

Sitting in the stillness of time, with the incessant hum and buzz of a million bugs as my beat, I bob my head to nature’s morning song. Humid air courses through my nostrils and I breathe DEEP. I exhale and give thanks for another year of LIFE. It’s my BIRTHDAY!

My mother died just shy of her 40th birthday. Because of that, somehow I’ve come to think that ever year I live past that age is an extra special gift. 
On this humid August morning I give pause for reflection. 

Who am I?

What am I doing?

Where am I going?

Am I where I want to be?

Am I doing what brings me joy?

Am I living an intentional life?

Am I making a difference?

What could I be doing differently?

Do those closest to me know I love them? Do they feel that love communicated regularly?

Am I living today to leave a legacy worthy talking about when I’m gone?

While it may not be your birthday, I invite you to reflect on these questions. It’s great to take personal inventory and assess if you’re satisfied with your current living. If you aren’t, I implore you to be of good courage and make a bold move to live fully. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result. Let’s not be insane. We’re far too brilliant for that. I invite you friends to EMBRACE THE NOW MOMENT, TO HONOR THE TEMPLE & TO OBEY GOD, for this is truly the way to do life with purpose on purpose. 
So today friends:

Be Uniquely YOU

Be Beautiful

Be Purposeful

Be Alive

The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His face on you and give you peace.

As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth


Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror,

What do I see?

I see a fat girl

Looking at me.


“You are fat!”

“Oh my gawd, you are so fat!”

“Do you see those rolls? They are just SO fat!”


So went my dialogue with myself.


EV-ER-Y SINGLE TIME I walked pass a mirror, these were my thoughts.


A torrent of hot lava flowing over my spirit leaving the ash of a charred self image in its wake.


Remember her?




Gone was my athletic body, replaced now with my post-pregnancy body replete with bumps, lumps and rolls.




Pre-pregnancy I was in the best physical shape in my life. I was working out 5-6 days a week. After having been pregnant or nursing for the last 13 years, this was the longest stretch I had gone between pregnancies and I felt like I finally had my body back. I fought kicking and screaming to surrender to my pregnant body. Mid-way through my pregnancy I came to love and accept my pregnant body. But post-baby was another story.


“Oohhh girl, you are SO fat!”


There I went again. But this time the Holy Spirit stopped me dead in my tracks. As I looked at myself, held in position at the mirror a moment longer, the Holy Spirit said, “Toxic thoughts. You speak life and encouragement to everyone else and you are speak death to yourself.”


Grateful that he got my attention, I knew I had to o something about it. I had to excavate the skills I’d acquired from

The 21 Day Brain Detox. I had to take those toxic thoughts captive and replace them with the TRUTH.


I was speaking with a friend the other day and she says she asks herself “Is it true?”


For truth says:


For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

PSALM 139:13-15


You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.

Song of Solomon 4:7


I am created in His image. You are created in His image. You are His workmanship. [bctt tweet=”You are a work of art, skillfully wrought at the hands of a Master artisan.” username=”inspiredfully”] You are beautiful, capable, and more than enough just the way you are.




And what was this preoccupation with body image anyway? I thought this was something I had resolved and put to rest. Having been heavier before, I learned to listen to the Holy Spirit as to how to honor my temple. And even though I know this is baby weight and it will most likely all disappear, I’m still nervous. And even though I have gone back down to my former size after every baby (five times I’ve bounced back), there is still this looming doubt, “What if I don’t lose the weight this time?” I just can’t bear the thought of walking around indefinitely feeling like The Stay Puft Marshmallow (ok so maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration but if you’ve ever been concerned about weight you get what I’m saying). Of course it doesn’t help when all my old clothes are still hanging in my closet but I can’t fit any of them. And there are but a handful of pieces I can fit so it can be overwhelming just to get dressed. Then don’t let me stumble upon old pics in my phone because that can hurl me smack dab into a pit of self-loathing.


What lies are trying to tap dance their way across you’re your mind?


Shatter the darkness and ditch the lies. Allow the light of truth to permeate every crack, corner and recess of your mind. Allow His light and love to course through your veins. Meditate on that which is true, lovely and praiseworthy.


The other day, I saw a glimpse of myself, smiled and thought, “Yes girl, you are working it!”


No pride. No vanity. Just a girl, loved by an awesome Father.


Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Proverbs 31:30


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to partner with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Mommy Moments, Grace & Truth


A Baby, A Book, And A Break

Oh Inspired Life Family where have you been? I guess the more accurate question is where have I been. I’ve missed you tremendously. It has always been a delight to meet you here is this sacred space. I thank you for receiving the words of grace that God pours out from His heart, to mine, to yours.





The last 2 months have been filled with cuddles, snuggles & kisses. Throw in constant diaper changes and being milked like a cow, all the while entertaining my other children since school let out, it’s made for a non-stop flurry of activity. But even in all this, I’ve purposed to SLOW DOWN, to take my own words to heart and EMBRACE THE NOW MOMENT. So I’m savoring the sweetness that a newborn brings to the home and enjoying the raucous laughter that the older children bring. Then mix in some sweet sayings from an innocent 5 year old such as, “Mommy, you need that feet thing from off the TV to get all that white stuff off the back of your feet”, endless fun indeed. Even the 3 year old is giving me plenty to smile about with,


“Mommy when I’m a grown up and I have money I’m gonna buy you a lot of stuff.”

Me: “Like what?”

3 year old: “Candy.”

5 year old: “You know mommy doesn’t want candy. She only wants vegetables!”


Didn’t I tell you I’ve been entertained? The Lord had been impressing on my heart to laugh more and He has certainly been providing countless opportunities.   I don’t want you to miss out on any of the fun, so come visit me on INSTAGRAM.




A book & A Baby

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always loved to write. From poems to short stories to news articles, writing has always been in my blood. I’ve got a degree in Journalism. I’ve known for a very long time that I would one day write books. I’ve drafted plans for several books. I’ve got chapters of several different books living on hard drives and flash drives. Last year I began writing 2 books that I thought would come to fruition this year but the pregnancy last year threw me for a loop.

Early 2016 God told me to put those on hold and to resurrect something I began working on nearly 8 years ago. God has called those dry bones forward and is putting flesh on them. I ask friends that you pray for me as I crucify my flesh so that HIS words can flow freely out of me and onto the page. I feel so ill equipped to write THIS book. But I’m comforted to know God specializes in using ill equipped people.

It is said that a dream without a deadline is a fantasy. With that said, my accountability partners challenged me to “PICK A DATE ALREADY!’ So I’ve got a date to have the manuscript complete. And I’m hiding behind fear so I don’t even want to post the date here. See, this is why y’all gotta pray for me. I’ve been slow to obey with this.  And we know that slow to obey = disobedience.  I would be remiss if I did not point out that OBEDIENCE is one of the three pillar THIS ministry is built upon so I’ve got to take my own mission to heart.




A Break

Visiting you weekly is something I’ve always enjoyed doing. I never set out to take a a mini blogging break. Each week I pray for you and each week, in my mind, I’ve met you here in this space. I was quite surprised one day when I looked up and realized I hadn’t blogged in over a month. But the break has given me time to focus on my 1st ministry, HOME. But I feel you are family too, so I’ve missed you a great deal. In the event we don’t meet here in this space, I’d love for us to remain connected. You can find on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter. Though my goal is to still meet you here weekly to share from Jesus, to my heart, to yours.


So friends, bask in the sun, embrace the now moment and live your days fully inspired.


Until next time, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Titus 2 Tuesday, Grace & Truth


God’s Multiplication Principle

In God’s economy, 1+1 ≠ 2.


The God of this universe is not bound by mere mathematical equations as we’ve come to know them.


My God, our God is a God of multiplication. He wants to be and do more than we could ever calculate.


Staring into the face of my sweet week old baby boy, I began to think of how this addition would impact our family.


1 more mouth to feed.

1 more person to nurture.

1 more person to pack up.

1 more person to be responsible for.

1 more way to split the financial resources.


As these thoughts bombarded me, the Spirit gently led me to pray. As I began praying, the Lord began to speak. His words ministered grace and truth. He said, “With your natural eye, you may see subtraction or division, but in this blessing of baby #6, I bring compounded blessing. Indeed children are a blessing and the fruit of the womb is a reward”


I look up once again into the sweet face of my baby boy and sensed a surge of oxytocin, the love hormone flowing through my body. The Lord continued saying, “The surge of love you feel staring at this baby is but one example of how I multiply. This overflow of love is not just for your new baby, but it overflows to your other children. The patience, gentleness, kindness and love that are bonding you to your new baby will be compounded and shared with your other children.

