Your health is in YOUR hands. So at some point, friends, you have to decide. You have to decide that you love yourself enough to care for your temple. You have to decide that you are worth it. You have to decide that you won’t accept sickness and disease. And once you make that decision you’ve got to act on it. And it doesn’t have to be super complicated. You can simply start where you are.
This is the second in a 5 part series on Getting Healthy, Staying Healthy. If you missed part 1, “Do I Need To Get Healthy?”, you can find it HERE.
So here’s your formula for starting where you are.
What has God already told you to STOP doing? Did He say stop eating candy? Did you say stop going through the drive through for fast food? The most simple place you can start is with what He already told you to stop.
What do you need to know? You need an accurate assessment of your current health. When was the last time you had a full physical? When was the last time you had the full battery of blood work? Do you have a copy of the lab report? Know where you are. Ask your doctor plenty of questions.
Know which foods trigger you. What causes you bloating? What causes you swelling? What causes you irritability? What makes your mouth itch? Identify those items and AVOID them. Why are you eating things that you know make you feel bad? You are not a slave to your taste buds. They should not have that degree of control over your life. Know which life situations trigger you so you can avoid them or erect boundaries so that you can protect your mental and emotional well-being.
What has God already told you to START doing? Did He say drink more water? Did He say go for a walk daily? Did He day commit to your devotional time? Obey and be consistent in the things He’s already told you.
This isn’t super deep nor is it super spiritual but it is practical and it is effective. So do it.
Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be. Job 8:7
As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!