


Let me emphatically tell you a few things I know to be true.


2020 is not canceled!

Joy is not canceled!

Summer is not canceled!

LIVING and LOVING are not canceled!


So what are we to do then? How can we still have a summer filled with life and joy and making memories? I’m glad you asked.


You can be purposeful in ensuring that you are living fully in the mind, in the body and in the spirit. You can start a garden, go on a hike, take a class, or learn a new skill. There’s PLENTY you can still do. While your annual family vacation my be out and your girl’s trip may be out, JOY is always on the agenda.


And recently I had an opportunity to sit down (albeit social distancing) with my friend and fellow Blogger Joy A. Williams. We had a chance to chat it up about nourishment for the body, spirit and soul. And of course, since it’s summer we had to talk all things salad. I was so moved as I shared about the goodness and faithfulness of God, remarking, “Before He even created mankind, He created what would be for our nourishment. On the third day He created the seed and fruit bearing trees. By the time we came along on the sixth day, our food provision was already accounted for.” 


CLICK HERE to hear the rest of our convo and for a chance to receive a free gift from me!


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

10 Simple Swaps

GMO, Organic, High Fructose Corn Syrup oh my. Information on healthy eating can be daunting and overwhelming. The onslaught can be paralyzing; forcing you to throw your hands up in…
19 Nov, 2014

3 Replies to “Things To Do In A Summer of Coronavirus”

  1. Yes, there is always so much we can do that feeds the soul, refreshes our body and encourages our spirit, right where we are! I love what you are doing through your ministry of equipping and encouragement.

    1. Thank you Martina! He is faithful

  2. That grilled peach salad looks SO good, my friend! Thanks for the recipe. I grew up in Georgia and I will always be a huge peach fan.
    I completely agree with you that 2020 is NOT canceled! We have wanted an RV for years and finally got one as the perfect vacation alternative right now. I will definitely make your yummy salad at the next campfire!
    Much love and many blessings to you and your beautiful family, my sweet sister. XO

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