Love Multiplied


So what brings about God’s abundant multiplication in your life?




“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God” Deuteronomy 28:1-2

Blessings Multiplied


God can take our “not enough” and multiply it exponentially


“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. John 6:9-11

Provision Multiplied


God longs to empower you so that you perform mighty works in His name


When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?” “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied. 2 Kings 2:9

Anointing Multiplied


God’s economy is not what we see

In God’s economy 1+1=3

More akin to synergy

Not seven times,

But seventy times seven

One could chase a thousand

And two put ten thousand to flight

Divine multiplication

Blessing, anointing, power & might.


God’s desire is for you to experience His divine multiplication. What He wants is your willingness to surrender your wants and your desires for His will, His way. He wants to know if you are willing to freely give your time, talents and resources.


Has He been calling you to surrender more?

Has He been calling you to give more?


Try Him and see if He will not open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing you cannot contain.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Words With Winter, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth


Participating In A Miracle

Yes, every.single.day miracles are still taking place.


Right before our eyes.


Perhaps even in our own backyards.




Maybe even right where you stand.






Heaven touches earth and miracles abound.




Are your eyes open to see them?


Have you been chosen to participate in a miracle?


I feel so honored to have been chosen to participate in many miracles. I’ve been afforded the distinct honor of welcoming SIX children into the world. Conception is a divine visitation from the Lord and to me qualifies as a miracle. To grow, nurture and carry a human being is another miracle. To birth a fully developed, healthy little human is indeed a miracle.




And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name. Luke 1:46-49


There have been times I’ve nearly forfeited being a participant in a miracle.


There was a time when I thought I’d have one…maybe two children at most. My reasoning for such was purely selfish. I’m grateful that I opened my heart. In doing so God took out my heart of stone and gave me a heart of flesh, granting me access to be used as a portal for a miracles.




Happening around us every.single.day


Are you open, willing, and obedient to participate in a miracle?


[bctt tweet=”Are you forfeiting miracles by placing barriers, guard rails and limitations?” username=”inspiredfully”]


I encourage you to you open your heart, open your eyes, open your mind, and act in obedience to be positioned to participate in a miracle.


“He is the one you praise; he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes”  Deuteronomy 10:21


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

I look forward to sharing my birth story of baby #6. Stay tuned….


Happy to join with friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth


The Sound of Heaven

A Mighty Rushing Wind


A Roar of Rushing Waters


A Loud Peal of Thunder


Trumpets Sound


The Roar of a Great Multitude


Indeed there is a SOUND from heaven. There is a divine exchange between heaven and earth. And the sound is audible. Story after story has been reported of strange sounds emanating from seamlessly nowhere. From Oregon to the Ukraine, moans, groans and trumpets have been heard, recorded and analyzed. In fact, last year during Pentecost, the sounds from heaven caught the attention of scientists from NASA. They’ve speculated but have yet to come up with a definitive answer.


Beloved, if you are a believer, then you already know the answer. It has been written. It’s crystal clear.


The heavens are open.


Are your ears open to hear the sound?


He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Revelation 3:6


What happens in the earth when we hear the sound?


Filling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-4)

Revelation (Revelation 4:1)

A New Song (Revelation 14:2-3)

Victory (Revelation 19)


How will you respond?


Open your mouth, echo heaven and release YOUR sound. Open your mouth in praise. Free your spirit to worship; a divine exchange between heaven and earth. He sounds, you respond. He moves, you move. You are a spirit and He’s called you to worship Him in spirit and in truth. Your spirit and your body resonate with the sound. You respond in sound, as you are an instrument of worship.

[bctt tweet=”Let us get in position on one accord to worship the true and living King” username=”inspiredfully”]. Be filled afresh to continue the work of establishing His kingdom here on earth.

Friends the current state of our world is in crisis. The Lord is waiting for you and I to rise up and be His hands and feet in healing our land. He wants to enlarge your territory so that you are more impactful for Him.


Join me in worship as we incline our ear to the sound of heaven.



As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #lifegivinglinkup, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth


I Can’t Adult Today

I can’t adult today. I simply can’t.

