
A Fear Fighting START

It was 5:13am and I already felt defeated. My sweet baby was waking up yet again for another feeding.


I’m never going get enough sleep.


I’m never going to be an author and a speaker because I can’t get enough sleep to even work on the vision.


How will I ever manage to live the dream God has given me if I can’t even manage the little affairs of the home?


How will I ever serve a thousand when I can’t even get through one basket of laundry?


Never mind then just forget the whole thing!


You see fear has a way of doing that. Fear has a way of convincing you that your God dream is too big and your abilities too small. Fear has a way of putting 3D glasses on you and playing the reel as failure after failures comes whizzing past your face. And fear attempts to preserve itself at all costs.


Fear will have you convinced there are NO other options.


Fear is determined to win.


But TRUTH arises.


When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. John 16:13a


As TRUTH stood tall in me, I couldn’t help but to square my shoulders. Moments ago they had been hanging low. My posture was more Hunchback of Notre Dame than Daughter of the Most High God.  But today is my start. Kelly Balarie, in her new book, Fear Fighting says, “We don’t need to tell ourselves stop because the Spirit says Start.”


So what’s my “Start?”


Today I start with a YES.


I say yes to the Spirit.


I say yes to me.


The Spirit says, “Start believing in yourself. Because you believe in Me, you can believe in you. I created you.”




Thank you God. I’m going to believe in me.


I give myself permission to show up just as I am.


I give myself permission to be here for me.


I give myself permission to embrace my greatness. After all, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.


I’m not going to stay in this same place when God has given me a glimpse of my greatness. I do my God a disservice when I minimizing the person He created me to be. I won’t do Him an injustice my living smaller than who He created me to be. Christ gave Himself that I might LIVE…..not that I might merely survive life.


 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20


Standing on chubby bowed legs, an 11 month old hangs securely to the side of the couch. Not far away mama stands with her arms outstretched. Mama’s face radiates love. Mama’s face reflects trust, security and confidence. Mama’s face and outstretched arms relay a powerful message to the baby; so powerful that baby willingly releases the comfort and security of clinging to the couch, to totter precariously over to mama. One measured step, after another, then another. All the while mama’s face reassuringly communicates, not only are you safe, but I believe in you. You can do it. And when baby makes it all the way to mama they both rejoice. You did it baby. I knew you could. You did it.


Jesus says the same to us. Let go of the side of the couch. I’m waiting with my arms outstretched. Press beyond your fear. Activate your faith. Come to me. You are safe. I believe in you.




[bctt tweet=”With active faith, fear doesn’t stand a chance.” username=”inspiredfully”]


So what is your START? Whatever it is, take the step. Tell me in the comments how I can pray for you.


Join the #fearfightingbook movement. Pick up your copy of Fear Fighting today!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully.


Happy to connect with friends sharing Good News Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth


Is God Really Able?

There are days when you just know that you know GOD IS ABLE.


You know those days when money is plentiful, your job is secure, the cupboards are overflowing, relationships are effortless, children are obedient, and your self worth is high.


Then the other days come. Such is life right? The days that have you questioning the One who said He would provide. The days when the One who said He’d never leave nor forsake you seems to be playing a game of hot peas and butter but you don’t seem to be getting closer, only colder, colder, and colder still.


How do we eradicate the spirit of doubt and activate our faith? How do we hold fast to the truth that God is able? We do it with a simple two-step: Prayer and Praise. Put on your garment of praise and shirk off the spirit of heaviness. Shod your feet in your gospel of peace shoes and get your praise on.


By prayer Peter was released from prison (Acts 12:5-17)


Through prayer and praise, Paul and Silas were delivered from prison (Acts 16:25-40)


[bctt tweet=”Even in the solitary spaces, God is able.” username=”inspiredfully”]




God is able to do exceedingly abundantly for me

God is able to make all grace abound toward me

God is able to give me peace that surpasses all understanding

God is able to supply all my needs according to His riches in glory

God is able to make my enemies my footstool




My soul magnifies you Lord

My soul boasts in you Lord

My soul blesses you Lord

My soul delights in your Word

All my inmost being praises you Lord


With prayer and praise move the TRUTH from your head to your heart…




As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Mommy Moments, Grace & Truth


Listen Up

One then done!

