
Our nation is in crisis. From plagues and pestilence to systemic racism being played out daily as Black and Brown bodies continue to be subjugated by Whites, our world is in turmoil.


Chances are you are running the full gamut of emotions, from frustration and sorrow to anger or even just plain numb. As I’ve watched the events of the past few weeks, I’ve cried, I’ve stewed, I’ve measure my words as I’ve tried to explain these events to my children. And it’s not just the me who I am today feeling this. In me lies the pain of my mother’s, mother’s mother and her mother before her. My very DNA groans in agony.


This has been downright HARD! Can you agree?


So what do we do with these feelings? How do we navigate through the iceberg of emotions? Because of our personal life experiences we are going to process these events differently. Here are a few ways we can deal with the pain of civil unrest.


Permission To Process

Give yourself permission to process and grieve in ways that are suitable for you. You want to cry? CRY. You want to be alone? Spend some time alone. Allow yourself to sit and to feel. Acknowledge your feelings by naming them. Give voice to your feelings.



What happens when we lack the ability and the vocabulary to convey our feelings in coherent words? We groan. That sounds comes from deep in our bellies and out through the throat. It is an honored expression. Even The Spirit Himself utters groanings for us when we don’t know what to pray (Romans 8:26).


Obey What God’s Telling You

One of the greatest actions you can take at this time is to commune with God, listen to Him and DO what He tells you to do. Obedience is God’s love language (John 14:15) and if you say you love Him, simply do what He tells you to do. The greatest revolution you can wage is to walk boldly in the purpose for which God put you on this earth. God needs EACH & EVERY Believer suited in their armor, obediently walking out their calling. Whether it’s raising your children, raising your voice in protest or raising your dollar to sow it into a worthy cause, DO the thing He’s called you to do.


Take Action

What can you do to directly be a part of the change you seek?

  • Fast & Pray for Jehovah Sabaoth, the Lord of Hosts and His legion of Angels to come against the spirit of terrorism, division, murder and mayhem.
  • Engage in meaningful conversations with people of other races. Share your truth.
  • Support Black owned businesses
  • Engage in peaceful protest
  • Teach your children about race relations
  • Call/Write your local officials
  • Donate $ to a fund (Like Justice for Breonna, The Innocent Project, George Floyd Memorial Fund)
  • Sign a petition
  • Vote


Embrace The Moment

Be intentional to take breaks from the bombardment of external chatter so that you can process, think clearly and connect with God. We have to strike a balance between being informed and becoming depressed with the information we are consuming. We have to be purposeful to embrace silence and stillness in the Father’s presence. It is here that we are restored and refreshed so that we can engage when God calls us to act.


Friends I am praying for you. The enemy would like nothing more than for us to lose hope but remain hopeful. Our God, Adonai is Sovereign. He is Elyon our God Most High. With all power, authority and dominion in His hands, He will sustain you and I and He will see His kingdome come, His will be done.


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

Feed Your Spirit

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01 Jul, 2015

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