Every bit of noise was received like nails on a chalkboard.

Every whine from a child bought me that much closer to the edge.

Pregnancy and exhaustion have left me vulnerable to attack.  My defenses have been weakened.  And for a moment, instead of recognizing the situation for what it was, I succumbed and accepted the lie that I just can’t.  I was ready to give in, have a tantrum, pout and whine.  Seems like it didn’t even cross my mind to pray.

So I sent a prayer request to a friend; a friend who I don’t normally reach out to with such requests, a friend with whom I don’t normally disclose my personal battles.  But this day, I was prompted to reach out to this friend.  I’m so glad I did.

Her pray immediately redirected my focus.  Her words had me stand erect, at attention.

After her reply, I was taken aback by my initial response to the pressure. How did I not turn to prayer as my 1st defense?  Had I forgotten to pray when I feel defeated and ready to give up? Thank God for my friend’s power packed prayer as it redirected my focus and I could regain enough footing to stand.


Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:11


And while standing, I prayed, “Oh Lord, Deliver me from the evil one. Oh Lord, that you would keep me from evil.  Lord allow me to stand my ground as he tries to approach. Let me not rest in my own ability to defeat sin and temptation, but let me be reminded that it is with your authority and through your power that I can stand against the wiles of the enemy. Lord keep me safe from the temptations that can so easily ensnare.  Open my eyes to see my vulnerabilities and weaknesses.  Lord be the compound that fills the cracks and crevices. You are the chief cornerstone, my strong tower, my defense.”

So I walked into the next day, renewed. I walked in confident that the Lord would keep the evil one from me. [bctt tweet=”When we declare the truth of God’s word, we are given an IMMEDIATE opportunity to put it into practice.” username=”inspiredfully”]

Indeed the Lord is faithful to keep the evil one from us, but are we positioning ourselves to stay out of the evil one’s way?  When the Lord CLEARLY allows us to SEE the fowler’s snare, will we circumvent it or step right into it?

Well my day that started confident and strong got fractured.  First, I drove my truck into an under ground parking garage, only to remember after hearing this terrible scraping that I had my luggage rack on the top.  I proceeded to slowly exit the garage but the damage was already done.  The top was contorted and near ripped off.  Now I was late for picking my daughter up from a test.  As I was trying to figure out how to rectify the damaged rack, she was texting and calling.  And she, being a bit of a worrywart began to get anxious.  I told her what was going on and that I’d be right there.  She then proceeds to call and tell my husband about the luggage rack.

Great, let’s complicate it even more.

I couldn’t get the container to close and surely we couldn’t drive back on the highway with it flopping in the wind.  It had to be removed.  So get the picture: a VERY pregnant me, 2 weeks from due date, standing precariously on the running board, hanging onto the top railings trying to unscrew this huge rack….Ummm, yeah.

By God’s grace we successfully get the rack off.  People walking in the parking lot gave us curious glances.  But now, where oh where would we fit this monstrosity?  This thing weighs 35 lbs., is nearly 4 feet long and 3 feet wide.  The truck already has 6 occupants and a teeny tiny trunk….You get the picture. I was tempted to leave it right there in that parking lot.  After much maneuvering and seat changes, we were able to j-u-s-t fit it into the car.  Well on that ride home, the rack was blocking my rear view, and my gas light was on.  Would I step into the snare?  I precariously teetered by it, but God reassured me to maintain my composure and to praise Him.

As I was driving on the highway, I saw something black fly off my car?  What was that?  Did it really come off my car?  Was that a piece of the rack? Hey where’s my husband’s phone?  I had it, now it’s missing.  I remember having it




when I climbed up to get the rack off.  Did I? Did I leave it on the car?  Needless to say, that was probably the phone as my husband went to the location  on the highway  a short time after and recovered the case but not the phone.

Seems like after all that, I was lost again and circling precipitously near the snare.  My vision was blurry.  I remembered the snare was somewhere in my vicinity.  LORD I can’t see, please don’t let me step in the snare.

Feeling slightly defeated, but not completely without hope, I cried out to the Lord who is a very present help in times of trouble.  Erica Campbell sings a song called HELP.  And that was surely my cry.  I stood, crying out, “Abba, help. Keep me from the evil one. Abba, I’m feeling weak. I don’t want to give up. Turn my ‘I can’t into an ‘I Can.”

