ll pass on those too. Again it’s about making those calories and fat grams count.


Beware Of The Sneaky

Oh the sneaky calories that can catch up on you when you aren’t paying attention. You are standing around chatting at a party and each time the hors d’oeuvres come past you grab some. Pretty little phyllo purses filled with goodness, fried little somethings, wrapped little somethings, cheese and crackers, all manner of spreads and dips…and before you know it, BAM! It isn’t even dinner and you’ve consumed enough fat and calories that equate to a dinner.


Wait Before Having Seconds

After eating it takes the brain 20 minutes to register that you’ve eaten. So before you go for that second plate, wait a while. There are also times we mistake thirst for hunger so while you’re waiting sip some water.


It is my prayer that by following these tips you’ll maintain your weight over the holidays and not feel the guilt or weight (no pun intended) of carry around those extra holidays pounds. If you remain steadfast, you can enter 2016 feeling great about your choices and perhaps won’t have to have the proverbial LOSE WEIGHT New Years Resolution.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been inspired to live fully.


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Free Falling

Gravity pulling, pulling, pulling the body straight down. At a swift pace, free fall ensues and the body plunges deeper, deeper and deeper into the black abyss. Never scared. In fact, quite freeing. Liberating.


I was about eight then. It was a recurring dream of mine for years to come. Almost nightly I’d fall free into inky oblivion.


But those are the things of dreams. Fast forward to the adult who becomes rigid, somewhat inflexible and seemingly thrives in order. The adult who manages her life in 15-minute increments and leaves no room for spontaneity. No freedom to coast, even in dreams. Control is the order of the day.


But in comes a new dream. A dream of flying. While the free fall is but a wisp of a memory, the flying dreams are fresh, new, invigorating, and exciting. What a stark contrast to the rigid one in real life. In the dreams she is FREE. Soaring on wings as eagles, she glides gracefully over valley and deep crevasses. From the ground she begins to pump her arms then as if propelled by rocket boots, she shoots straight into the air. Dip, twist, turn, and pivot. Slicing through the air. And it all feels so real.


Then the Lord calls to her. He says, “Come out of the box you’ve been hiding in. I see you daughter”. Slightly cautious and somewhat afraid she unfurls her contorted limbs and stretches out of the box.


But life has her feeling on edge. The pressures and demands of fullfilling so many roles, being so many things to so many people. Called to a higher calling in the Lord. Feeling, Lord if you ask for one more thing, I’ll fall. Lord, I’m right on the edge. I’m at the precipice and I don’t want to fall into the craggy rocks below.


But the Lord says, “Trust Me! Fall.”


She is usually one to obey. But this time fear and apprehension keep her locked it in place. Free fall? Umm…no thank you. Like the Flying Wallendas sailing through the air with no safety net? No, that won’t be me.  Where’s the harness? Where’s the safety net?  Where are my spotters? What’s the likelihood of an accident? I need the details. I need concrete information.  Again he whispers, “Have Faith.”


Oh how faithful is HE. She has a vision, a waking one this time. So akin to the flying dreams yet different. This time the Lord takes her to a HIGH place. He tells her to free fall. He takes her back to the time when she came out of the box and He revealed a new element in the scene. When she comes out of the box, from her back unfurls gigantic, iridescent wings. At full height they are nearly 10 feet tall with a massive wingspan.


Now back to that precipice. Together we step off the ledge…..AND


I do it again.


I smother the vision before I give it permission to unfold.


Afraid to use what I’ve been given. Afraid even though I’ve clearly seen that I’ve been endowed to take flight. Then the message continues to track me down.


[bctt tweet=”Unless you’re willing to fall, you risk not fulfilling your potential.”]


free falling


I read it in a book.

I read it over and over in the word.

He brings the vision back into my mind.

I see it on a sign I drive past.


fall into God


I get new revelation on what the wings are for (Looking forward to sharing more on that in a future post).


Earlier this year He was calling me deeper.


Now He’s calling me higher.


Until I give my own wings an opportunity to get some practice, He’s carrying me on His.


You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. You know how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.

