
I can’t adult today. I simply can’t.

Every bit of noise was received like nails on a chalkboard.

Every whine from a child bought me that much closer to the edge.

Pregnancy and exhaustion have left me vulnerable to attack.  My defenses have been weakened.  And for a moment, instead of recognizing the situation for what it was, I succumbed and accepted the lie that I just can’t.  I was ready to give in, have a tantrum, pout and whine.  Seems like it didn’t even cross my mind to pray.

So I sent a prayer request to a friend; a friend who I don’t normally reach out to with such requests, a friend with whom I don’t normally disclose my personal battles.  But this day, I was prompted to reach out to this friend.  I’m so glad I did.

Her pray immediately redirected my focus.  Her words had me stand erect, at attention.

After her reply, I was taken aback by my initial response to the pressure. How did I not turn to prayer as my 1st defense?  Had I forgotten to pray when I feel defeated and ready to give up? Thank God for my friend’s power packed prayer as it redirected my focus and I could regain enough footing to stand.


Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. Ephesians 6:11


And while standing, I prayed, “Oh Lord, Deliver me from the evil one. Oh Lord, that you would keep me from evil.  Lord allow me to stand my ground as he tries to approach. Let me not rest in my own ability to defeat sin and temptation, but let me be reminded that it is with your authority and through your power that I can stand against the wiles of the enemy. Lord keep me safe from the temptations that can so easily ensnare.  Open my eyes to see my vulnerabilities and weaknesses.  Lord be the compound that fills the cracks and crevices. You are the chief cornerstone, my strong tower, my defense.”

So I walked into the next day, renewed. I walked in confident that the Lord would keep the evil one from me. [bctt tweet=”When we declare the truth of God’s word, we are given an IMMEDIATE opportunity to put it into practice.” username=”inspiredfully”]

Indeed the Lord is faithful to keep the evil one from us, but are we positioning ourselves to stay out of the evil one’s way?  When the Lord CLEARLY allows us to SEE the fowler’s snare, will we circumvent it or step right into it?

Well my day that started confident and strong got fractured.  First, I drove my truck into an under ground parking garage, only to remember after hearing this terrible scraping that I had my luggage rack on the top.  I proceeded to slowly exit the garage but the damage was already done.  The top was contorted and near ripped off.  Now I was late for picking my daughter up from a test.  As I was trying to figure out how to rectify the damaged rack, she was texting and calling.  And she, being a bit of a worrywart began to get anxious.  I told her what was going on and that I’d be right there.  She then proceeds to call and tell my husband about the luggage rack.

Great, let’s complicate it even more.

I couldn’t get the container to close and surely we couldn’t drive back on the highway with it flopping in the wind.  It had to be removed.  So get the picture: a VERY pregnant me, 2 weeks from due date, standing precariously on the running board, hanging onto the top railings trying to unscrew this huge rack….Ummm, yeah.

By God’s grace we successfully get the rack off.  People walking in the parking lot gave us curious glances.  But now, where oh where would we fit this monstrosity?  This thing weighs 35 lbs., is nearly 4 feet long and 3 feet wide.  The truck already has 6 occupants and a teeny tiny trunk….You get the picture. I was tempted to leave it right there in that parking lot.  After much maneuvering and seat changes, we were able to j-u-s-t fit it into the car.  Well on that ride home, the rack was blocking my rear view, and my gas light was on.  Would I step into the snare?  I precariously teetered by it, but God reassured me to maintain my composure and to praise Him.

As I was driving on the highway, I saw something black fly off my car?  What was that?  Did it really come off my car?  Was that a piece of the rack? Hey where’s my husband’s phone?  I had it, now it’s missing.  I remember having it




when I climbed up to get the rack off.  Did I? Did I leave it on the car?  Needless to say, that was probably the phone as my husband went to the location  on the highway  a short time after and recovered the case but not the phone.

Seems like after all that, I was lost again and circling precipitously near the snare.  My vision was blurry.  I remembered the snare was somewhere in my vicinity.  LORD I can’t see, please don’t let me step in the snare.

Feeling slightly defeated, but not completely without hope, I cried out to the Lord who is a very present help in times of trouble.  Erica Campbell sings a song called HELP.  And that was surely my cry.  I stood, crying out, “Abba, help. Keep me from the evil one. Abba, I’m feeling weak. I don’t want to give up. Turn my ‘I can’t into an ‘I Can.”

Friend, have you ever had days where you just feel like “I can’t?”

Well God says YES YOU CAN!


His grace will empower you.  And He will keep His hand upon you and keep you from the evil one.

Don’t be discouraged.

Don’t be dismayed.

God is a very present help and He says, “Yes, you can!”

Pray for me as I’m praying for you.

As always it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

Happy to connect with these friends sharing the Good News Mommy Moments, #LifeGivingLinkup, Purposeful Faith, Grace & Truth

Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

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11 Replies to “I Can’t Adult Today”

  1. So glad we were neighbors on the #RaRaLinkup today Tyra! Beautiful reflections and great reminder. 🙂

  2. Denita Johnson 9 years ago

    Yes, praying for you. I have been there many of times and have sung the same song. Take care of yourself.

    1. Denita,
      Let us continue to walk in the surety that of we abide in Him, indeed we can stand. And not only stand but do so with a praise on our lips. Stay encouraged Sis.

  3. Thanks for sharing so honestly. YES YOU CAN!!

    1. Niki,
      The word affirms we overcome by the blood of the lamb & the word of our testimony. So we can when we share and encourage one another. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I just want to hug you! We’ve all been there! Thank you for sharing your story and your encouragement. If only we could allow ourselves to embrace as much grace as He gives us.
    Visiting from #mommymoments
    Happy Monday!!!

    1. Megs,
      I receive your virtual hug 😊. Your encouragement to receive as much grace as he wants to give reminds me of one of my GUIDING LIFE scriptures 2 Corinthians 9:8…yes friend, an ABUNDANCE of grace may we heartily receive it.

  5. Thank you for sharing. Too often I keep it together and pray in the moment but then something completely removed may tangle my nerves. It’s those quiet moments and peaceful moments that the enemy tries to still from me. Appreciate your openness. Love you

    1. Katrina,
      I can so relate to the unraveling when something unrelated happens. It’s the tipping point right? At the end of that days fiasco I had to break away, pray, cry and praise. And that kept me from unraveling. It totally recalibrated me. I pray you hold your peace and your praise because the enemy is waiting to snatch it out of our hands.

  6. Thank God for godly counsel!

    We all have our moments. It’s what makes us human when the burdens feel too heavy. That’s when it’s time to dump it all at his feet. “You deal with this God, because I can’t”

    Wow what an adventure!

    I wish I could have been there to help you. I would have left that luggage rack right there!

    I am praying for you my friend and sending lots of ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Be encouraged. You are his beloved.

    1. Thandi,
      Daily I’m laying it at his feet sweetie. And daily he supplies enough grace to make it through. I’ve still got a praise on my lips.

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