Maybe two then I’m through!


Those were my plans as related to having children. I’ve always liked kids but when I envisioned family life it revolved around my husband and me, our careers and perhaps a child or two. That was until I heard Him say, “Your womb belongs to me.”


The birth of my first child was a carefully calculated event. Like everything else in my life at the time, having a baby was placed into a little box of my own making. I was used to meticulously planning every facet of my life. Throw in my professional training of facilitating time management courses and it made for a well-plotted life.


That was until baby number two came outside of the plan. You see, my plans were written in ink and not pencil. As a new believer, I hadn’t learned Proverbs 16:9, “A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.” My veneer of planning and control had been cracked and out oozed fragility and vulnerability. As I came undone, I clung fiercely to my new faith, praying for answers.


And the answers came. God showed me that He loved me just as I was. He taught me that my works wouldn’t get me into heaven. He modeled for me how to love and accept others. And He was very clear that discipleship was a high calling. I understood very early in my Christian walk that He seeks for believers to be wholly committed and that’s what I intended to do. Yes, that’s what I intended to do, until He called me to do something that made no sense at all.


Join me over on Katie M. Reid’s blog as I share what God revealed to me, as part of the Listen Close, Listen Well series…


A War Room Prayer For Our Daughters

Being a parent is not for the faint of heart. From watching a newborn’s chest rise and fall so you can confirm breathing to staying up late waiting for a teen to return home, being a parent can leave you sick with worry. Fear, anxiety and guilt can become permanent house guests if you’re not careful. But we are careful parents who do not let seeds of doubt and deception take root. We are parents who fiercely hold fast to the TRUTH.


While we may not have ALL the answers in parenting, we do have THE answer. And the answer is PRAYER. [bctt tweet=”The single most effective thing we can do as parents is to pray for our children” username=”inspiredfully”] I’ve fervently poured my heart out for our sons and you can read that HERE. Now let us bombard heaven on behalf of our daughters.




You are a good good Father. You are the Good Shepherd who guides and protects us and our children. Thank you Holy Spirit for teaching us and leading us into all truth. And it is only by your power and revelation that we can effectively parent our daughters. So Lord I thank you that you see each of our daughters. You are intimately acquainted with everything concerning them for you knew them even before we did and you sent them for a time such as this. Thank you for trusting us to steward over these Proverbs 31 women in the making. Confirm for our girls that you love them with an everlasting love. If they’ve been wounded remind them that you see, that you care and that you are the balm that heals. Reassure them that they are the apple of your eye and a jewel in your crown. May they embrace their self-worth and see themselves clothed in beauty and splendor. May they seek to honor you in their temples by pursuing purity, eating right and exercising. May they be discerning like Abigail, knowing there is a time and a place for everything under the heavens. May they be judicious and wise like Deborah. Let our daughters be women of their word like Hannah. Through our own example, let us show them how to be hospitable like the Shunamite woman. Oh that they would have the faithfulness of Ruth and the courage of Esther. May they don obedience and gentleness as garments of praise. We thank you that your plans for them are for good and not evil. May they discover their purpose early and begin to walk in it at a young age. And when the lures of this world try to steal their attention, help them keep their minds staid on you. Lord let our daughters be cloaked in your favor. Above all, I pray they worship you all the days of their lives and dwell in your house forever.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith, Mommy Moments


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ALOUD, Give Him Praise!

Great Morning Inspired Life Family!


I’m just stopping in to invite you to rejoice with me today.  This morning as my eyes sprung open, my heart was flood with a song.  Stephen Hurd, the Director of Music and Arts at my church, The First Baptist Church of Glenarden, sings a song called Great Praise, (The War Cry). In the song he encourages us to give God great praise, ALOUD. YES, open your mouth and out loud give him your best praise. On this day the Nation has set aside to give thanks, be reminded that every second we have reason to give thanks.

