
Living the life you desire is possible but it’s going to require something of you. 


Do you want to be healthy? Do you desire financial success? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to be free of that stronghold? All of these things are possible but will require you to make some changes.


Sometimes people fear change because they think it is going to be too hard.  But let me tell you, staying in the same rut is hard.  In fact the pain of staying the same is actually greater than the pain of change.


If you want to see something different, you have to do something different. Unfortunately, many people have gotten too comfortable with living in lack. They’ve become too accustomed to pain, trauma and living with just enough. But that doesn’t have to be your story. 


You can begin living the life you desire by evoking change in three areas.



Your heart is the wellspring of life and everything you think, say and do stems from what is in your heart. So we must do some excavation to uncover what’s in our hearts. Ask the Lord to search your heart (Psalm 139:23). Ask the Lord to clean your heart (Psalm 51:10). And be mindful to guard your heart (Proverbs 4:20-23).



The mind is truly the battlefield. You must remain vigilant to not allow thoughts to run rogue through your mind. Your enemy is very cunning and likes to sow seeds of doubt, discouragement and deception. Amidst his wiley ways, you have the ability to put on the mind of Christ. You have the power to take your thoughts captive and bring them into the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). The mind that was in Christ Jesus can also be in you (Philippians 2:5). So regulate your thoughts, renew your mind and think on things that align with the truth of God’s word.



With your heart and mind in alignment with the truth of God’s word you are ready to take action! Remember, the word of God tells us faith without works is dead (James 2:26) so you must put some effort in to reap the life you desire. God is working in you to will and to act for His purpose (Philippians 2:!3) and you can accelerate that by partnering with God and taking action. 


If you want to lose weight, take action. Eat less sugar, manage your stress, and start walking. Take action.


If you want to go back to school, take action. See which schools offer your major. Decide if you want on campus or virtual. Figure out the financing. Schedule a call with the office of student affairs. Take action.


If you want to grow spiritually, take action. Put your phone away. Wake up early. Go on a fast. Open your bible. Pray in the spirit. Listen to worship music. Spend time in nature. Cry out to God. Take action!


Friends, change is not super deep. It’s simply you making a decision that enough is enough and committing to doing things differently. 


 No more waiting for the perfect time

 No more waiting until you have it all figured out

 No more blaming other people

 No more making excuses 


Day by day you are putting off the old self and day by day God is renewing you (Ephesians 4:22-24) so walk boldly in the opportunities that each new day presents to live the life you desire.


No excuses. No delay. It’s go time! And if you need a jumpstart, support and accountability in living the life you desire, join me for the 2022 Fully Focused Fast. This fast will set you on the trajectory for living the abundant life you deserve. CLICK HERE to register today!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

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