
You ever stand before a mountain and think, “God help! This is insurmountable.”

You know, the mountains of:

A health challenge

A wayward child

A stack of bills

A perceived lack of purpose or direction

A fractured relationship

At one time or another, we all face some type of mountain.

And the enemy will really try to convince you that you cannot get over, scale, go around or go through the mountain. Because he is the father of lies, he will blow his hot acidic breath in your face. With acrid spittle flying off his tongue, he’ll attempt to release words to make you feel defeated.


No weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises against you in judgement shall be condemned.

Let me assure you of this today, any obstacle, encumbrance or mountain you face is in fact


Jehovah Nissi, The Banner, is raised and you are victorious!

Jehovah Sabaoth, The Lord of Hosts leads the charge into battle vanquishing your enemies.

Jehovah Gibbor, The Mighty Man of War, contends with those that contend with you.

To SURMOUNT means: to prevail over :overcome, surmount an obstacle, to get to the top of :climb, to stand or lie at the top of.

Yes, putting on your armor, going into battle and standing having done all to stand may have left you a little weary. On that ascent up the mountain to surmount, your legs may have been feeling the burn and you may be fatigued. But friend, those tired legs don’t mean you’ve lost. That weary soul doesn’t mean the issues of life are insurmountable.

When you surmount, you in fact:







Sounds to me like you ought to sing, you ought to dance and you ought to shout because it looks like you are winning! Just when the enemy thought he had you, you decided to rest in the finished work of Jesus and to stand firm in the truth of who His is and who you are in Him. And in Christ you surmount and are victorious!

Let’s seal it with a prayer…

With you for me God, who can be against me? Thank you Lord for securing the victory. Jehovah Nissi, I lift you high. Jehovah Gibbor, contend on my behalf. Jehovah Sabaoth, lead the charge. The enemy is a defeated foe trampled under my feet. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered. I am delivered because the Lord has set His love upon me. Every obstacle, roadblock and interference in the way of my destiny shall be surmounted by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in me. Thank you God, that in Christ you always lead me in triumphal procession. I reign victorious in You! AMEN.  

As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

AFTERWARD: As I was in prayer the day after I wrote this post the Lord spoke to me very clearly with a word for you and for me. “Remember, every mountain does have not to be scaled, bulldozed or circumvented. As an act of your faith you can command the mountain to MOVE and it shall move. Listen to my voice. Follow my directions and activate your faith when I tell you to do so”, says the Spirit of the Living God.

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

Get Your Mind Right

In preparation for moving forward in your destiny, you’ve got to GET YOUR MIND RIGHT. Not just you, me too. I’m on my way to my destiny, my victory; I’m…
29 Dec, 2014

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