~He woke you up this morning, THANK YOU!

~You can these words on the screen, THANK YOU!


~For the electronic device you’re holding to read this, THANK YOU!


~For your daily bread, THANK YOU!


~For the heat in your home, THANK YOU!


~For being loved, THANK YOU!


~Even for being hated on, THANK YOU!


~For running water, THANK YOU!


~For affliction that keeps you clinging to the Cross, THANK YOU!


~For laughter, THANK YOU!


~For every breath, THANK YOU!


[bctt tweet=”Any time is a good time to give the Lord not only a great praise but our BEST praise.” username=”inspiredfully”] He’s worthy.

May your day be spent basking in His infinite blessings.

As always, I pray you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


A Fervent Prayer for Our Sons

Kissing boo-boos and giving hugs.


Teaching, guiding, correcting.


Checking homework.


Giving advice.


Crying, praying and more crying.


A parent’s work is never done. [bctt tweet=”The true work of parenting is not in what we say TO our children but in what we say TO GOD about them.” username=”inspiredfully”] I’ve been blessed with FOUR, yes 4 sons. Most days, I feel pretty adequate in meeting their temporal needs. It can get overwhelming though when I think about the magnitude of my assignment: to shepherd them as they discover and walk out God’s purposes and plans for their lives.


So whether you’ve got a son or a daughter (yup I‘ve got 2 girls also), the most effective thing we can do in parenting is to pray for them. So join me in a FERVENT prayer for our sons. Our young men have a charge from God to be strong and courageous. And we need them to be just that as they stand firm in their convictions to help heal our land.


Heavenly Father,

You are Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. You are the Creator of all, you see all and you know all. And I thank you God that you see our sons and you know them by name. You know every hair on their heads. You know their beginning from their end. Lord I pray that they will always pursue you with their whole hearts. As the deer pants for the water, may their souls long after you and YOU alone. I thank you that your plans for them are for good and not for evil, to give them a future and a hope. Lord I pray that you will keep them hidden under the shadow of your wing. I thank you that you’ve given your angels charge over them to protect them in all their ways. Lord I pray you grant them the wisdom of Solomon and the courage of Daniel. I pray they have the obedience of Abram and the faith of Joshua. I pray that they will walk with you like Enoch and be honorable like Joseph. Let our sons be a friend to you like David. Let them be filled with gentleness, love and compassion like you Jesus. May they love and respect their bodies and keep them holy and acceptable unto you. May they think critically, communicate clearly and solve problems help humanity. May they grow in wisdom and in stature in favor with you and with man. And may they walk in paths of righteousness for your namesake as you lead them in the way everlasting. Thank you Lord.




As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with friends sharing the Good News #LifeGivingLinkup, Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Grace and Truth


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Yes You Are {A Spoken Word Poem}

Yes you are
Yes you are

The Anointed One

The Lamb who was slain

The King of kings the Lord of lords

The Alpha and the Omega

The Bright and Morning Star

The Beginning and the End

Yeshua Hamashiach
My Salvation
The Way the Truth and the Life
The Lion of the tribe of Judah

Yes you are

The Lily of the Valley
My Daily Bread
The River of Living Water
The Well that never runs dry

Yeshua Hamashiach
Grace wrapped in flesh
The Christ
Anything I need you to be,
that you are

Yes you are
Yes you are

You are
[bctt tweet=”I AM you say. I say yes you are. Yeshua ” username=”inspiredfully”]
Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith Mommy Moments Grace & Truth


It Is Finished

Hey Family just stopping in to tell you how much I’ve missed you. I treasure the sacred space we share here on the blog. Just know that even in my absence I’ve been praying for you. I also wanted to let you know…




“After this, Jesus, knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!” Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth. So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” John 19:28-20


In case you didn’t know, I’ve been away for nearly two months. I’ve been in the writer’s cave giving birth to a book. This is a work that has been in progress for nearly eight years. I had buried it, but in January God told me he was going to resurrect the dry bones and put sinew and meat on them. When he said that, I immediately rejected it. I was 90% of the way finished with another book that seemed a lot more fun to work on. But God being God, knows his purposes and plans. And me being me, a Grace Girl, I had to obey. So out came old hard drives and old flash drives as I attempted to cull together the old material.


