
I don’t know if this has been the case for you, but the last month has felt like a lot. The weight of the world’s troubles, the noise of the news cycle, and the everyday burdens we carry for our families can feel overwhelming.

As a prophetic intercessor God often shows me things—things that stir my spirit and press on my heart. I also reside close to the Nation’s Capitol which adds to this weight as the pulse of national and global events beats loudly just outside my door. Couple that with trying to raise six children who are trying to process big feelings associated with all these world events and it can all seem like TOO MUCH. 

But thanks be to God! I don’t have to buckle under this weight and neither do you.

While there are some burdens we cannot escape, there are others we can lay down.

I can choose not to watch the news 24/7, letting it consume my thoughts and emotions. Instead, I can fill my home with worship music, shifting the atmosphere and turning my focus back to the One who holds it all.

I can choose to steward my time, energy, and emotional capacity wisely—focusing on what is within my sphere of influence rather than depleting myself over things I cannot immediately change.

This is not ignoring reality nor is this being insensitive to our collective grief but it is choosing to operate from a place of wisdom and faith rather than fear and exhaustion.

It is choosing to cast my cares.

It is choosing to direct my energy to those things that I can have a direct impact on.

It is choosing to trust God in the midst of it all.

When the weight of the world feels too heavy, remember that God invites us to find refuge in Him. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 

He is our burden bearer. He is our strong tower. He is our Peace.


We were never meant to carry the weight of the world. He calls us to obey Him, to trust Him, and to cast our cares on Him. 


Soothe Your Soul

Here are a few practical things I do to soothe my soul when the weight of the world feels heavy:

  • Guard Your Gate – Be mindful of what you consume. Whether it’s TV, conversations or even social media. Choose what nourishes your spirit rather than drains it.
  • Bathe in Worship and Prayer – Worship shifts the atmosphere. Prayer shifts our perspective. Make time to pour out your heart to God and let Him pour His peace into you. HERE is a song that is currently ministering mightily to me.
  • Prioritize Rest and Renewal – Mental and emotional well-being require intentional rest. Step away when needed, breathe deeply, and remember that your well-being matters.
  • Be Rooted in the Word – His word is a lamp unto our feet. His word is unchanging in an ever changing landscape. His word is what is TRUE! Fill your mind with His truth rather than fear-driven narratives.
  • Focus on What You Can Influence – Ask God, What is my assignment in this season? Instead of being overwhelmed by everything, focus on where you can truly have an impact. What is He calling YOU to do in this season? This is how you will be most effective.
  • Release It On Paper – Writing things down is very therapeutic. Since childhood, journaling has been a very effective way for me to process my emotions. You can find a guided journal with prompts that I created specifically with you in mind HERE


Beloved, you don’t have to carry it all. God has never asked us to do that. May you offer your burden back to Him as a prayer request. When I see and hear things in the spirit, I offer it back to Him in prayer. I see it as a cyclical heaven/earth exchange. God has things He wants to transact on the earth yet God works through people so He gives us sensitivity and INsight. We take what we sense, see and hear and pray it back to Him according to His will. He then dispatches His heavenly hosts to carry it out on the earth (this is just how I sense heaven and earth operating).


May Jehovah Sabaoth be your protection. May Jehovah Shalom guard your heart and mind. May you find assurance in knowing that I AM THAT I AM has it all in His hands. 


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

Get Your Mind Right

In preparation for moving forward in your destiny, you’ve got to GET YOUR MIND RIGHT. Not just you, me too. I’m on my way to my destiny, my victory; I’m…
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