
Growing up I heard it said that a parent’s job is to provide food, clothing and shelter.  And while it is true that at our most basic level we do need food, water and shelter, for us to be COMPLETE, fulfilled persons, our needs stretch far beyond that.


We have a need to be seen.


We have a need to be known.


We have a need to be loved.


We have a need for identity and significance.


No matter what you received growing up, be comforted in knowing that Abba, God Your Father loves you WHOLLY. In Him you have sonship. This means that you belong. You are not an orphan. If you’ve given your life to Christ, you are an heir and that means you are entitled to receive all the rich blessings that the Father seeks to bestow upon His children.


“His father said to him, ‘Look, dear son, you have always stayed by me, and everything I have is yours.” Luke 15:31


Your Abba is compassionate. You can lean on Him for comfort and assurance.


Your Abba is a provider. You can rely on Him to meet your physical needs.


Your Abba is present and attentive. You can count on Him to see you.


Today friend, be assured that you are seen, you are known, and you are loved!


You matter. You are significant!


“The father interrupted and said,  ‘Son, you’re home now!’ Turning to his servants, the father said, ‘Quick, bring me the best robe, my very own robe, and I will place it on his shoulders. Bring the ring, the seal of sonship,  and I will put it on his finger. And bring out the best shoes  you can find for my son. Let’s prepare a great feast  and celebrate. For my beloved son was once dead, but now he’s alive! Once he was lost, but now he is found!’ And everyone celebrated with overflowing joy.” Luke 15:22-24


As always, it is my prayer that you have been Inspired To Live Fully!

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

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