Well God is faithful. [bctt tweet=”When he calls you to it, He’ll give you the grace to do it.” username=”inspiredfully”] That old material took on new life and grew in ways I could not have imagined. Though I did not meet my initial goal of completing the book within 40 days, it was completed in 47. For a moment, embarrassment and pride tried to hold me in its grip when I didn’t finish by the date. But we serve a God who supersedes our man made timelines. I thank my sweet friend for reminding me of that truth. And though I say, it is finished; it is just truly the beginning right?


In the above verses, when Jesus surrendered himself, it was just the beginning for us. It was our entryway to grace. And this first stage of completion for the book is just the beginning.


Writing this book was no easy feat; it’s on raising godly children after all. While it is not an easy subject, it is one that the Lord says this world needs. Our world is in crisis and we need to raise godly children who are filled with love and compassion to help heal humanity. So starting with my own little flock of six over here, I’m doing my part to help move the kingdom building agenda forward.


While the initial writing phase is done, I will now be working on implementing the feedback I’ve received from my early readers. I thank them for their eagle eye and critical analysis. It’s good to have people in your camp that don’t merely tell you what you want to hear, but provide feedback to help you grow. If you are the creator of anything, it can sting when someone critiques your creation, but I say to remember why you are doing the work and that’s to meet the audience’s need. And if the work can be improved to better meet that need, while staying true to what God’s called you to do, then make the adjustments.


Friends I ask you to continue to pray for my family and me as I move forward to get this book into the hands of its intended audience. Let me know how I can pray for you.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!
Happy to connect with friends sharing the Good News Purposeful Faith Mommy Moments


The 5 People You Need In Your Tribe

“Long as I got King Jesus, I don’t need nobody else”.


So goes a line from an old gospel song. We all got a good chuckle in church yesterday as our Pastor sang and danced to the song. While the dance was cute, he was making a profound point. He was uncovering the flawed theology in the song. Indeed Jesus is MORE than enough for any need we have. [bctt tweet=”Jesus did not design us to walk the journey of life alone. We are wired to do life together.” username=”inspiredfully”] It just makes the going a little easier.


So who’s on your squad?


These are 5 people we need in our tribe.


Oldie But Goodie

This is your faithful friend. An old crony, running partner, tried and true blue friend. Even if they haven’t been your friends for a long number of years, it feels like they’ve been around always. The total opposite of fair weather friend, they are there in time good and bad. They are familiar and comfortable like your favorite old robe. You don’t have to explain to them what you’re feeling and why, they just already know.


Tell It Like It Is

We appreciate our friend who agrees with us and takes our side. But we NEED the friend who will tell us like it is. She will check us. She will point out when we have erred. Without bias, she will carefully assess a situation and present it to us. Argh! She may rub you the wrong way from time to time but you need that. The sandpaper of tell it like it is, is what makes you smooth.


Zena Warrior Princess

Ok, back in the day this would have been the friend ready to fight for you on the playground. She would have been quick to stop gossip and slander about you. Today, she’s the first one on her knees interceding on your behalf. She’s willing to go Peter slicing ears off for you. Fortunately she knows how to channel all that fire into prayer. Even right now she may be found interceding for you.


Party Girl

You know the fun girl. The witty friend. The self-deprecating one that brings a smile to your face. Sometimes I can be WAY to serious. I’ve never learned how to tell jokes (my timing is off and I can never recall all the details of the story). For me doing life mostly means “handling business” so I desperately need this friend to lighten me up, to help get my drawers out of a bunch, to simply be silly and laugh.