Friend, have you ever had days where you just feel like “I can’t?”

Well God says YES YOU CAN!


His grace will empower you.  And He will keep His hand upon you and keep you from the evil one.

Don’t be discouraged.

Don’t be dismayed.

God is a very present help and He says, “Yes, you can!”

Pray for me as I’m praying for you.

As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth


Room For A Miracle






This is the way my brain thinks. This is the way I’m wired….or so I think.


But the bible tells us:


For, “Who can know the LORD’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16


It also tells us:


 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5


I’m an in the box kinda person. I like structure and parameters. I like a clearly defined set of expectations. I like check lists. I make a good employee because I can follow the rules. I am realistic, practical, pragmatic and sensible. Yup that’s who I am. And while those may be some good attributes, they do not lend themselves to creating an environment ripe and ready to receive a miracle.


In Andy Andrews book, The Traveler’s Gift, I read these profound words that stopped me dead in my tracks.


“Reason never makes room for miracles; faith releases miracles. Faith is a sounder guide than reason. Reason can only be stretched so far, but faith has no limits.”


These words were oh so timely for me. For 2 weeks now, I’m been beseeching the Lord for a miracle. I’ve been telling the Lord plainly, “I NEED A MIRACLE!” But these words from Andrews cut me so deeply. [bctt tweet=”Though I claimed I was participating in my miracle, my pragmatic thinking and realistic reasoning was working against my miracle.” username=”inspiredfully”] Was I actually hindering my miracle from manifesting?


What about you? Are you an active participant in your miracle? Are you a free flowing, faithful, believing conduit? Or are you the sensible person for who reason is your compass and guide? Will you leave room for a miracle?


I invite you to join me in aligning our thinking with that of The Most High and expect and believe that not only is He able but He is willing to deliver that which you seek in alignment with His will.


Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21


Let us pray…

Most gracious and merciful Father, it is with an open heart, an open mind and a willing spirit that we come to you. We thank you for being an all loving, all knowing and all powerful God. Oh Eternal One, the same who created the heavens and the earth, you are indeed the same one who loves and sees us even at this very moment. God we ask forgiveness for when we have gone astray. We ask for forgiveness for when we have doubted you or tied your hands with our lack of belief. But Lord we come boldly, asking like Jabez that you would bless us indeed, that you would enlarge our territory, that you would keep your hand on us and keep us from harm. Lord let it be to us, that the word you have spoken for us will not be prolonged but the word, which you have spoken, shall be done. Let it break forth speedily Lord. You said you have well seen and will hasten your word to perform it. We reject any spirit of doubt, disbelief or discouragement. Every adversary working to delay our miracle is disbanded in Jesus’ name. Lord we count it a privilege to not only witness but to partake of your wonder working power. You at work in and through us advances your kingdom. We thank you for working through us and we thank you for the manifestation of miracles. To You and You alone be all glory, majesty, dominion and power now and forever. Amen!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Always my pleasure to connect with these friends sharing the Good News

Mommy Moments, #MeCoffeeAndJesus, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth


Don’t Lose Hope



That’s how long it seems like I’ve been waiting.


Prayer. Supplication. Petition. Request. Beg. Plead. Negotiate. Pray some more.


God, I know you’re able.


God, I believe you’re willing.


God it’s been a long time. I’ve been diligent. I’ve been faithful. What I’m requesting is in alignment

with your will.


When will you answer my prayer?


Have you ever felt like this?


Have you made a request of the Lord and not had it answered?


You’ve waited patiently…One year. 3 years. 10 years and still no forward movement? In fact, you may feel that you’ve moved even farther away from seeing the prayer realized.


Let me encourage you friend to not give up on God. Keep believing.


Don’t lose hope!


Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13


I was ready to give up, to say forget it. Ready to sit down right with the end zone in sight and just hand over the game.


In the midst of a meltdown, my friend asked, “Don’t you see how close you are? Do you not see the end zone right in front of you?”


Yeah, I see it and I’m trying to keep the faith but my legs have given out and won’t carry me any farther. The lactic acid in my muscles has caused me to falter and my prayer has no push.


“That’s ok,” my friend says. She gives me permission to use a time out but encourages me to continue praying and believing in anticipation of the answered prayer.