Exodus 19:4


But soon, very soon, I’ll take the bold step. From that precarious perch, high in the sky, I’ll step off the ledge and take flight.


Free Falling


But confident because I KNOW I have wings.


But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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Will You Be The One?

From afar off He heard their plea, as they cried out, lifting their voices saying, “Jesus, Master have mercy on us!”


“Go and show yourselves to the priests,” he replied. And as they obediently heeded the command, they were healed. All ten, suffering from leprosy had their mark of shame removed.


Yet one…Just one, when he saw he was healed, returned and with a loud voice glorified God.




Just one fell down on his face at the Mater’s feet giving Him thanks.


The one, a Samaritan thus seemingly the least to return would be the one to come back with thanksgiving on his lips.


And while the one had been cleansed physically, upon his return, with thanks on his lips, he was granted another level of healing. As He bowed at the Master’s feet, Jesus declared, “Arise, your faith as made you well.” Again, the leper had already been physically healed in the act of obedience in presenting himself to the priest, but this second encounter with the Master produced additional fruit in the life of the leper. He was made well from the inside out! The leper was restored and it was done so publicly.


So, have you returned to tell the Master thank you?


Thank you for protecting me from dangers seen and unseen.


Thank you Lord for supplying all my needs according to your riches in glory.


Thank you Lord that through all the trauma I’ve experienced, I am strong in my body, strong in my mind and strong in spirit.


Thank you that when I don’t know what to say, you make intercession to the Father on my behalf.


Thank you for presenting me before the Father blameless.


Thank you for being my advocate, defending me, petitioning for me and protecting me.


Thank you for loving, meaningful relationships.


Thank you for not leaving me to my own devices but for correcting me, disciplining me and molding me as to correct my character flaws.


Are you like the nine? When they received their healing it is likely they returned to rejoice with their family and friends. After all, they had been excommunicated and would naturally want to reunite with their loved ones. Jesus is making His point CLEAR to you and me when He calls out, not directly to the leper, but speaking so that the onlookers could hear and internalize, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” Luke 17:17-19



While Jesus isn’t healing us of leprosy today, He is healing our:













And the list goes on and on.


One returned.


And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan. Luke 17:15-16


Will you be the one?


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. Psalm 107:1-2



If you are the one, pray with me.



Oh most holy and worthy God we come to lift your name on high. Your name that is above all names. You are highly exalted. Yahweh we bow before you. We fall at your feet in surrender with thanks in our hearts and praise on our lips. We thank you for loving us when we didn’t love ourselves. We thank you for shielding us when we knowingly walked into precarious situations. We thank you for delivering us from the hand of the enemy. We thank you that even in our disobedience you still tell us to come to you. We thank you for loving us with an everlasting love. Oh Father, what more can we say? All the glory belongs to you. As we kneel in your presence, our hearts are overcome with the sheer greatness of how truly good you’ve been to us. Let our surrender and our lifestyle of obedience demonstrate how truly grateful we are. We love you Lord. Amen.



As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends Sharon the Good News #DanceWithJesus, Grace & Truth, Faith n’ Friends


Thanksgiving Menu

Greetings this Wellness Wednesday Inspired Life family. Have you finalized your Thanksgiving Menu? I thought I had mine complete then my sweet hubby added a few things so my list is growing. Thanksgiving is such an exciting day in my home. My children are uber excited at the thought of eating in the formal dining room and having some of their favorites that I make exclusively for Thanksgiving. They are all laughing and squealing with delight over the “BIG FEAST” as they call it.


Thanksgiving is the one time of year where I grant myself some leeway in the fat and calorie department. It’s the one time of year I use real butter and bake macaroni and cheese. Just the thought of it nearly has me salivating. So what’s on your menu? Are you making any secret family recipes? Please let me know in the comments. All of the recipes I’m making except for the Gingerbread Cake are from my head. A few I’ve jotted down and posted here on Inspired Life. For the others, I’m linking recipes that come close to what I’ll conjure up. One day I promise I’m going to write a cookbook. At least for my children’s sake, I need to move the recipes from my head to paper. One day…..