The Coach

Who’s challenging you to grow? Who encourages you to go to bed early and to rise early? Who’s on the sideline cheering you on? Who’s holding you accountable? Yup, we all need that coach friend. Your sister friend who will not only remind you of your goals, but the one who is right there as the dream is fulfilled.


So who’s in your tribe?


For you these may actually be 5 different chicas. For some this may but that one special treasured friend. If you don’t have these sisters represented in your starting lineup, I’m praying God brings the right people into your circle and I pray your heart is open to receive them. One way God expresses his love to us is directly through our relationships so I pray you are blessed with true sisterhood. Friendship and sisterhood are critical to our emotional well being and personally near and dear to my heart. You can find me sharing more on the topic here:




We’ve been called to:

~Love one another

~Bear one another’s burdens

~Pray for one another

~Comfort one another
~give preference to one another

~Forgive one another

~Be kind to one another

~Serve one another

~Speak truth to one another

~Encourage one another


It is my prayer that you’ve got people in your tribe that will love you, encourage you and serve you. We all need a squad who will speak truth to us, bear our burdens and give us comfort. Take confidence in knowing you’ve got me on your squad, holding it down in prayer.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, Purposeful Faith, Grace and Truth


Sisterhood: Soul Therapy

Tears of joy.


Smiles a plenty.


Hearts wide open.



All found in the uninhibited exchange between sisters.




I’ve heard it said, “I don’t ‘do’ women.” What that screams is, I’ve been hurt, I’ve been wounded, I am afraid. Women are wired to be in relationship with one another. There is safety, comfort and joy found in sisterhood. From styling one another’s hair to delivering babies, from sharing the deepest secrets to holding bridezilla while she has a meltdown, women are designed to nurture one another.


[bctt tweet=”The soul is nourished when the heart is embraced in sisterhood.” username=”inspiredfully”]




I met a woman once who confided in me that she didn’t have a female in her life that she considered a trusted friend. I was deeply moved by that and my heart went out to her. Wouldn’t you know, 4 years later, we are friends. She is lively, funny, loyal and giving, a good recipe for being a great friend. Yet my sweet friend had spent time without the beauty of sisterhood.


[bctt tweet=”Soul therapy is found in the sacred space of sisterhood.” username=”inspiredfully”]


Careers, schedules, children, husbands, fears, and just daily living can have us trapped in silos. Our ability to nurture meaningful relationships becomes subject to the captivity of solitary confinement UNLESS we intentionally fill our prescription of soul therapy and demand our RELEASE.


I’ve always treasured friendship and I’ve been blessed beyond measure to do life with some amazing women. They teach me, challenge me, love me, help me, and flat out make me smile. I’ve also been hurt by a few but my heart remains open. For what is life without love? What is life without hurt? Is a life truly lived if it isn’t felt?


Recently I shared hearts, laughs and tears with a sweet friend. She literally radiates sunshine. We filled our prescription of soul therapy over a mutual love, COFFEE. You can find her talking about all things coffee over at EspressoTrips






For my birthday I was blessed to share excellent food, great conversation, hopes and dreams with two of my favorite gals.




As a homemaker, the nature of the job can have me riding solo often. Then add in being a wife and mama to 6, my time for nurturing meaningful relationships with my sisters can be hampered. So I have to be purposeful and intentional in my connections. Relationships are dear to the heart of God. I think He illustrates this so beautifully through relationships in the bible, from David and Jonathan to Jesus and the beloved disciple, that we’ve been called to do life together. And if relationships are meaningful to Him then they should be meaningful to us and we should cultivate them.


I pray you find love, encouragement, safety and acceptance in the sacred space of sisterhood. If you are carrying the hurt of having been wounded by a sister, I pray that your heart be mended,  and if necessary that you find forgiveness. I pray you open your heart once again to the possibility of true sisterhood.




What are you doing to ensure your sisterhood soul therapy?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Happy to connect with others sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup,Purposeful  Faith

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