

ComplainingUngrateful……Don’t let that be you! God has done so much for you. So how can you show gratitude? By saying THANK YOU!Did you know that your gratitude is actually a gateway for entry into His presence. Look at what the Message Translation says in Psalm 100

On your feet now—applaud God!    Bring a gift of laughter,    sing yourselves into his presence.

Know this: God is God, and God, God.    He made us; we didn’t make him.    We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.

Enter with the password: “Thank you!”    Make yourselves at home, talking praise.    Thank him. Worship him.

For God is sheer beauty,    all-generous in love,    loyal always and ever.

You see that? Enter with the password THANK YOU! What do passwords do? They grant you ACCESS! Access to God. Access to the throne of grace. Access to His love, joy and peace. Access to His blessings and favor. Access to His protection and provision. So be sure to offer Him the sacrifice of praise with your THANK YOU!

How can we show God our thanks?


In addition to saying THANK YOU and blessing His name you can show Him you are thankful by:

  • Obeying what He tells you to do
  • Serving others
  • Honoring your temple through proper nourishment, rest and exercise
  • Giving of your time, talent, spiritual gifts and financial resources

In ALL things, give thanks to the Lord. This is His will concerning you (1 Thessalonians 5:18).


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

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