Even when it seems you’ve been waiting forever…..keep the faith. I know you think it’s been a long time. I know you feel like its been forever. I know you want your miracle and you want it yesterday.


But what is man’s time to the Lord anyway?


But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8


Since my God is not slack concerning His promises, this is what I’m going to do while waiting. I invite you to join me.



Yes, I will continue to pray. When I feel like I can’t pray anymore, I will call up the Word that’s been stored in the recesses of my heart. I will pray and give thanks for what HE has released that’s on its way. I will pray for those He will work through to bring the promise to pass. I will pray against any demonic activity trying to withhold, subdue or delay my answer. I will pray that my heart is ready to receive. Yes, I’ll keep praying and giving thanks.




Hallelujah, He is worthy to be praise! Regardless of how I FEEL about it, He is worthy. He is righteous. He is holy. He is loving. He is gracious. He is merciful. He is kind. He is a friend. So for this, for all He is, for all He does, for all He doesn’t do, He is worthy to be praised! My mouth is set. I gotta put praise on it!




I will profess that my God is great. I will profess that my God hears and answers prayers. I will profess the truth of His word. I will profess the promises He’s said are mine. I will profess the visions. I will profess that my God is able, willing and it’s only a matter of time….


Sitting…Waiting….Strategizing….Praying. [bctt tweet=”Its 4th & 10. I’m not going for the punt. I’m going to BELIEVE God.” username=”inspiredfully”] I’m going to go for it because He is faithful to deliver.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Photo Credit
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup, Purposeful Faith


Taste the Grainbow

With the wide world of grains we have access to, why have we by and large limited ourselves to rice? I invite you to join me as we experience the wonder world of grains. [bctt tweet=”Rice is so yesterday, try a new grain today.”]


Grains have been the central element, the star of the plate, for many cultures for innumerous years. From rice to quinoa, China to Peru, grains have nourished and sustained peoples all over the planet. If some of these are unfamiliar to you, I challenge you to try a new one this week. Many of these grains can be purchase at a health food store, food co-op, or even your commercial local grocery (though there may be a substantial markup in price). If you have access to a local food co-op, you’ll find these in the bulk bin section. If you’re nervous about trying something new, just purchase a small scoop and it will literally cost you about $2.00 or less. So let’s dive in to our wonderful world of grains.



At least 8,000 years ago, the Aztecs in Peru cultivated this tiny grain. Well, it’s actually not even a grain but a seed. It falls into the grain category because it is so nutritionally dense. It is a complete protein as it contains all the essential amino acids, giving it a higher protein content than most other grains, It’s a key source of vitamins and minerals and especially high in iron. Its even gluten free! You can enjoy it sweet or savory. Kick start your day by trying my breakfast preparation.


Apples and Amaranth



Here we find another seed commonly referred to as a grain. Studies conducted in population that consume a good deal of buckwheat have LOWER incidences of high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Buckwheat is a powerful antioxidant; it’s high in magnesium, manganese and copper in addition to being gluten free. I usually eat mine raw as in my recipe here.


Raw Granola



This is a whole grain true to its name. We read time and again to eat WHOLE grains; well this one here is 100% whole wheat. A great source of soluble fiber, manganese and Vitamin B-6, this grain is a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine. Tabbouleh anyone?




I love the chewy nuttiness of this grain. While it’s recently been making it way to chic menus lately, this grain has been eaten around the globe for thousands of years. High in iron and fiber, it makes a great replacement for rice. It can be used in dishes from soups to chilled salad. Here’s my favorite way to enjoy farro.


Farro Salad



If you’ve ever seen “bird seed” you’ve seen millet but this is not just for the birds. While it’s really a seed, again this one falls into the grain category. Used for thousands of years, its even cited in the bible as an ingredient in bread. Good for your heart and insulin levels, try my modern take on a vegetarian classic.


Lentil Loaf



 In the last few years, quinoa has almost become a familiar household item. In my home it makes frequent appearances. From salad to soup, I cook up a big batch, then portion out and freeze for later use. Prepared sweet for breakfast or savory as a dinner side, we love it all the same. High in protein, iron, vitamins and minerals this one really lives up to its SUPERFOOD name.



Cornmeal Crusted Tempeh, Sesame Snow Peas & Quinoa w/ orange sauce


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!