But for now, let the Feast begin. Oh by the way, did I mention this is a vegetarian menu?


Thanksgiving Menu 




Considering all the eating I’m planning to do later, I’m going to keep it tasty & satisfying yet light and filling all at the same time. My favorite smoothie will start the day the right way.

Apple Pie Smoothie





Dinner will be around 5 but I won’t starve myself until then. Nor do I want to do too much grazing or nibbling on dinner before the actual dinner. Since I eat a salad nearly everyday for lunch, I’ll stick with my surefire routine.

Spinach Pear Salad



Mmm…is all I can say. Will next Thursday please hurry and get here? The cooking will actually begin on Wednesday. Wednesday I’ll wash and chop all veggies. I’ll also make the Lentil Loaf, desserts and bake the cornbread for the dressing.

Lentil Loaf 

Macaroni & Cheese

Cornbread Dressing

My sweet Aunt Linda has entrusted me and only me with her secret recipe. I can’t divulge her secrets but here is a recipe that captures the general essence of her secret dish.


My 1st born who is now 11 discovered this recipe 2 years ago and she’s been making them for Thanksgiving ever since.

Maple Brussels Sprouts

Everyone in the house likes Brussels sprouts. In fact, we had Brussels for dinner last night. We just change them up a bit for Thanksgiving my adding maple and walnuts.

Orange Glazed Green Beans

Sauteed Kale

Sweet Potatoes

Whipped Butternut Squash

Cranberry Sauce

Dinner Rolls



Apple Crisp

Vegan Gingerbread Bundt Cake

Every year I make one new thing. This is the 2015 new item. I’ve been happily cooking my way through Healthy Happy Vegan Kitchen. I wanted to make this cake sooner but decided to save it for this special occasion. I know it will have the house smelling divine. Now to be able to restrain everyone from eating it before Thursday will be the challenge.



As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Is God Good All The Time?

I got a text two days ago that said, “God is good all the time”.


What a trite, overused expression. We say it rote, without meaning, without really thinking about the statement. It’s just become a part of church lexicon. In fact, even non-believers say it.


So it got me to thinking, is God good all the time?


Lately, God and I have been having issues. Well, God doesn’t have issues, so let me restate that. Lately I’ve been having issues with God. I’ve had to dig deep and deal with the issue of God not keeping His promises. I’ve had Job-like rants. My flesh and my spirit have been at enmity with one another.


All the while, God has been nudging me, gently whispering, “In it all, give thanks”. He’s been speaking, “You may not feel it or see it, but truly I’m working it all together for your good and it’s all good”.


So what do we do when we don’t see the good?


How do we cope when we don’t feel good?


Is it indeed true that God IS good all the time, even when the FACTS present themselves quite the opposite?



To the oyster, having a foreign object such as a grain of sand lodged in its delicate tissue is NOT good. While the grain of sand may present discomfort, the oyster is able to protect itself by releasing a substance, which coats the irritant, and the result is a precious, valuable pearl. Likewise, in life we will encounter irritants, things that we feel are NOT good. But by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, we can release the authority and power residing within us to wrap around life’s irritants to create a valuable testimony. Our testimonies are precious and can help others overcome. And just as one may ooh and ahh over the precious jewels and gems you are wearing, like your pearls, your testimony shines to gives glory to God.


“You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your statutes.”

Psalm 119:68


Theodicy is the theological assertion that God IS indeed good despite the presence of evil in the world. It is human nature to want to understand WHY an all-loving, all-powerful, just God would allow suffering and evil. God IS absolute in His goodness and there is no evil in Him, yet we are victims or even perpetrators of evil as subjects of a fallen world. But out of His unfailing love and compassion for us, He ensures it all works together for our good. Perhaps the human mind cannot fully appreciate or understand the complexities of this. It even confounds me at times. But when I look back over my life and examine some of my most difficult trials, I can see how God loved me through it and how He caused the events to work for my good. I can see how the situations developed my character, caused me to become more compassionate, prepared me for future life challenges and equipped me assist others.


And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28


Regularly I tell my children, “Look for dirt”. In this, I am telling them to train their eyes to ”SEE” mess, clutter, or dirt that they can clean or pick up instead of just passing by. I want their eyes open and their perception heightened to what is in their physical environment. I don’t want them to be one of those people that just see random items on the floor and walk past them. I want them to be good citizens who proactively take action on what needs to be done.


In the same manner, God wants us to attune our spiritual eyes to see. He wants our eyes so trained that we readily see and embrace His good at work in our lives. [bctt tweet=”God doesn’t skimp on doing good toward us.”] But we must have the right perspective in order to see His good. Like I tell my children to “Look for dirt”, He is urging us to “See the good”. And to see His good requires a shift in paradigm, away from seeing with natural eyes to seeing with spiritual eyes.


Is God good all the time?


Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!

Psalm 107:1


Even though my flesh doesn’t always agree, my spirit bears witness that indeed He is good.


Not only is He inherently good, He wants good for you. And He is willing to do radical things to bring about His good in your life and in mine. He is intentional and purposeful with every single event that has ever occurred in our lives. . He is strategic in ordering events, people and circumstances so that they ultimately work in concert for our good. Seemingly random incidents are woven together in a tapestry that artfully displays the work of His sure and GOOD hand in our lives. And while the patchwork of cutting, stitching and mending can be laborious and sometimes painful, we are left with a beautifully wrought garment that showcases His glory. Hallelujah!


Yes, God is good all the time. Let your eyes be illuminated so that your WHOLE body will be full of light, full of the TRUTH that God is good. Yes He is.


God is good,

All the time.

And all the time,

God is good.


Not merely a trite overused statement, but a confession of truth.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully.
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Grace & Truth, Dance With Jesus


When God Breaks His Promises

Have you ever felt that God broke a promise?


God I thought your promises were yes and amen?


God I thought you were not slack concerning your promises?


God I do ALL I can to obey you, to worship you, to honor you.


I do the uncomfortable for your glory.

I serve your people wholeheartedly.

I live your statues at the risk of being ridiculed.

I fast and pray.

I study Your word.

I hungrily seek you, commune with you.

I pray according to Your will.


And the payback?


A broken promise.


Blows that hit below the belt. Crushing events that are in directly violation against Your Word that I prayed in accordance with Your will.


So what do you do when the enemy’s darts penetrate your breastplate?


What happens when the arrows with their poisonous tips leech death into your marriage, into the lives of your children, into your self-esteem, your bank account, or your health?


I pray you DON’T do like I did initially.


My first response was to attack the ONE who would ensure my victory.


But isn’t that human nature? To turn on the ONE you are closest to? I lashed out in hurt and anger. I told my loving, devoted ONE He was a liar. I told Him He was a promise breaker.


As my flesh was having its tirade, my Spirit could not deny Truth. A song I had been listening to all week bombarded my thoughts. The song had me in its grip and wouldn’t let me go. The song says over and over, “You’re a great God, you are great.” This refrain was the weight that kept me anchored in Truth. It is so important to hide Truth in our hearts so that when we are faced with mountains too high to climb and valleys too deep to traverse, our hearts won’t fail.


With my face in the carpet I cried a river of tears. I repented for speaking contrary to His Truth. I asked Him for eyes to see. I asked Him for the mind of Christ. I thanked Him for being a promise keeper. And while I still can’t see the fulfillment of the promise, I thank Him that the promise still stands.


Not one word has failed of all the good things that the LORD your God promised concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one of them has failed.

Joshua 23:14


Fellow blogger Patti, writing over at All Things New Blog also presents an interesting juxtaposition on forgiving God. Like God breaking His promises, these are sensitive topics that need to be handled tenderly with TRUTH. Her words of grace in this post blessed me tremendously. Please CLICK HERE to read her post On Forgiving God.


I stand on His Word. I stand on His promises. I’m learning day by day that His promises are rarely delivered in the manner that I expect. His method of delivery ensures His promises are delivered to the right address, at the right time and have been handled with care, even if I don’t recognize the wrapping or the return address.


And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.

2 Peter 1:4


I’ll leave you with some words from singer Alan Jackson,


Standing on the promises I cannot fall,

Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call

Resting in my Savior as my all in all,

Standing on the promises of God.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


I Know Who I Am

Like the little engine that could, I chug along with confidence and boldness.


I Know Who I Am.


I Know Who I Am.


I Know Who I Am.


A child of the King.


A daughter of the Most High God.


An heir to the throne of grace.


Then as I keep chugging through life, and come to new terrain: a new opportunity, a new experience, a new challenge, a new situation, a change of plans, or a detour, my I Know Who I Am gets diverted.


I think I know who I am. Self-doubt creeps in. I question my abilities. Negative self-talk and self-defeating thoughts begin to crowd out TRUTH. Then, do I still know who I am?


When I allow the enemy to flood my mind with lies and deceit do I know who I am?


Thoughts like:

~What makes you think this is a good idea

~Do you even believe this will work

~Maybe you’re too late



[bctt tweet=”That’s the plan of the enemy, to plant little seeds of doubt which have the potential to grow into trees of fear.”] Trees that immobilize forward progress, whose roots choke out everything growing around it.


He hates you. He hates me and he’s hell bent on convincing us that we are someone and something other than who God created us to be. He knows if he can dissuade, distract, and discourage us, we’ll feel hopeless and powerless. And when stripped of hope and power we are rendered defenseless. And when we are defenseless, we can be easily overtaken.




Having taught us to store His word in our hearts, He calls the word forth so that we are reminded of who He says we are.


First and foremost, from a time before our birth, He knew us. He knew who our parents would be, what economic situation we’d be born into, what race we’d be and on.


“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;

Before you were born I sanctified you;

I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5


From time long ago He knew the skills and abilities He placed in each of us. He knew how He would utilize these skills and abilities to further His kingdom building agenda. But do we adopt the lies and allow ourselves to be derailed? In minimizing God’s capabilities, do we allow ourselves to be a pawn in impeding the kingdom building agenda?




We will not suffer from a case of mistaken identity. We will not be victims of identity theft. We will stay immersed in the truth of who we are. We know who we are based on who our Creator says we are. The designer of a product knows its intended use. The designer knows its intricacies, its components and its full capabilities. Then the product goes from the designer to the user. Sometimes the user manual isn’t read. Sometimes it’s discarded. Sometimes it’s lost. Have you ever tried to put together something from Ikea without using the instructions? It’s a recipe for disaster.


But you have the manual right at your fingertips. His Word clearly affirms who we are, how special we are and how useful we are.


He declares:


~We were created in His own image

~We have been called by name

~We are His workmanship

~We are a chosen generation

~We are holy and blameless

~We are His children

~We are His friend

~We were created for good works


Sweet friends, I share this truth because it is a constant reminder that I need. Oh I celebrate the day when I can consistently walk in the boldness and confidence in which I was created. Let’s have a word of pray.


Creative, Holy, Loving, Merciful God, I thank you. By your hand I was uniquely formed and fashioned. By your Word I was established. And by your power I am a reality. I am a breathing, walking, talking, living miracle. I am a manifestation of your grace and beauty. Lord forgive me for when I have denied the greatness of my heritage. Lord, by your power I renew my thoughts and transform my thinking so that it aligns with your Truth. I fully embrace the fearfully wonderfully made creation that I am. I will walk worthy of my calling. I renounce every lie that the enemy tries to get me to accept as truth. I take those thoughts captive and the blood of Jesus extinguishes them. And by the authority You’ve vested in me, I stand boldly on the truth that I am your beloved, that I’ve been clothed in fine linen and silk, that you’ve placed a crown on my head, that I am a royal priesthood that I am the apple of your eye, that I am your friend, that I am your workmanship, that I am a good success, that I am seen, that I am loved! Hallelujah! I thank you for Lord that I am who you say I am. In You I find my identity. In You I Know Who I Am. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


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P.S. Israel Houghton sings two songs that minister this truth to my heart, Identity & I Know Who I Am. Take a listen and celebrate the truth.

Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Cheerleaders of Faith, Grace & Truth